Global Martial Soul: Start Awakening Deathwing

Chapter 179 Strength Is Everything! (Seek Full Order)

"So, Ah Yi, I regret it now.

Li Yao raised his head and drank all the beer bottle in his hand, his eyes were slightly red.

"Junior high school, high school we are all together, for training, you work hard as always.

But I dismissed it, even if I awakened a B-level martial spirit and went to the Soul Martial Arts University, I would spend three days fishing and two days drying the net.

"I didn't see it through until the last four or five months."

"In this society, history is everything!!"

"In the past, I made a lot of friends with a little money. But these people, without exception, began to alienate me after hearing that my family was suppressed on July 43."

"But what if I'm an Earth Sha rank soul warrior? So what if I don't have money? I'm also respected! And as long as I want, I can get a lot of money!"

"Besides, even if you are not of the Disha rank, as long as you show enough talent, you can still gain a lot of respect! For example, you, Ayi, will be broadcast live nationwide, and tens of millions of people will cheer for you at the same time!

Not to mention the millions of Huaxia Coins you harvested in this competition, that's something I can't even imagine!"

Li Yao opened another bottle of wine, "Of course, in this world, people with power and money are also respected.

However, none of this is as important as strength. "

"If the rich have no money, it's over."

"People with power may lose power if they don't have that position."

"Power and money are given from outside. Your own force is the most real!"

"So I summed it up—the most reliable thing is your own strength! Even if you have no money and power once, you can still make a comeback with ten strengths!"

Luo Feng couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, although there is no large-scale invasion of fierce beasts now, strength is still the most important.

After all, when facing life and death, money and power are not as useful as strength.

Li Yao can understand this truth, which means that he has made a lot of progress in the past six months.

After drinking another glass of beer, Li Yao continued:

"My family's business was suppressed this time, which can be regarded as a wake-up call for me."

"This winter vacation, I will train hard at school, and before school starts, I will be able to become an Extraordinary second-order soul warrior!"

"At that time, I will also be able to apply for a scholarship in the school, purchase medicinal pills and reagents, and further enhance my strength.

It is different from a top school like Shanghai Hunwu University.

Common's Soul Warrior University, being able to enter the second level of Extraordinary in the freshman year, is already considered a very good strength.

For such characters, the school naturally has rewards.

"By the way, Yi, your level in the three-school exchange competition was Extraordinary level 7. Now that four months have passed, how much has your strength improved?"

Li Yao asked curiously.

"Extraordinary ninth order."

Su Yi touched his nose and said.

"Extraordinary ninth order??!!"

Li Yao's eyes widened, and after a long while, he finally regained his composure and said with emotion:

"Perverted, too perverted!"

"Some instructors in our school are only at the ninth level of extraordinary strength.

Moreover, the real combat power is definitely not as strong as yours!"

The tutors in the Common Soul Warrior University are generally Extraordinary level 7 or 8.

The ninth level of Extraordinary is considered a relatively top tutor.

And the Disha rank is enough to become the dean of a certain college.

"Forget it, I can't compare to you pervert. According to my own plan, before graduation, I can enter the sixth level of Extraordinary."

Li Yao held it up and was called, "Come on, toast to our future!"

Seeing that Li Yao wasn't discouraged at all, Su Yi couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Come on, do it!"

Su Yi also raised the wine bottle.

The two brothers chatted and drank wine here. After eating and drinking, the two ordered another pot of tea and sat there chatting until around ten o'clock in the evening before Su Yi sent Li Yao to school

On the Humanoid Road.

"Ayi, when I was watching the game, the girl named Zhu Jinyu from the same school as you seemed to have a close relationship with you, is that your girlfriend?"

Li Yao, who was slightly drunk, teased.

Su Yi4.9 did not deny it, but nodded with a smile.

"Haha, okay, okay, you guy, you finally have a girlfriend.

Li Yao is really happy for Su Yi.

The age of marriage in Huaxia is 18 years old. Many people fall in love in high school and get married as soon as they graduate.

And although he himself is not to this extent, he has had several girlfriends.

Now seeing that Su Yi, who always likes to be alone, has someone he likes, he is naturally very happy.

"Next time you come back, remember to bring her with you."

In front of the school gate, Li Yao waved his hand, then walked slowly inside. .

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