Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 291 [The news series that Bai Du and Teng Xun want to delete the most]

The latest website: [Before 2006, Teng Xun Baidu was bearish on cloud computing: it is too early to pack old wine in a new bottle, and it will take hundreds of years to wait; three years later, only Salesforce's cloud service revenue exceeded 6.8 billion yuan, which shocked the industry ! ] - "Website Technology Report"

[The times are like this, a technology from appearing to lifting, it never greets you, swept the world almost overnight, causing a sensation. ]——"Technology News"

[Salesforce's performance once again proves that Luo Sheng's excellent vision and strategic foresight are unparalleled. Perhaps his speech and appeal in that year should be reopened for a closer look. How many people regret it? ] - "Souar Science and Technology Report"

[Want to make money and make a fortune? Then follow Luo Sheng. You can do whatever he does. Even if you can't eat meat, you can drink soup. At least the soup is guaranteed. If you are lucky, you may be able to eat a piece of meat. ] - "Daily Mail"

[According to the third-party market research and analysis report, Bluestar Technology Group may account for 68.9% of the global market share in the field of cloud computing services. The outstanding foresight and determination have made Luo Sheng, the son of the Internet, the overlord in the field of cloud services, far ahead. all competitors. ]—The Wall Street Journal


A financial report caused the attention of global technology to focus on the term "cloud computing", and all parties began to add cloud computing. The news from the United States spread to China on the other side of the ocean, and domestic media reported it. , At the same time, the news that Brother Xiao Ma and Mr. Li didn't want to see or delete the most were dug up again.

Being taken out by the media and whipping the corpse frantically became a hot topic feast. The parties involved were embarrassed and could only endure it silently.

The face was so painful and so sudden.

In the industry, the most famous and most humiliating whiteness and Teng Xun are Mr. Li's theory of "old wine in a new bottle" and Xiao Ma's theory that "it can only be realized after a century and a thousand years."

At the IT Summit in 2006, Luo Sheng called on everyone to play together. Among the "BALT" or "L-BAT" Big Four, both Bai Du and Teng Xun were not optimistic and didn't play...

As we all know, the first cloud computing service in the world was Amazon's AWS. As early as February 2006, it quietly launched the first cloud computing product: ECS cloud server.

Within a few months, Luo Sheng led the Bluestar Technology Group to make a high-profile announcement of a large-scale entry, and proposed the concept of "cloud computing" for the first time, and directly announced that the 5.6 billion US dollars of IPO financing were all in the field of cloud computing services, which shocked him at the time. industry.

This incident once caused the stock of Bluestar Technology Group, which just went public, to fall.

Time flies, and at the beginning of 2009 this year, Salesforce's annual report detonated people's attention to cloud computing to a whole new level, and some news about Luo Sheng that year was also excavated by the media.

This undoubtedly added another ring to his legendary aura, and he was right again!

So much so that if he hadn't been too young, many of his admirers in the industry would have regarded him as the rhythm of the "Godfather of IT".

In a sense, Luo Sheng has become another kind of authority.

The number of people who admire him in the industry has increased one after another. Countless entrepreneurs have regarded him as an "IT Archbishop" and regarded themselves as his loyal "believers". Such people are not only in the domestic IT industry, but also in Silicon Valley. There is also a group of his fanatics there, and the number is gradually expanding.

It is like a legendary idol in the minds of countless people, a living legend.

Bluestar Technology entered the field of cloud computing and has been polishing for three years without knowing it, but these three years were not painful, because the problem of internal programmer collaboration was quickly solved in the early stage. In the subsequent R\u0026D and investment process, Group companies have realized the importance of cloud from top to bottom, so they spared no effort to move forward and overcome difficulties.

In 2007, Bluestar Technology Group also officially launched its own cloud computing product - Nebula Star-Cloud.

In the past three years, in addition to Bluestar Technology, which has been doing cloud computing without reservation, another Internet company is Ali.

Luo Sheng proposed the concept of "cloud computing" in 2006, and called on domestic IT companies to enter this field, but the response was mediocre, only Ali responded, and it started about two years later, but there is no doubt It is second only to Bluestar Technology in the domestic cloud service market.

Alibaba only started to engage in cloud computing in 2008. On the one hand, the funds are not as rich as Bluestar Technology, and on the other hand, cloud computing is not a game that can be played. Otherwise, Teng Xun and Baidu will not be at the IT Leaders Forum Summit. Poured cold water.

Alibaba's Dr. Wang and Alibaba Cloud's technical director Mr. Lin didn't even know how cloud computing worked in the early stages, but Mr. Ma, who didn't understand technology, insisted that it must be done.

Therefore, the Alibaba Cloud project is so brave.

The only reference material is the paper of the Bluestar Technology Cloud Team. Although Bluestar Technology has the product Nebula Star-Cloud, it is not easy to directly use it for reference.

A full year has passed by now, and Alibaba Cloud's "Flying Platform" has not yet come out, not even virtualization, which is different from Bluestar Technology Group or Amazon's cloud computing.

Teng Xun and the head of Baidu directly poured cold water on it. It can be imagined how difficult cloud computing was at that time, and it also indirectly illustrates the technical strength of Bluestar Technology.

With the disclosure of Salesforce's financial report data, the global technology community has realized the terrifying potential of cloud computing services.

Luo Sheng's speech video in 2006 was inevitably dug up, and more and more people began to study and interpret it.

The content of the speech at that time, especially the prediction of the four major stages of the Internet, was repeatedly studied by industry insiders. There is no way, the shadow of the famous tree of people, it turns out that Luo Sheng so far, everything he said is correct.

Some of his previous prophecies have been fulfilled, and those that have not been fulfilled are still on the way, while more distant ones are what people care about.

What if his predictions were correct?

If you get in now, it's the next number one player.

Looking at the current cloud computing services, Luo Sheng has entered the market unremittingly, and now he has become the number one player in the world.

Luo Sheng rarely shares his Internet thinking publicly, but Fengshen tells outsiders time and time again that his insights are really important, and they will only get heavier as time goes on.

As soon as the revenue data of Salesforce's $1 billion cloud service came out, Ali did not hesitate to increase the investment in its cloud computing business by 50%.

If there were some doubts before, it is firm now.

The number one player in the domestic cloud computing field is undoubtedly Luo Sheng's Bluestar Technology Group, not only in China but also in the world.

As long as Alibaba does not label Bluestar Technology, it is ahead of the vast majority of people, not to mention the world, only in the field of cloud computing services in China, which is second only to Bluestar Technology.

Because he entered the industry early and invested a lot of money, of course, he was behind Bluestar Technology but ahead of others.

Now it seems that the sky has changed all of a sudden, and all parties have begun to invest in the field of cloud computing. The whiteness of "old wine in new bottles" or Teng Xun, which "can only be achieved in a century and a thousand years", are now very sincere, and they are all beginning to The internal discussion focused on cloud computing, re-evaluated cloud computing, and established their respective cloud computing projects for the first time.

really fragrant~

What President Ma said back then came true, which made Bai Du and Teng Xun panic. If you didn't know that this thing broke out, it would be terrible. Now Teng Xun and Bai Du have a deep understanding of it.

As the news reports say, the times are like this. A technology never greets you from its emergence to take off. Cloud computing has swept the world almost overnight is a typical example.


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