Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 581 The Crimson Moon Chapter 2: Return Of The Old Days

When all the shocking fighting intent poured into Hina's body, the original golden corpse quickly shriveled and shrank, and became a severely weathered and damaged mummy in the blink of an eye. wield

Garbage falls all over the floor.

The surrounding breath subsided in an instant.

Only Hina was left sitting cross-legged on the hard ground with her eyes closed.

Open the panel.


Status: Transforming

Simple properties don't see anything. wield

Richard let out a sigh of relief. According to past experience, this level of transformation cannot be completed in three or two days.

This is definitely a tough battle, and to tame that fighting spirit, Hina needs a strong enough will.

However, with the support of the hero altar, there is no fear of any accidents.

With a thought.

The power of the surrounding space surged out, separating this area.

Even if outsiders arrive here, they cannot get close.

After all this was done, Richard breathed a sigh of relief. wield

Now, just wait for the harvest.

I don't know what kind of transformation this fighting spirit brewed by the gods can make Hina.

It's really exciting.

After taking a deep look at Xina, who was almost out of breath, she turned and left.

Instead of returning to the lord's mansion through the original space gate, he went out through the entrance of the Quicksand Land.

It was completely dark.

Each of the two moons illuminates half of the sky. wield

As far as the eye could see, blood and silver rays of light were intertwined into a special light, covering the entire desert with a layer of tulle.

A large number of dark treants are stationed here at the moment, silently guarding the portal connecting the underground world and the eternal land.

Under the bloody light, these withered treants looked particularly terrifying.

Their master, the ancient tree of the gods, is still devouring the heart of the gods of chaos in the corrupt swamp for transformation...

Richard didn't pay much attention, and walked directly towards the two-way portal leading to the underground world.

Just as he was about to step into the portal, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Ding~ The master of the old faction - the Crimson Lord, has opened the Crimson Moon, and players can enter freely."

"Ding~ The first player to enter the crimson moon: Robert Auer, touched the power of the old days, became the old days benefactor, successfully broke through to Extraordinary level, the extra reward title, the old days messenger."

"Ding~ The Crimson Moon is open to all players. The new expansion pack—Crimson Moon Chapter 2: The Return of the Old Days is officially open."

"The old power scattered in various planes has gradually recovered under the illumination of the crimson moon."

"The ancient gods who once controlled the rules of the world will return."

"The lords can take the initiative to find the location of the ancient gods of the old days, and use the power of the old days to transform the army into old arms and make them have unique attributes."

"You can also go to the crimson moon to receive special missions."

"Ding~ Open the refreshment of the lairs of the old soldiers, attack various strongholds of wild troops that have been eroded by the old forces, and have a chance to obtain the lairs of the old soldiers."

"Note: After joining the old camp, you will be hostile by the gods."

The second chapter of the new expansion? !

Richard's eyes were fixed, and after opening the prompt and reading it several times in detail, his expression was a little subtle.

Windsor just told him that she built a base of the old camp outside the main plane...

That base is... Crimson Moon?

Looking up at the bloody moon floating in the sky, I was a little surprised.

The protagonist of the new expansion really unreasonable. wield

However, since the other party has already started to make arrangements in this area, why do they want to do business with him on the magic sound box?

The other party shouldn't be so concerned about such a small business.

That top boss is taking care of Twilight City?

Thinking of this, the mood is a little delicate...

After taking a few deep breaths, his eyes gradually returned to calm, and his attention was refocused.

Once the old days return... that means that the real chaos is about to start.

The time for the gods to lose their authority is gradually approaching. wield

Even without waiting for a few months, the Crimson Moon is open to the world, which will definitely arouse the horror and wrath of the gods.

Next, the crimson moon that surfaced will face an unprecedented battle.

No one will give up their own interests.

The gods will never sit still, their counterattack will definitely shock the sky.

However, since Windsor has made this decision, she must have been prepared.

The man with the Tongtian wrist is not easy to deal with.

"I don't know who is the lucky one who gained the old power and became Extraordinary?"

Richard was a little curious.

And there is such a good thing, why didn't Windsor give it to him?

No, it's a good thing for the player, but maybe not for him.

It's nice to carry the power of the past to break through the Extraordinary, but does he need it?

And it is beneficial to him, Windsor will not be stingy, and the price to be paid for this is not small.

For example, completely locked on the chariot of the old camp...

But he has obtained part of the authority in the desert, and the power of authority is very old and almost irreconcilable contradictions. wield

Although I don't know whether the authority of the desert will be deprived after Ragnarok, but it is still different after all.

Shaking his head, he didn't worry about it. After thinking about it, he turned around and returned to the Eternal Land.

In order to facilitate communication, as a key place connecting several territories, the Eternal Land always has a department for transmitting messages.

Call the person in charge and say directly.

"Send a message to the El Players Association immediately."

"Crimson Moon has special benefits, and the first batch to go will get more benefits."

"In this gemstone, its coordinates are engraved. Send it to the association. Naturally, someone will know how to deal with it."

"In addition, let the two vice presidents clearly inform everyone that the El Players Association... is on the side of the old camp."

Now that Windsor has already started, he can't delay it.

The D-level hero waited for him to finish his order, immediately took the gem, turned around and went to do it himself.

Richard waited until the back of the other party disappeared, and then he came back to his senses.

Seems to think of something, opened the player forum.

Sure enough, at this moment, all the news above are talking about the second chapter of the Crimson Moon.

Especially the lucky one who became Extraordinary has made countless people envy and hate. wield

"Who knows Robert? Extraordinary, that's Extraordinary. I'm only level 13 now. This bastard's luck is too good..."

"Who knows how to get to Crimson Moon? I want to go too!!"

"There will be an Extraordinary, brothers, the chapter on the recovery of the ancient gods, it seems that the benefits will definitely not be less than those of the explorer of the plane!"

Richard looked at it, and found a post, which was upvoted by countless people, and it became the most popular post in the blink of an eye. "What do you say, after Robert broke through Extraordinary, how is he doing with Qingchubi?"

After seeing the title, Richard clicked in curiously, wanting to see what those sand sculptures thought about this matter with a bit of a spectator mentality.

I thought there would be a scolding battle, but I didn't expect the situation to be all one-sided. wield

"What is Robert? Don't talk about Extraordinary, even breaking through Legendary is not enough for Qingqiu to fuck!"

"Are you joking? Haven't you seen the post that counts Qingqiu's strength? That pervert has three or four subordinates at the Extraordinary level alone. What kind of storm can an Extraordinary cause in front of the opponent?"


Although most players are envious of that lucky guy, but once Richard is mentioned, they are almost in a state of fanaticism.

An Extraordinary wants to challenge Qingqiu? dream! That's pretty much everyone's reaction.

Since entering the first copy of "Glory Age", the reputation that Richard has accumulated step by step has reached an extremely exaggerated height after killing the Lord of Greed and establishing the El Players Association.

Even if someone says that he is the Son of God at this moment, there are probably many players who believe him. wield

Richard was amused and didn't read much. After logging out, he checked other popular posts.

Most of them were useless blowjobs, and there was only one post from a player from the Nine Hells that raised his heart.

"Brothers, something serious happened!"

"Just now I followed a devil lord to the deepest part of hell, and met the Lord of the Nine Hells in Legendary - Asmodeus!!"

"This terrifying existence actually said that the Nine Prisons should prepare for battle immediately, and be ready to enter the main plane at any time!"

"And this super boss also said that he saw the fragments of the future, and the whole world will fall into turmoil and madness."

"Evil places such as the abyss, hell, and the undead plane will be connected to the main plane in the near future!"

"Hell is already raging wildly now, everyone hurry up and get ready, I look like it's coming for real!!"

The Lord of the Nine Prisons also saw the fragments of the future? !

Richard's eyes narrowed slightly, and the pressure in his heart increased.

This news doesn't belong to Windsor alone? !

The Lord of the Nine Hells can see it, does it mean...among the gods, those masters also know more or less about it?

Thinking of this, his face darkened a bit.

If the conjecture is true, then the ensuing chaos may be ten times more exaggerated than he imagined! wield

A group of organized and premeditated gods are preparing to act in advance, and no one can know what will happen at that time.

The sense of urgency in my heart rose again.

Once the abyss and hell are connected to the main plane, no one is safe.

And the terrible thing is that with him in the El plane, he will definitely become the target of countless forces.

Become stronger, Twilight City, still needs to become stronger!

Richard took a deep breath.

During the buffer period of these months, one minute and one second cannot be wasted! wield

At this point in my thoughts, I stopped lingering, and immediately turned and left the eternal land, and entered the underground world through the space gate of the quicksand land.

He hasn't set foot on this important base supporting the rapid development of Twilight City for two or three months. He needs to inspect it once, so that he can know what to do next, so that he can arrange the next goal.

At the same time, look at what An Daier researched so that Karoo praised him so wildly.

Half an hour later, Richard arrived at Bloodhoof City.

Ser Bloodhoof, whose level has been raised to level 18, the patriarch of the dungeon barbarians and the ruler of Bloodhoof City, respectfully welcomed him into the main hall.

Richard sat at the head of the long table, did not touch the hot tea brought by the maid, and stared at Searle and the dozen or so high-level officials in Bloodhoof City who were uneasy.

There was a strong sense of dullness suppressed in the air. wield

But he didn't speak, and no one dared to speak.

With the growth of Twilight City, Bloodhoof City has been relatively independent from the beginning, and now it has sunk into the Twilight City and has become an essential part of Twilight City.

Even now, the administrative system of Bloodhoof City is under the direct management of Twilight City, and every officer in the army must be appointed by Twilight City.

Above Bloodhoof City, only Richard's will remained.

Searle couldn't bear the depression at first, and after taking a deep breath, said in a deep voice.

"Master Richard, after half a year of construction in Bloodhoof City, the weapon factory you have repeatedly urged has been fully formed with the assistance of President Andair."

"Now Bloodhoof City has more than 30,000 talents directly engaged in weapon forging!"

"In order to maintain high-efficiency production, more than 300,000 people are providing supporting services for them!"

"In order to make up for the population gap, we also immigrated hundreds of tribes and forces to Bloodhoof City."

"It's no exaggeration to say that the current Bloodhoof is stronger than ever!"

Speaking of this, the tone became more and more excited.

"In terms of military affairs, Furnace City reproduced the long-lost blood awakening potion for us based on the secret recipe inherited from our ancestors."

"After the blood hidden in the dungeon barbarians was awakened, our army transformed into a top-level 15-level unit!"

"As long as you give me another three months, I can make the 15th-level troops in Bloodhoof City reach 100,000!"

Searle's eyes showed fanaticism.

Richard nodded slowly.

"You did very well."

"The weapon factory must maintain this momentum and continue to develop. If there is a shortage of manpower, you can report to Karu, and the Naga plane can capture slaves."

"As for the bloodline awakening potion of the dungeon barbarians... I remember that there is a big price to pay, right?"

"Five years, after awakening the blood, the life expectancy will be only five years."

The heat in Searle's tone has not diminished. wield

"'s all worth it!"

"For strength, we will give everything!"

"And you said that a war enough to destroy the main underground plane is coming."

"Even if Bloodhoof City is not violent, what awaits us is nothing but death!"

"Since there is no retreat, then give everything!"

"As long as we can tide over the difficulties, as long as the Twilight City is still there, Bloodhoof City will not be extinct!"

Richard took a deep look at the majestic and burly barbarian patriarch. wield

You will not shrink back when it is time to sacrifice, and you will not be timid when it is time to be crazy.

This is the real superior.

"Searle, I made a promise to you."

"One day, I will take you out of the underground world, go to the surface, fight against all races, and let the chess pieces of Bloodhoof City fly in the sky."

"I haven't forgotten this promise."

"In a few months, there will be major upheavals that will change the world."

"I issued a call-up order to you in advance, signaling that all troops in Bloodhoof City will join the war."

"If this war is won, I will build a city on the surface that belongs entirely to you for you and the dungeon barbarians."

"Let the dungeon barbarians step onto the surface! Become the ruler of the main plane!"

When Searle heard this, his eyes burned with scorching flames.

Underground life with a harsh living environment, almost everyone's dream is to go to the rich and safe surface of Legendary, where there is clean water and countless food.

Even he, the patriarch of Bloodhoof City, is no exception.

But more importantly, it was Richard's promise to them.

This is the will of the godslayer! wield

The news of Richard killing the gods has already been publicized countless times by the claim department of Twilight City. His great achievements are known to everyone in the underground world.

The dungeon tribe treats the strong with worship from the soul.

Serge knelt down on one knee fiercely, shouting frantically!

"Bloodhoof City, will follow you forever, until the end of life, my lord!"

Seeing this, the senior officials of Bloodhoof City behind him knelt down and made a solemn oath.

"Ding~ The leader of the dungeon barbarians, Searle, led all the high-level dungeon barbarians to swear allegiance to you, and you have obtained the absolute command of the dungeon barbarians."

"Ding~ You have completely conquered the underground world, everything here will belong to you, and your Legendary degree in the underground world has been raised to the most Advanced."

"You can issue a conscription order to forcibly conscript all dungeon clans into the army."

"You can issue an executive order to force all the Dungeon Race to carry out the order."

"In the underground world, all attributes of the army you command will increase by 30%!"

"In the underground world, you have the right to exploit all resource points."

"In the underground world, all wild monsters will be afraid of you, and will not take the initiative to attack your army, and there is a high probability that wild intelligent life will directly surrender to you."

When Richard saw the system prompt, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

Although he was also in control of the underground world before, but it is not as good as this kind of control in an absolute sense. wield

After Searle knelt down, after more than half a year of strategy management, the underground world, whether in fact or in name, completely belonged to him at this moment.

Truly private territory.

As long as he is willing, he can immediately issue a conscription order and summon one after another dungeon clan army.

In the underground world where everyone is a soldier, no one dares to ignore this feature.

Searle's surrender made the background of Twilight City skyrocket again...

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