Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 290 [The big news that suddenly shocked the industry]

Latest website: On the coastline, a large number of staff are busy on the yacht deck at the moment, the submersible has been put down, and there are also several sailors in the sea.

Luo Sheng had already left the deck and discussed technical issues with several key researchers in a house inside the yacht.

"If the subsea data center works smoothly in terms of technology, operation, economy and environmental protection, it can completely change cloud computing." Luo Sheng looked around at several senior technical research experts in the room.

A senior engineering technician said: "It's not easy, the predecessors have not done it, and there is no experience to follow, so you can only explore by yourself, which requires a lot of trial and error research, which will inevitably lead to a result, that is, a huge amount of research and development funds and time. put in."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng nodded and smiled: "Of course, this is groundbreaking, as it should be. Cloud computing is the company's core strategy, and our [Nebula Star-Cloud] solution currently has no competitors in the industry. No matter how much money and time you spend on a project, it’s an investment in the future.”

Luo Sheng formulated a three-step strategy for this project, that is, three major stages.

The first stage of work is to do a lot of related research and model demonstrations, that is, the preparatory work, which belongs to the theoretical research stage;

The second phase is the pilot phase, which focuses on operating a single pod with low power usage, deployed at a depth of no more than 100 meters, and no more than 15 nautical miles from land. This phase is to demonstrate up to 5 years of lights-out operation, aka warranty five years. First, the prototype underwater data center will be tested on the coast of the East China Sea. At this time, it must still be powered by a land-based power grid.

The third stage is the formal application stage. At this stage, all the technical precipitation of the submarine data center is quite mature and can be fully deployed.

The eastern part of China has a long coastline of 18,000 kilometers. The developed areas are concentrated around the coastline of 18,000 kilometers. From a global perspective, most of the population is concentrated in the three continents of Europe, Asia and North America in the north temperate zone.

Luo Sheng's goal is very simple. The first phase focuses on the mainland, and the full deployment of submarine data centers is concentrated in the three major sea areas. The South China Sea data center radiates to the southern Pearl River Delta economic belt.

These three economic circles can be said to be the most prosperous economic zones in China, all of which happen to be around the coast, and are the best choice for building super-giant submarine data centers.

The domestic deployment was completed before expanding overseas.

Before that,

Under Luo Sheng's helm, whether Bluestar Technology or Cote d'Azur, their strategic focus is mainly on overseas markets in Europe and the United States.

But times are different, and the general environment is quietly changing. This is a problem that must be considered as a multinational technology group.

The next era is an era of great changes unseen in a century, China began to step by step towards the center stage of the world, and the West began to decline.

Whether the strategic focus is west or east, Luo Sheng can of course vote with his feet.

There is no doubt that it should be placed in the motherland in the period of rapid growth, not in the declining West. In the words of the great man, walking on two legs and paralleling the two rules will make the road stable and will not fall.

So from now on, whether it’s the domestic market or the overseas market, it’s best to go hand in hand. If you want to focus on the other side, it must be more about the major Chinese market.

Only by firming up such a strategy, not to say that you can win but at least you can be undefeated. Even if the overseas market is frequently suppressed by the West in the future, or even completely lost, it will not die. Relying on the huge domestic market size, no matter how the European and American countries suppress it, it will definitely be refuses to die.

As long as you don't die, you can come back.

The so-called green hills do not have to worry about no firewood. Luo Sheng, as the helm of Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology, is looking forward to the best while expanding aggressively. At the same time, he must also consider the worst and plan for the worst. To be able to turn against the wind even when the worst results occur, so as to be invincible, this is a situation that a qualified helmsman must consider.

After staying at sea for most of the day, Luo Sheng returned to land in the afternoon.

The new project of the submarine data center soon entered the R\u0026D demonstration stage under his leading decision. The initial R\u0026D budget was 122 million yuan. For Bluestar Technology Group, which has always started in several billions, this budget seems to be very unpretentious. .

In fact, this is not the case, and it would not be so if it was known that the budget was for the first phase of theoretical research.

The road is taken step by step. The first stage does not require much budget. When the second stage begins, the budget scale will soar, and when the third stage is fully deployed, it will cost tens of billions of dollars. magnitude.

The submarine data center project has not been officially disclosed.


Time flies. At the closing stage of 2008, Luo Sheng took a break from the company's tedious operation and management, and spent 80% of his daily work on technology research and development. It can be said that he is fully committed to technology.

At this time, Luo Sheng was a serious professional technology developer, and he could easily switch from being an entrepreneur to a research developer.

The time has passed little by little, and 2009 has officially ushered in, but the arrival of the new year is not very friendly to today's world.

Entering 2009, we ushered in the most serious moment since the outbreak of the financial crisis, but at this moment, when 2009 just arrived, another American company Salesforce (Safty), which also provides cloud services, announced the Last year's financial report pushed the long-silent cloud service to the forefront of the industry.


Whiteness HQ.

"What did you say? A billion dollars?"

At this moment, the head of Baidu, Mr. Li, was looking at the chief operating officer who came to report to him with a shocked face. The news was very surprising to him and a little embarrassing.

"Yes, according to the last year's financial report released by Salesforce, their cloud service revenue exceeded a staggering $1 billion. Bluestar Technology, recognized by the industry as the number one player in cloud computing services, despite entering cloud computing services The field has not disclosed financial information for a long time, but the input of the other party has been increasing.”

Speaking of which, the chief operating officer of Baidu added: "And after I went to investigate, I found that Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have not released financial information on cloud computing, but they are surprisingly consistent in expanding continuously. The scale of investment in cloud computing services.”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at President Li secretly, but after a while, the latter muttered to himself, "How could this be..."

The five sons were full of embarrassment. This amazing news reminded him of his comments on cloud computing services at the forum summit three years ago.

Mr. Li's speech said that he wanted to pour a basin of cold water on cloud computing, but two or three years later, he never thought that this basin of cold water would be thrown into his own face.

The same news was also sent to Brother Teng Xun's desk. He didn't expect such an outcome. He also concluded that it would take at least a few hundred years or even a thousand years to think about it.

It turned out that only three years had passed. To be precise, it was less than three years, only two and a half years.

It is rumored that an American company's cloud service revenue is as high as 1 billion US dollars. It is not the number one player in this field, but what about IT giants such as Bluestar Technology, Google, and Microsoft?

None of them disclosed the financial information of specific cloud services, as if a tacit consensus had been reached.

Looking at it now, they are all making a fortune and madly grabbing market share.

If it weren't for the disclosure of Salesforce's earnings data, the world would still be in the dark.

Data show that in the second half of 2008, when the economy was extremely sluggish, North American IT giants such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM quietly increased their investment in cloud services, with an average investment growth of about 30%.

If there is no prospect here, how can these technology giants make such a large-scale additional investment?

Salesforce's annual report data disclosed, the industry was shocked!

Global media scrambled to report, and people in the global technology world were all shocked by their jaws.

Cloud computing was pushed to the cusp of the storm overnight, and the good news media also sprinkled salt on the wounds of Baidu and Teng Xun at this time.

Brother Xiao Ma and President Li didn't want to watch the recent news, they wanted to hit people when they saw it.



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