Chapter 42: Scars

This raincoat is exactly the same...Su Chen looked at the back and turned sideways.

Bai Su's psychological side not only describes some specific features, but also points out some contradictions.

The characters it depicts have an indescribable sense of awkwardness.

Su Chen walked straight past the man and sat down on the sofa opposite the man.

Under the police hat, a pair of eyes revealed a scrutinizing gaze, patrolling the room.

"It looks like I'm in the right place."

Su Chen said coldly.

"Why kill that girl?"

And heard Su Chen's voice.

The man's body paused, wiped his face, revealing a square face with clear edges and corners.

Small eyes, high cheekbones, and unshaved stubble on the chin.

This face is not fierce, but ordinary, the kind of person who can't be found even if thrown into a crowd.

After Su Chen said this, the man did not react immediately.

Instead, he carefully smoothed the raincoat, his movements were extremely subtle, and with a bit of neurotic agitation.

Then, he responded in a muffled voice:

"Yes, I did it, I admit it..."

Su Chen suddenly sneered.

"I didn't talk to you."

He turned his head away and stared.

Just next to the sofa in the living room, there was a small wooden door, which should be the bedroom door.

And Su Chen's eyes fell on the back of this door.

"Don't hide."

He said lightly:

"The sins committed by a person cannot be avoided."


Su Chen's voice had just fallen.

A silver bell-like laughter came from behind the door.

Then, the small door was gently pushed open, and a young woman walked out.

At this moment, she seemed to have just finished bathing, wrapped in a bath towel, wet black hair fell on her shoulders, and a few crystal drops of water fell.

A pretty face, with a sickly blush on both cheeks.

The tall and strong man standing in the middle of the room trembled slightly when he saw the young girl.

Then he whispered:



The woman narrowed her eyes, stood on tiptoe, and rubbed the man's head twice as a reward.

Then she left the man and walked to Su Chen to sit down, crossing her legs.

And your tall and strong man, after a burst of joy, obediently stepped aside.

"Unexpected, really unexpected."

Su Chen pulled the corner of his mouth, his eyes fixed on the woman.

He did not go up to subdue the other party, because this was not reality, but a scene in his mind.

The conversation between the two was actually his own thinking.

"If it weren't for the psychological profile that Bai Su gave me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recognize the essence of the case in such a short time."

At this moment, Su Chen completely understood.

Why are there so many contradictions in that psychological profile.

According to the results of the profile.

The murderer will be a meticulous butcher.

At the age of 30, he would like to listen to heavy metal music that rebellious young people in their 20s like.

Moreover, this butcher who works at the bottom level also has anti-detection capabilities comparable to those of front-line criminal investigators!

He knows how to remove fingerprints, how to deal with bloodstains, how to destroy information on corpses...

These information do not conflict, but there is a subtle dislocation that makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, Su Chen also understood.

Why in the results of personality judgment, the remote part of "chaos" accounts for 21%!

It's not because the murderer is crazy or has split personality.

It's because the murderer and the person who actually did it are two completely different people.

One is a paranoid butcher who is responsible for killing, dismembering, and throwing corpses.

The other is a meticulous female student who is responsible for planning and designing anti-detection.

And in the 20 years of investigation, the police have always regarded the murderer of the Jinling University dismemberment case as one person because the relationship between these two people is very strange.

This butcher, equivalent to handing over all the control of his body and mind to this female student, he would not think independently, but completely obey orders, and had an absolute trust in the latter.

Therefore, this female student had an absolute dominant position in the relationship between the two people, and the butcher was like a part of her body, without autonomy, and allowed to be manipulated.

In the psychology monograph "Intimate Relationships" published in 1996, this extreme bilateral relationship was called a D-S relationship.

It refers to one party's complete submission to the other party in terms of body and mind, and voluntarily being controlled.

"Zhao Xiaoyue, female, 22 years old, from Suishan, Hewei Province, the only child in a single-parent family, studying in the Department of Psychology of Jinling University, with excellent grades, and the top ten in the comprehensive GPA major."

"I have a strong interest in criminal investigation, and have read many criminal investigation books. In addition, I am also a heavy metal music lover."

Su Chen stood up from the sofa, folded his hands on his chest, his eyes were calm, and he accurately told all the information about the girl in front of him while observing the other party's reaction.

The interrogation methods of old criminal detectives are all similar.

This time, Su Chen used the same trick that Duan Yu used at the beginning, which was to first tell the other party's detailed information in order to achieve a deterrent effect.

However, unlike Duan Yu, he holds the other party's substantial key evidence in his hands.

After Su Chen calmly finished speaking this long paragraph.

The girl opposite did not show any surprise, but smiled sweetly:

"Officer, you investigated very carefully, but the psychological warfare interrogation is still exempted."

"I am a psychology major and I will not be affected by psychological tactics."

"It's precisely because you are a psychology student at a top university."

Su Chen added:

"Only you can train, control, and manipulate a butcher who is thirty years older than you, and use him to complete your murder."

"Twenty years ago, when even college students were rare, you had a huge advantage in knowledge and literacy for the police, and you were definitely one of the most difficult criminals to deal with."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoyue nodded slightly to Su Chen and expressed that he found it very helpful.

"After studying psychology, I discovered that people are a very strange thing. Everyone has loopholes in their heart. As long as you can grasp this loophole, you can easily break through his mental defenses and change him at will."

Seeing the girl's reaction, Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

As a professional in psychology, this person's psychology is not abnormal. She is not an ordinary murderer, but should be classified as a perverted murderer.

Looking around the world, the type of perverted murderers who are good at playing psychological tricks are the most difficult to deal with.

"So, you used your expertise to tame this butcher."

"You obtained from him the two most important things in this murder. One is professional slaughtering skills, and the other is a strong male body that can complete the task of breaking up corpses and transferring body parts overnight. "

Su Chen analyzed:

"Actually, I might as well imagine boldly that you have actually domesticated this butcher into a tool most suitable for manipulating murder."

"When he first entered the house, I saw that he was consciously preventing the water from his raincoat from dripping to the ground. It must be that you have deliberately cultivated his habit and asked him to do things without leaving any traces."

"And in Bai Su's psychological analysis report, the paranoia that accounts for 70% of his personality comes from your deliberate cultivation."

At the beginning, when the tragedy occurred and the police discovered the scene, they clearly felt something.

This place is really clean.

It leaves almost no trace.

Now think about it, no matter how thoughtful a person is, there is no way he can temporarily clean up the scene after killing someone.

Unless it is a series of subconscious habits formed after long-term cultivation.

After Su Chen said these words, the woman not only did not show the look of embarrassment and anger after being exposed.

Instead, his eyes suddenly flickered.

His face showed joy, as if he had met a close friend!

Just like many notorious criminals, they are proud and conceited about their criminal methods and long to be discovered.

Su Chen saw all these performances, and his brows furrowed even more.

He realized that this girl's psychology seemed to be abnormally twisted.

Therefore, he was very confused. As the girl said, a person majoring in psychology would not be easily swayed by people using psychological warfare.

So, what caused this person's distortion? !


Su Chen finally spoke and asked the most critical question.

"Why did you kill that girl? You should be schoolmates, and there is no conflict."

It seemed that Zhao Xiaoyue's inner secret had finally been touched.

Su Chen saw that after he asked this question, the other party's pupils suddenly tightened!

"Just think of me as... to pay tribute, to worship that person."

The girl said, the blush on her face became more and more obvious, and her voice trembled slightly.

pay tribute? !

Su Chen immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Could it be that this Zhao Xiaoyue is a copycat? !

While he was thinking.

Then he saw the girl opposite, pushing her hair aside and raising her delicate chin.

All I could see was the white neck.

A scar across the entire throat is clearly visible!

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