Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 42: Sudden news! Platinum City serial murder case!

Chapter 43: News of mutation! Platinum City Serial Murder Case!

When he saw this scar, Su Chen felt a buzz in his mind.

It seemed like everything was overturned at this moment!

After studying the files for eight years, he suddenly thought of another major case.

No, it's not just a big case.

That is the first of the ten unsolved cases in the Dragon Kingdom.

"Platinum City Serial Murder Case."

Su Chen spoke, staring closely at the scars on the girl's neck.

The Platinum City Serial Murder Case is a case that occurred at the end of the last century.

In just eight days, four girls were killed one after another, and the manner of death was exactly the same.

That means having your throat cut with a knife.

For Shirogane City, that short period of time was definitely a desperate day, and it was the same for the police.

Because, as early as after the second girl was victimized, the police had already discovered this serial murder case and formed a special action team to investigate.

However, this investigation did not have any effect.

The next two victims appeared one after another when the police were under martial law throughout the city.

It is tantamount to declaring that all the efforts made by the police are in vain.

They can't even stop the victims from showing up.

There was some gossip going around at the time, that is, the reason why there were only four victims in this case.

Not because of police protection, but simply because the murderer has killed enough. As long as he wants to continue, the police can't prevent new victims from appearing.

Although it is just a rumor, it is extremely popular.

Immediately afterwards, some human throat fragments were sent by mail to the then Shirogane City Police Department.

And attached a provocative letter, mocking the incompetence of the entire Long Kingdom public security.

This is the most shocking and outrageous thing that has ever shocked the Longguo police!

The next afternoon, the suspect was ranked second on the Dragon Kingdom's reward list and became the target of detectives and criminal investigators across the country and even the world.

The murderer of this unsolved case has yet to be found.

The Platinum City serial murder case has since been designated as the top ten unsolved cases in the Dragon Kingdom.

Su Chen looked intently at the girl's fair neck.

He couldn't imagine how Zhao Xiaoyue survived with such hideous scars...

Sure enough, Zhao Xiaoyue's expression became more and more excited when he heard Su Chen talking about this case.

She raised her arms and said excitedly:

"That's right, officer, it's the Platinum City Serial Murder Case!"

"There were four victims in that case. In fact, there should have been a fifth, and that was me."

"It's just that when I was stabbed, I fell to the ground, my consciousness gradually blurred, but suddenly I felt my head being held up by someone from behind."

"His technique was very professional. While compressing to stop the bleeding, he supported my neck and closed the wound. Generally speaking, a normal cut throat injury can cause a person to die from blood loss within a minute, or the lungs may choke with blood and suffocate. , but that person’s first aid kept me going for ten minutes until the ambulance arrived.”

"That's how I became that Platinum City serial killer's only regret."

This thrilling description of the girl can be said to be both dangerous and dangerous.

But Su Chen has extensive knowledge about cases, and these things can no longer make him feel nervous.

He just frowned tightly and said:

"So, what you should be grateful for is the unknown mysterious man, rather than worshiping the murderer."

"After all, the former is the one who gave you life."

"No, you don't understand!"

Zhao Xiaoyue suddenly became excited and interrupted Su Chen's words.

Her admiration for the murderer was not suppressed at all on her face, which made Suchen suspect that this person must have suffered from the so-called Stockholm syndrome.

Well, it seems to be that name. After all, Su Chen himself doesn't know much about psychology.

Zhao Xiaoyue said loudly and excitedly:

"You don't understand that feeling. After I woke up, I first felt fear, that deep-rooted fear. I would recall my helplessness at that time, fearing that the murderer would find me again."

"However, it seems that he was hit by the news of my survival. The murderer has not committed any crime since then."

"Afterwards, when I thought back on it, I gradually found that the fear disappeared and was replaced by a kind of worship. You know, that is the worship of the weak."

"Perhaps, for that murderer, all the people in the city and human civilization are lambs to be slaughtered, and he is the only butcher!"

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