Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 300 [Say No to Say No Series]

Luo Sheng was always calm, and no one could find out what was really going on in his mind.

This negotiation lasted for about half an hour or so and ended. The final result was that Bob Swan pretended to be strong and put down a few threatening words, and then seemingly overturned the table and left the field.

In fact, in Luo Sheng's eyes, there is no difference between fleeing and fleeing. To say that there is a difference is that Luo Sheng has not pierced through the opponent's fragile cover.

"Mr. Luo, will IBM really break up with us?"

After learning the results of the negotiation, Zhang Bowen came to Luo Sheng's office to talk about it, and he happened to be dealing with some things.

"Why should you care if IBM breaks up with us? If you care about this, it means that IBM has a bargaining chip, and you will definitely be threatened, which will lead to more compromises." Luo Sheng looked at Zhang Bowen and said .

But for a moment, Luo Sheng spread his hands and added: "So I don't care, whether to be a friend or an enemy, let's not make this decision, let IBM make this decision. We just need to figure out the most fundamental bottom line, that is, whether there is any As a friend of IBM, we will not hurt our bones. At most, it will be more difficult. We will spend more time and struggle to overcome the technical pain points. Can our team endure the hardship? Can the technical pain points be solved? My answer is, yes! Then Isn't it over?"

Zhang Bowen: "Understood..."

In this situation, Lao Zhang, as the No. 2 person of Bluestar Technology Group, was actually a little vacuous when he saw him, but when he faced Luo Sheng now, he also felt what is called authority and aura, momentum.

It's not because Luo Sheng is his immediate boss, but because the aura he shows is so powerful that most people can't stand it. In a panic.

Moreover, Lao Zhang, who has worked with him for many years, found that Luo Sheng can still take it in and out. This is the most terrifying and unfathomable place. When you face him, it is impossible to explore any truth from him. The fear is that he did it on purpose.

In fact, Luo Sheng also knew that he was inside the company, either on Bluestar Technology's side or on the Azure Coast.

In these two companies, his totalitarian status and ever-increasing authority are constantly breaking the upper limit. Now almost no subordinates will object to any of his decisions, which will cause subordinates to completely lose their judgment and stop thinking, or Judgment but also dare not object.

Naturally, it led to the loss of collective efforts. There was a huge elite team, but Luo Sheng was thinking alone. Once his decision was wrong and no one came out to correct it, it would collapse and the loss would be immeasurable.

Luo Sheng is actually aware of these potential problems, so he always looks aloof and taciturn when he meets the senior management, but he is not an arrogant person, but in order to avoid the loss of teamwork, Try not to say it if you can, because once he does, no one will object.

This is the so-called "key person risk" of an enterprise. Once the "key person" does not play a role, a company or a team will interrupt the rising period or even decline. In fact, the "key person risk" index of the two companies is about to explode. .

Even Zhang Bowen and Yao Jianhong, the top corporate executives who were second only to Luo Sheng, all "understood" when they saw him, and then there was nothing.

The "key person risk" of the enterprise has to be prevented, and he is also responding to this potential crisis step by step.

After entering the new year, Luo Sheng basically does not care much about the daily operation and management of the company. His CEO position is more and more like a nominal one, while Yao Jianhong and Zhang Bowen, who are in charge of the two companies respectively, are more and more CEOs. True.

Luo Sheng is now gradually acting as a hands-off shopkeeper, just to step down as CEO and step back behind the scenes to pave the way.

It is enough to be a chairman, and it is easy to reduce the "risk of key people" and have more energy to climb technology.

The most important thing is to relax, the company's plate is getting bigger and bigger, Luo Sheng also feels tired enough, and after opening the door of Qin Weimu's new world, the beautiful lawyer is like a wolf...

Besides, two...

However, the matter of resigning as CEO cannot be rushed. Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur are different from other companies. Luo Sheng's resignation as CEO is a major restructuring of the senior management, which will have a huge impact. This impact Also reflected in his age.

So far, Luo Sheng has resigned before he was 25 years old?

If such news spreads out, not to mention that a bunch of "historical inventors" will appear in the outside media to fabricate various speculations, even the company's internal turmoil will be caused.

In addition, Luo Sheng also needs further upgrades of the artificial intelligence Xiaona.

At that point, even stepping down as CEO, or even chairman, won't have any impact on his control over the company.

He can let go of the power, and he can easily take it back. This is the fundamental reason why Luo Sheng has the confidence to let go.


It was said that Bob Swan, who represented IBM, came in a rage this time, and left in embarrassment.

After I went back, I reported the matter here to the headquarters truthfully. As a result, IBM changed the coach and sent someone to talk on the third day. This time, it was Samuel, the current head of IBM.

However, he didn't see Luo Sheng. Zhang Bowen received and negotiated with him. As for Luo Sheng, who is currently busy with technology, it's one thing if he doesn't have time. Even if he has time, he doesn't see him.

Samuel is of course unhappy about Luo Sheng's neglect, but what can he do?

In the end, it was not just sitting down and talking with Zhang Bowen honestly. The contradiction between the two sides in the negotiation was the "third party".

Bluestar Technology has made it clear that it is necessary to make friends from the left, center and right, and IBM has no right to interfere with Bluestar Technology's decision.

Samuel also directly stated that between Hua Wei and IBM, Bluestar Technology can only choose one or the other.

There is no doubt that Lao Zhang also directly left the choice to the other party.

In the end, whether to make friends or become enemies, Bluestar Technology does not choose, IBM chooses, if Bluestar Technology has to choose, it is all.

These words are directly dead, you want all of Bluestar Technology, what is the difference between now and now?

In the next week, IBM and the senior management of Bluestar Technology went through three rounds of negotiation. In the end, no consensus was reached. Samuel had nothing to do with Bluestar Technology.

I had to bite the bullet and put on a posture of hurting each other.

And his business trip to China was finally caught by the media at the terminal, and he also accepted a temporary interview, bluntly saying that the cooperation between IBM and Bluestar Technology was unpleasant, but was asked by reporters whether it would affect the When the two sides cooperated in the future, Samuel refused to respond.

However, this sudden news is also very exciting for the industry.

For a time, some more attractive headlines began to appear in recent news.

What are the reports of "Bluestar Technology and Big Blue IBM", "Bluestar Technology's cloud computing layout may be suspended", "Core technology is controlled by others, Bluestar Technology is stuck in the neck" and so on.

And some well-known people on the Internet, big Vs, etc., also took the opportunity to seize this opportunity to start black, cynical, and yin and yang.

Such people are either stupid enough to be mentally handicapped or bad to the core.

The war of torment is inevitable, and Bluestar Technology's "tap water" is not covered. Over the years, a large number of fan groups have been formed, and they have also come out to denounce the big V and the public.

But for these clamorous disputes on the Internet, Bluestar Technology Group did not have any serious people to speak out.

With the passage of time, in mid-February, the ripping war was still in full swing, but at this time, the news of IBM suddenly came from North America, which made both sides of the rending a bit confused.

IBM announced yesterday that it signed a second phase of contract orders worth $4.72 billion with Bluestar Technology Group, and is expanding production capacity to prepare for a larger third phase of contract orders worth about $12.6 billion in the future.

Samuel also personally appeared at the press conference to respond to some recent rumors, which was regarded as a rumor.

The mouth said no, but the body was sincere.

Facts have proved that IBM is just pretending to be strong and bluffing to scare people. If you can't scare people...that's it, otherwise what should you do? Earning money can't be delayed.

As everyone knows, IBM's competitors have red eyes when they see these order amounts.

Jealousy is one thing, the key is being angry, I always feel that IBM is trying to resist its competitors.

Because the news a few days ago seems to be that IBM is really going to quit, and its competitors have begun to gear up and are preparing to fly to the other side of the ocean to sell solutions.

As a result, the "Big Blue" backhanded the contract. This approach of giving people hope and breaking him is simply an act of punishment.

It's as if IBM is hinting to the competitors: Look, even if this list is made, it's still mine, so I'm just asking if you're angry? So don't think too much about it, just wash and sleep, and you have everything in your dreams.

And after the news came back to China, the big Vs and public figures who were originally eccentric, cynical, and gloating about misfortune collectively lost their voices.

Bluestar Technology didn't react at all in the past few days, as if it had never happened, but Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng's fans and netizens wouldn't just let it go.


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