Early the next morning, Chu Feng came to school early.

A new day of penance began.

He is now full of energy, and the basic combat power brought by his blood qi value has reached five thousand one, and the real combat power is more than 70,000.

Coupled with the divine earth quality exercises, the combat power is absolutely extraordinary.

But not enough!

He realized the twelfth punch of the ten supreme fists, and the combat power reached 100,000, which was the goal he set for himself.

"First go through the basic body forging technique, and absorb the remaining energy from yesterday's first-order demon beast's heart blood."

Chu Feng had already played the basic body forging technique countless times, he was too familiar, and every movement was perfect.


takes the spine of the body as the core and the bones as the support, poses in different postures, and operates with the Yuan Force to absorb the remaining energy and accelerate the blood flow.

Constantly washing the body!

The sound of constantly stimulating fascia, tempering bones, and coagulating blood

"nourishment" continues to sound.

Chu Feng's finely adjusted breathing made the yuan force, fascia, bones, and blood resonate.

It's like endless insects crawling in the body, biting, numbness and soreness, but this is the deep changes in the cells in the body.

It constantly nourishes the internal organs, strengthens the blood qi, and strengthens the body.

"The tempering of muscles and fascia is almost complete, and when you eat the Essence Cleansing Pill, maybe the blood will also transform..." Chu

Feng felt every trace of change in his body through his inner vision.

Five times....

Ten times....


It took twenty times to play the basic body forging technique, and only then did he digest the last trace of hidden medicinal power.

After sitting still for a while, his mood calmed down, and his state reached perfection, he took out the prepared pen and paper and deduced the twelfth punch of the Ten Absolute Fists.

I began to scribble on it

, refinement in all directions, the route of vitality, all kinds of wonderful formulas....

But no matter how you deduce, you can't find a way forward. No entry into its doors.

After a long time, several paths that were hard to find seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and they were not at all short-term passable.

An hour later, he stopped deducing, the twelfth fist did not even see the specific direction, the realm was still far apart, and he couldn't even find the door in a short time, it was impossible to push the door and enter the hall.

He started throwing ten punches again, trying to gain an epiphany and find direction in practice.

Unfortunately, in several directions, it is always covered with a layer of fog, and the feeling of sudden openness cannot be found.

"It seems that it will be difficult to create the twelfth punch before the trial." Chu Feng felt a little regretful in his heart.

Since you can't comprehend the punching technique, let's increase your blood qi value!

He took out the porcelain bottle he had won from Shi Tao, and inside it was the famous Essence Cleansing Pill, and a pill was worth 200,000 yuan.

It is specially used to wash the bone marrow and transform the deepest layers of the body.

The medicinal effect is stronger than the first-order fierce beast's heart, of course, it is not as good as the second-order one.

He opened the cork and poured out an emerald green elixir, the size of a dragon's eye, crystal clear, and exuding a huge medicinal qi.

After smelling it, I feel refreshed and refreshed.

"Good Dan!"

Chu Feng swallowed directly on his back and began to run the basic body forging technique again, washing the bone marrow and condensing the blood from the root.

He felt that the temperature of the bone marrow fluid rose rapidly, as if boiling, constantly cleaning up the impurities in it, expelling it in the deepest layer of the body with the blood, and then excreting it with sweat.

As time passed, his pulp became crystal clear after continuous baptism, like jade liquid.

The ability to form blood has improved by an unknown amount.


Chu Feng couldn't remember how many times he had played the basic body forging technique, until he felt that the absorption of medicinal power was already very slow, and then stopped cultivating.

"There is also about half of the medicinal power that has not been absorbed."

With the increasing cultivation, Chu Feng felt that the basic body forging technique was no longer enough.

As the absorbed elixir became stronger and stronger, the effect of the basic body forging technique became worse and worse.

It seems that the trial is over, and it is necessary to hurry up and replace the forging technique.


There was no sun and moon in cultivation, and the time soon arrived at six o'clock on Thursday afternoon.

Chu Feng stopped cultivating, and the rest of the time he had to go to the library to check the materials of the trial.

For example, which part of the monster beast is valuable, how to dissect the monster beast with more effort, the combat power and characteristics of various monster beasts, and weaknesses.

After that, I also have to purchase equipment, such as knives to cut monsters and large packages containing monster materials.

Chu Feng had already asked, and the demon beast materials killed in the trial belonged to the students themselves.

"Come on! Put your skills to the test at the end! "

After two days of refining and absorption, the medicinal power of the Essence Cleansing Pill has been completely digested.

Chu Feng came to the tester and slightly adjusted his physical state.

"Old-fashioned, test the basic combat power first!"

I saw him step out with his left foot, lean back, and punch out like a full bowstring.

Mixed with the sound of wind and thunder, it smashed heavily on the tester.


With a muffled sound, the tester instantly began to beat.

Finally frozen on the number 6530.

"Not bad, the basic combat power has increased by more than a thousand." Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

However, he also had a hint of worry in his heart, and the Essence Cleansing Pill worth 200,000 could only increase the basic combat power by more than a thousand.

The stronger the physical fitness, the more difficult it is to grow, and the effect of the next elixir of the same level will probably become worse and worse.

"Forget it, why worry about people, the strength is strong, and the treasures obtained are naturally more powerful."

"Ten Absolute Fists, let's break out in combat power!"

The Yuan Force ran like a tidal wave, and the shell that came out of the right fist hit the tester hard.

After a loud "bang"

, the number froze at 13368.

A random punch actually reached the level of a martial artist.


Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


With a loud bang, the screen "rattling" began to flash wildly.

The tenth punch directly hit a terrifying number, 84956!

This kind of combat power marked that Chu Feng was already a standard high-level martial artist.

"Extreme combat power burst out!"

Chu Feng let out a roar and cast a punch of his own creation.

In an instant, the trainer was filled with an oppressive aura.

His right fist carried the sound of rapid wind and thunder, like a meteorite falling from the sky, as if it could shatter all obstacles.

After a "bang"

, the numbers jumped wildly.

The mouths are frozen on 98024.

It is only one step away from the taboo number of 100,000.

"Hiss... It is already close to the threshold combat power of the grandmaster.

Although he had already expected it, Chu Feng still gasped.

The threshold for Grandmaster's combat power is 100,000.

He has actually become a top master among the great martial artists.

"The great martial artist who is less than eighteen years old, I don't know if there is such a genius in the history of Qingzhou City? In short, he had never heard of it. "

Chu Feng just clenched his fists, when this trial is over, maybe it will be the time for me to break through the Grandmaster's combat power.

He sorted out his clothes and when he went out, he prepared to go to the library to check the materials first, and then go to buy equipment.

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