Global Martial Soul: Start Awakening Deathwing

Chapter 180 Galewind Battle Group (Full Order)

After parting with Li Yao, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening when we returned to the villa.

On the second floor of the villa, Su Yi quickly took off his jacket, put on a black suit, and went to the training room.

Different from the villa dormitory training room in the magic capital Soul Wuda, this training room does not look so high-end.

The ground is only made of training-grade composite materials, and no alloy materials are used.

However, because it only cost about 4 million, Su Yi's requirements are not that high, and it is enough for him to train and use it.

"The wind and thunder dragon wings have been cultivated successfully, and my fighting style has become more flexible.

But to achieve the level of flexible use, you need more practice. "

Golden Red mobilized his soul power, and behind Su Yi, the red dragon wings about three meters long spread out slowly.


Around these two wings, there are faint thunder and whirlwind floating.

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat, his wings flapped behind him, and he turned into a phantom, crossing a distance of 30 meters in an instant, and stopped in front of the opposite wall.

"This speed is too fast!!"

Su Yi is not only a little emotional.

The speed of using Fenglei 09 Dragon Wing is more than 5 times faster than his own running speed!!

"With such haste, I can easily escape in front of the Tier 3 beast!"

"Unfortunately, it's just that the consumption of soul power is too great.

According to different speeds, the speed of soul power consumed by Fenglei Dragon Wing is also different.

In the case of extreme driving, Su Yi's Extraordinary ninth-level soul power will be completely exhausted in less than a minute!

"Extremely driven wind and thunder dragon wings are only used when escaping for one's life."

"For normal use, you don't have to worry too much about battery life."

"Now, let's continue my actual combat training."

Taking a deep breath, Su Yi grasped it in the air, and the flaming saber came out and was held in his hand.

next moment.

I saw him holding a flaming sword in his hand, flapping his wings, turning into a golden phantom, training crazily in the training room.

The fluctuations in soul power that erupted during this period, if seen by the middle-level soul fighters of Di Sha, would feel palpitations.

On the day of the Spring Festival, Su Yi stayed with everyone in the Su family and enjoyed the warmth of the family.

until the next day.

He just embarked on the journey to the South of the Stream Wilderness Area.

March 5th, birthday point.

Jiangnan Province, Xinan supply base.

The Xinan Wilderness Area, as a medium-sized wilderness area, attracts most of the spirit warriors from the Disha rank or even the Tiangang rank.

Unlike the Extraordinary rank soul warriors, these soul warriors are generous.

A transaction often involves millions of Huaxia coins.

Therefore, the entire Xinan supply base was also built extremely luxuriously.

The entire base is hundreds of meters high, and the exterior tiles are made of advanced materials.

Under the sunlight, not only will there be no light pollution, but an inexplicable dark light will radiate out.

Very mysterious.

In front of the first floor of this huge supply base is a huge fountain square.

Around this square, there are hundreds of soldiers with guns patrolling back and forth to prevent idlers from approaching.

Some Common citizens who came here to watch it could only stand outside, looking at the tall base with a look of amazement on their faces.

They cannot enter this building once in their lifetime.


Suddenly, with the roar of the engine, an armored train came from a distance and entered the square under the gaze of everyone.

This train is not big in size, only small buses are available in the world.

But the protective measures of the body are not weak.

Not only is there a huge spiked guardrail in front of the front of the car, but the entire body surface is also covered with hard alloy.

What's more striking is that there is a huge turret on the roof.

The thick gun barrel with a diameter of up to ten centimeters shone even colder under the sunlight.

"Damn it, is the destroyer gun on the roof?!"

Someone exclaimed.

The hide and flesh of the ferocious beast is thick, and Common bullets and missiles can't kill it at all.

However, there are also some special equipment that can cause considerable damage to fierce beasts.

Destroyer is one of them.

Not only is the diameter of each shell as high as 10 cm, but the bullets are all made of A-grade alloy with a reinforced armor-piercing shape.

With one shot, even second-order Intermediate beasts can be killed!!

What's more, the output of this special equipment is extremely low, and ordinary people can't get it at all!

It is usually only equipped to the adventurer team with the official background of Huaxia Kingdom.

"Tsk tsk, look at the dark red blood stains on the front of the car, this armored car must have been in and out of the wilderness frequently!"

"Destroyer cannon, if our team has such a gun, be careful, I'm afraid you can walk sideways in this wilderness area south of the river!!"

"The destroyer cannon is not accessible to ordinary people. What is the background of the people in this car?"

"What's the background? Look at the badge next to the car, do you still know what team this is?"

Someone pointed to the side of the armored vehicle and said.

There, there is a badge with a circle as the base and a simple long sword in the middle.

Next to it is the word 'gale wind' in seal script.

"It's actually the adventure team of Galewind!"

"Hey, Galewind Battlegroup? I don't know which squad of the battlegroup is on it."

"As I remember, there are only five squads of the Galewind Regiment in our Jiangnan province, from the fiftieth to the fifty-fourth."

"It's no wonder that the team of the Galewind Regiment has such luxurious armored vehicles and destroyer guns.


Seeing this badge, everyone suddenly realized.

With a circle as the base, there is a badge of a simple long sword in the middle, which is the badge mark of the official background battle group of China.

And there are three battle groups with this badge.

They are named Gale, Chiyan 743 and Thunder respectively.

These three battle groups all belong to the official background of the Huaxia Kingdom, and they are all led by powerful kings.

And each battle group has hundreds of teams, half of which are gathered together to open up the wilderness.

There are also some, which are distributed in various base cities of Huaxia Kingdom and are responsible for different responsibilities.

But no matter what part they are in charge of, the members of these teams are the elite among soul warriors.

Under the eyes of everyone adoring, the armored vehicle stopped at the gate of the supply base.


The car door opened, and a group of seven people stepped down from it.

Among the seven people, six of them were wearing light blue battle clothes and carrying different weapons.

There is only one person wearing a Black battle suit and carrying a Black backpack.

This man was tall, with a firm face, and a fierce aura exuded from his whole body.

People dare not underestimate.

"Captain Wang, I have troubled you this time."

Among the six people, Su Yi expressed his thanks to the one with the most vigor.

Galewind, the fifty-first team, is the name of this team.

This team is also a team of soul fighters with the official background of Hangzhou.

Every team member has at least the mid-level strength of Earth Sha, and the entire team is extremely powerful!

Hearing that he was coming to the Xinan Wilderness Area, and that Team 51 was coming here, Yang Dutong arranged for a ride. .

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