On Friday morning, Chu Feng ate something casually, after checking the equipment.

Tell my sister that she is going to the competition, the time is two days, and let her stay safe at home.

Then took a taxi to the school.

At this time, the square of the experimental middle school was already hunting for flags, and various enthusiastic slogans such as "kill monsters and win glory for the school" were also posted.

The square was already crowded, with students competing and parents seeing them off.

As soon as Chu Feng arrived, he saw Luo Hua, a dead party, flattering a female classmate in the front, and three young people standing next to him, with extraordinary postures.

The female classmate was wearing an apricot yellow dress, her face was delicate, and her chest was towering, and she was indeed a rare beauty.

The only drawback is that some are cold and lonely, and there is a faint meaning of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

The woman is Luo Hua's dream lover. Wang Yanran, the school flower goddess of the experimental middle school, has profound combat power and is also a genius trained in the elite team of the Wuxia Association.

"Chu Feng, are you here?" Luo Hua's expression looked a little unnatural.

The arrival of Chu Feng naturally caused many people's side eyes.

Luo Hua immediately ran over.

"Are you sure you don't team up with me?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

Luo Hua looked at the beauties, a little hesitant, and soon showed a resolute face: "Brother, I spent a lot of money to team up with them, I can't lose my trust, otherwise what do you think of me?" That's my future happiness!

"Chu Feng, don't you come to our team, although your strength is strong, but the Five Elements Mountain Range is very dangerous, I heard that Lin Zhennan and Li Chenyi, these geniuses, are also preparing to form a team, do you want to join our team?"

Chu Feng interrupted lightly: "No, I'm used to going it alone, so I won't make a scene." "

It's okay to take Luo Hua, it's absolutely impossible to take those who don't care.

Last night, after communicating by phone about the formation of the team, and knowing the approximate situation of the matter, Chu Feng decided to act alone.

Teaming is relatively safe, but it also affects the efficiency of hunting. And with Chu Feng's current strength, he is absolutely ridden, in his opinion, others are a burden.

Luo Hua nodded with some regret: "Then you pay attention to Lin Zhennan, Shi Tao is his little follower, although Shi Tao is seriously injured and cannot come to the competition, but Lin Zhennan may be unfavorable to you." The

two talked a few more words, and Luo Hua returned to the team.

A young man said with some dissatisfaction: "Why is Chu Feng unwilling to join the team?" Hum! Isn't it the martial artist threshold combat power? The madness is boundless.

"That is, Senior Sister Wang Yanran's combat power is thirteen thousand, a real martial artist." Who does he think he is?

Wang Yanran frowned, and said with displeasure: "Forget it, we didn't decide to take him in the first place."

Luo Hua's face was bitter, and he bowed his head in silence.

Chu Feng didn't care about this time, found a corner and began to close his eyes.


"The team members participating in the trial, hurry up and line up, please ask the respected Principal Jiang Tian to speak, everyone is welcome!" Jiang Chao's voice was loud.

Principal Jiang's face was solemn, and the sound boom was long.

"Students! For eight hundred years, monster beasts have been the natural enemies of our human race, killing my compatriots, destroying my homeland, and sharing the hatred of heaven with us. Killing demon beasts is the duty of my warriors, and protecting my Terran race is the justice that my generation fully defends.

"Today's trial is a great opportunity for everyone to try their skills for the first time, everyone should fight bravely to kill the enemy, confirm their martial arts, and promote the prestige of our school." Of course, we must pay attention to our own safety, and I hope that every student can return safely. Finally, I wish you all good results. Principal

Jiang's encouraging words instantly ignited the enthusiasm of all students.

"Kill the demon beast!"

"Protect my Terrans!"


"Good! Everyone is quiet, in this trial, killing ferocious beasts is not worth points, killing first-order primary monster beasts is scored one point, first-order intermediate monster beasts are scored two points, first-order advanced monster beasts are scored five points, and first-order mutant monster beasts are scored ten points; Killing a second-order primary demon beast is twenty points, killing a second-order intermediate demon beast is fifty points, killing a second-order advanced demon beast is worth one hundred points, and killing a second-order mutant demon beast is worth two hundred points, but I suggest you run away directly when you see it..."

Mentor Jiang Chao's words caused laughter below.

"Don't laugh, remember to sign a life and death pledge, save your life first. Second-order high-level demon beasts and second-order mutant demon beasts are extremely dangerous, whether alone or in a team, they immediately flee when they see them. As for third-order demon beasts, they rarely appear in this area. And being inspected several times by the masters of the Qingzhou Army, there should be no one.

"As for the ferocious beast level, the point name tag will have a hint. Please come up one by one to receive the point nameplate, remember to guard the point nameplate, he is the proof of your achievements. After receiving the nameplate, get on the Yuanli bus according to the nameplate number, and then set off for the Five Elements Mountain Range. "

The identity plate is a technological product developed by Longguo and can be worn on the arm. Also called integral bracelet.

Through the precision chip, it automatically detects and perceives everything around and automatically records the monster killed by each student.

Another important role of the point nameplate is that it can identify dangerous monsters, allow students to escape in advance, and play a relative protection for students.

At the same time, there is also a directional map on the point nameplate to guide students not to get lost, and to mark their location from the base camp.

Moreover, the points of the point nameplate can also be given to each other, which is not only convenient for the distribution of points by team, but also conducive to plundering points.

In the trial area, it is encouraged to plunder points from each other, but plundering one person's points can only rob half at a time, and it can be transferred again after one day.

The points nameplate can also be connected to the huge projection screen outside to display the ranking in real time.

As long as there are no fatalities, generally no one will track them down.

Chu Feng was in the library yesterday and had fully understood these news.

"Hmph! I'm expecting someone to rob my points! The corner of Chu Feng's mouth outlined a trace of evil arc.

Soon, Chu Feng received his point nameplate, No. 1398!


After everyone received the nameplate.

Principal Jiang Tian waved his sleeves: "Get in the car, go!" "

After waiting for the Yuanli bus to drive out of the city and make a hundred miles.

The majestic Five Elements Mountain came into view, as deep as an abyss, with primeval forests all over and black oppression.

From time to time, there was an extremely terrifying beast roar, which was shocking and terrifying.

The Yuanli car that Chu Feng was riding in began to have people talking, and there was silence at this time.

Before it was like a mountain, a sense of depression filled the entire carriage.

Soon, the Yuanli bus drove to an open space under the Five Elements Mountain, which was where the base camp of this trial was.

At the moment, the cars were parked, and there were people from various schools to try out.

Chu Feng looked at the other two or three thousand people.

There are also people from various media and TV stations, who are already looking for locations and waiting for real-time coverage.

Chu Feng followed the flow of people and came to the clearing, just about to find a location.

An icy voice came.

"You are Chu Feng from the experimental middle school?"

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