Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 17 [One side investment, one side suppression]

Bluestar Technology Studio.

At this moment, Lu Siming, Feng Yi and other team members were all around Xu Yong's back, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the piece of paper in Xu Yong's hand.

Feng Yi: "Is it really a 1 million cash check?"

Lu Siming: "It can't be true."

Xu Yong: "I now hold the largest sum of money in my life, a whole 1 million!!!"

Everyone surrounded Luo Sheng, and the two sisters, Irene and Su Yali, had stars in their eyes, full of admiration.

"Hey boss, I can't figure out that we can get 3 million investment, why you refused and only 1 million? This is too... This is unscientific, this is inhuman." Lu Siming couldn't help saying.

In fact, this is something that everyone doesn't understand, but none of the team members said anything at that time, and they couldn't catch up at all at that time. Now that VC is gone, everyone has also solved the doubts that were simmering in their hearts.

Xu Yong gave the cheque to Luo Sheng, who flicked the cheque with his finger, stared at the denomination on the cheque, and said, "Never think about taking small advantages, you can take advantage of it and be tempted when you see it. When accidents happen, there are often traps behind them. Even if they don’t, the gains will outweigh the losses. If you take a small advantage now, you will suffer a big loss in the future. We are a start-up team. In the early stage of the company’s development, we don’t know how to use it effectively if we take too much money. The leveraged power of capital.”

"Capital can save lives, but more often it is a deadly poison. If you don't use it properly, you will suffer from it. Taking less money not only avoids this invisible harm, but also gradually utilizes the value of capital, so that capital can be used for me instead of Become a slave to capital."

"If I take 3 million now, I will sell 24% of the company's equity based on the valuation after financing, but if I take 1 million and only sell 8% of the equity, the valuation is 2 million less, but it doesn't matter. We First use this money to run the company better and healthier. When I spend all this money and then find a VC for pre-A round of financing, the negotiation will have a bigger bargaining chip, and we may get 50 million pre-round financing. -A round of financing but the transferred shares plus angel round financing can also be controlled below 20%.”

After hearing Luo Sheng's words, everyone suddenly realized that he could be so thoughtful and thoughtful. Irene put her chin on her white hands and worshipped without concealment: "Brother Luo, you are amazing~~, except for computer majors, not only can you play The piano can compose excellent piano music, how can he still have such a deep research on the law, it seems that he is born to be able to do everything..."

"Uh..." Luo Sheng coughed a few times, naturally he couldn't tell him that I was a soul from another world, and immediately smiled: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, what I really understand about legal matters is just a little bit of skin, this is still I was influenced by my mother. She is a very good professional lawyer and a consultant to several big companies. Besides, no one is born with it, and there are only two things that people are born with?"

Erin: "Which two?"

Luo Sheng was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Wow, cry and eat."


"It makes sense, I'm speechless."

They didn't know that the news of Tengxun's angel round financing appeared on the news of the Internet sector the next day, and this was further noticed by the Internet and investment circles.

In fact, there have been a lot of related news about BlueSpace website in the Internet sector. In the case of the downturn in the industry, BlueSpace website is like a ray of light. Although the current size is not large, no one cares about this. What they care about is growth rate.

And its growth rate is undoubtedly the envy of many people in the industry, and it is inevitable that more and more people in the industry have begun to analyze and study the BlueSpace website.


Tengxun headquarters.

"BlueSpace will definitely become QQ's biggest competitor in the future? Do you really think so?" Mr. Ma looked at Xu Chenghua, who came back to the headquarters to report in surprise.

"Yes, it's still in the early stage of development, and I can't come up with reliable and convincing data to support my judgment, but from my personal intuition, this team, especially the young founder Luo Sheng, gives I feel like a natural entrepreneur and leader. I think we should take BlueSpace up to the strategic level of the company, which we ignored once more than a month ago and can't make the same mistake again."

Xu Chenghua said so and nodded affirmatively.

Mr. Ma, who was sitting in the boss' chair, couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hands, "From what you just described, Luo Sheng, a young entrepreneur, is indeed impressive... It makes sense, the same mistake can't be made again, since the acquisition plan If it fails, then concentrate on launching our R community, let the person in charge of this project take a while ahead of schedule, can't delay it, and give me another half a month to spell it out for me, and the person in charge who can't spell it out takes the initiative to resign."

The R community is a brand new website of Tengxun, that is, it was born after imitating the B community.

Mr. Ma added: "However, the investment in Bluestar Technology must not be left behind. In the subsequent rounds of financing, our company must actively participate in it. At the same time, we must also comprehensively suppress it without reservation. If we can't kill it, we will die. beat."

Xu Chenghua nodded: "Understood!"

While frantically suppressing, while Bluestar Technology is short of money, it does not hesitate to invest money for the other party. This seems to be contradictory and incomprehensible.

But this just shows the pattern of the big guys. If the R community wins, it will be a big victory. If the R community loses the competition, Teng Xun can't be said to be the loser, because Teng Xun is the Blue Star. major shareholder in technology.

From the perspective of investment and management, the two-handed preparations seem to be contradictory, but the potential risks are perfectly hedged as much as possible. If the R company fails to compete and does not invest in Bluestar Technology, it will be completely for Tengxun. failure, even catastrophic.

As far as the current Internet industry is concerned, any Internet company that has achieved the top position in the industry will not dare to say that its leading position has been unbreakable.

Mr. Ma is also an entrepreneur. Tengxun has not yet been listed, and the company almost died in the early stage of development. The sense of crisis is a problem that he often thinks about.


Time passed by day by day, and after half a month, Tengxun launched their new product, and the R community went online quietly in a hurry. The R community was launched in advance in colleges and universities that had not yet launched the B community, and QQ took advantage of its user base to attract traffic.

BlueSpace's first strong competitor finally appeared, and the comfortable expansion era lasted for a month and a half, and came to an end with the launch of the R community.

With the launch of QQ, that is, the R community, under the dual advantages of Tengxun's drainage + abundant funds, and adopting the strategy of avoiding direct competition with BlueSpace, first grabbing the blank area market, the user growth of the R community is also increasing. Climbed with astonishing efficiency.

Within a week of launch, the user growth rate exceeded 200,000, and within half a month, it exceeded 500,000. Although this growth momentum is slightly weaker than the current B community, it is also relatively speaking, it is actually very amazing. .

If the popularity of the B community has shocked the industry and has not yet reacted, the launch of the R community has undoubtedly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire industry.

After the launch of the R company, other follow-ups no longer hesitate. In a certain development studio, a project called [51 Personal Space] was established, and there were also similar projects such as [Campus Network].


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