Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 301 [marked events that changed the world]

"Haha, stupid."

"Why don't you dance? Dance! Where is the big V known to lead the way? Why don't you dance?"

"To be honest, you can't understand this kind of person. Most of them have a distorted personality. They will blow when they are in the west, and they must step on them when they are in China. Madd is mentally retarded."

"Haha, isn't it just a matter of how much money you have? It's not a joke if you don't sell it when you have more money?"

"I just want to say about this kind of idiot upstairs, you are right! It's just because of money. What's wrong? Your dog owner still fell in front of the banknotes without hesitation, haha... Are you angry?"

"This is very spiritual without hesitation."

"It was sold by the dog owner's father. It is estimated that the dog legs in front of the screen are a lot of money. The labor and capital are so good."

"In reality, I swallow my anger, feel inferior and cowardly, and dare not insult others, but on the Internet, this deity! Attacks with heavy punches, scolded netizens, looks down on the world, and is high-spirited! Heaven does not give birth to me as a keyboard warrior. Top of the mountain, proud of the world, with my keyboard, there will be heaven; one key will shake the world; shatter the world, cut the world, if there is no real immortal in the world, I would like to hold the key and turn it into an immortal, the key will come—!”

"I admire it! I admire it!"

"Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night, at eight o'clock in the evening, I invite you to watch the epic drama "The Legend of Xianjian Qixia" on the Bluestar Video Network. Are you ready?"

"Every one of them is so hostile, what's the difference? Hey~~ calm down, I'm still a Jill like you, so let me have a good time, okay?"

"Oh, I'll go, this turn is too fast to hit my waist, you pay me!"

"Laughing out 12-pack abs, all Nima are talented."

"Bluestar Technology's frauds, from the beginning to the end, did not speak out at all, because there are no birds at all, contempt, this is confidence and arrogance, but the group of jumping clowns feel very important and self-intoxicated, but they are still a little bit. It is also a beautiful thing for you to have fun."


Just as the Internet was buzzing, the belated 2008 annual performance report of Bluestar Technology Group was finally released.

According to the audit data of the annual report, the total revenue of Bluestar Technology Group in the past 2008 was 25.57 billion US dollars, a decrease of 100 million US dollars compared to the previous year.

The profit of Bluestar Technology Group in 2008 was US$100 million.

With the disclosure of the detailed audit data of the annual report, the entire Wall Street was shocked, because Wall Street analysts generally predicted that Bluestar Technology's full-year revenue in 2008 would be about 19.8 billion US dollars, and the results exceeded analysts' estimates. of about 29%.

You must know that the estimates of Wall Street analysts are accurate nine times out of ten, and the deviation is not too big, but the report of Bluestar Technology exceeded the estimate by 29%.

What was it like last year? The financial catastrophe that swept the world broke out, and Google's annual report has long been published. If you benchmark it, you will see how explosive Bluestar's data is.

Google and Bluestar Technology have always liked to be compared by industry insiders and Wall Street. After all, they are known as "Geminis" in the IT industry and are often compared.

In 2007, Google's revenue was $16.6 billion, with a profit of $4.2 billion; while last year's revenue in 2008 was $10.6 billion, with a profit of $2.56 billion, which means that Google's revenue last year was compared with the previous year. of about 63.8%.

As for Bluestar Technology, last year's revenue was definitely lower than the previous year's revenue, but the ratio was as high as %, which was about 26.% more than Google's.

Supporting Bluestar Technology Group to achieve such dazzling data in 2008, its cloud computing service Nebula Star-Cloud contributed greatly.

In this financial report, Bluestar Technology first disclosed financial information about cloud services that had been kept secret for more than three years. Last year, Nebula Star-Cloud brought Bluestar Technology a horrific income of $7.5 billion.

This data is what shocked Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and it also supports this dazzling transcript.

Affected by the global financial turmoil, Bluestar Technology Group’s revenue from non-computing cloud computing services has dropped by about 35%, which can be said to be a cliff dive. Instead, it's an opportunity to take off.

A financial turmoil sweeping the world has forced thousands of companies to go bankrupt, and the rest are in panic.

How to do? How can I survive?

For global IT companies, if they want to reduce expenses and save costs, there is nothing more suitable than choosing the Star-Cloud solution provided by the cloud service of Bluestar Technology.

Countless IT companies seem to have seen their savior, and the Star-Cloud solution has become their life-saving straw, and many companies that would otherwise go bankrupt survived in a thrilling manner.

It is precisely because of such a large environment that the revenue of the cloud service segment of Bluestar Technology Group suddenly exploded in the second half of the year, creating a terrifying income of US$7.5 billion in one fell swoop. Star technology's cloud services, but the scale of global cloud services are exploding.

Salesforce, which shocked the industry with cloud computing services, stole $1 billion from the big cake of cloud services.

If it weren't for the dazzling performance of Nebula Star-Cloud, it would definitely not be able to support this annual performance report that blinded Wall Street.

Bluestar Technology Group's cloud computing services can take up about 71% of the market share because the international competitiveness is too strong. Some people in the industry said that if even Nebula Star-Cloud can't come up with a solution that can satisfy customers, then It is even more impossible to provide cloud services of giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce, and Google.

Nebula's Star-Cloud solutions can provide customers with a complete set of cloud computing stacks of Infrastructure-as-a-Service IaaS, Platform-as-a-Service PaaS and Software-as-a-Service SaaS.

The real disadvantage of Bluestar Technology Group's cloud computing services is that the cloud service Nebula Star-Cloud that peers can provide has and is better, and there are also those that peers do not have.

For example, as one of the main service categories, IaaS services can provide virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, networks, and operating systems, to individuals or organizations of cloud computing providers.

So what solutions and services does the so-called Nebula Star-Cloud provide? If you remove the industry terminology and change those high-level nouns into simple and easy-to-understand words, even Xiaobai can understand them.

Its IaaS infrastructure as a service, PaaS platform as a service, SaaS software as a service, these three categories of cloud services.

IaaS infrastructure-as-a-service is equivalent to "assembling a computer". You have to buy a lot of computer accessories, such as CPU, motherboard, memory stick, graphics card, etc., and then assemble it. After installing the system, you can surf the Internet, and your own home It's the site and the environment (power).

The PaaS platform as a service is equivalent to a "brand computer". After you buy it, you can directly power it on and then you can access the Internet, but you need to provide your own venue and environment.

SaaS software as a service is equivalent to an "Internet cafe". You go to the front desk to pay for your ID card and then select a machine to access the Internet. As for computers, venues, and environments, Internet cafes provide a complete set of online service solutions.

Therefore, whether it is an enterprise-level requirement or a personal requirement, Star-Cloud, a subsidiary of Bluestar Technology Group, can provide a set of the best cloud computing service solutions in the world so far.

The core benchmark is actually one: reduce costs.

Isn't this echoing the current financial crisis?

In order to survive in this cold winter, countless companies are trying their best to reduce costs like crazy. For these companies, Bluestar Technology Group's cloud computing service solutions are especially impossible to get loans. Small and medium-sized enterprises are simply a timely rain, and some companies can say that it is a life-saving straw.

As a result, they came to the door one after another, hoping that Bluestar Technology could provide them with a reliable solution to reduce costs.

In fact, Nebula Star-Cloud is not that complicated. It mainly helps enterprises reduce the cost of IT investment and maintenance costs. It is as simple as that.

It is like a person who wants to surf the Internet. If he happens to have no money to buy a computer now, but he needs the Internet urgently, he may not need it much in the future. The best way is to go to an Internet cafe to solve his needs. This is also for him. The best result, otherwise, you need to buy a computer, access broadband, etc., and the cost will of course go up. The key is that he may only use it once or twice, and the price is obviously very high.

If you go to an Internet cafe, you can do it for a few dollars at most. If you buy a computer and then connect to the Internet, you have to provide a venue and an environment, and you don’t need to consider it if you don’t spend thousands of dollars.

The reason is the same. For enterprise-level needs, it is not as simple as a few dollars or a dozen dollars, ranging from tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

You have to play so much when you come up, and the index of cost pressure and risk taking is so high, you can imagine.

Like last year's financial turmoil, if one is not careful, the capital chain may be broken, and it is on the verge of bankruptcy.

It can be said that the complete set of high-quality cloud service solutions provided by the Nebula Star-Cloud of Bluestar Technology Group has saved thousands of enterprises that would otherwise go bankrupt, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

The bigger the pattern is, it will also make a huge contribution to the subsequent global economic recovery. A large number of companies would have closed down in this economic winter, but if they survived, how many people could indirectly be saved from unemployment, all of which are is an invisible contribution.

Affected by this, after the release of the annual report of Bluestar Technology Group, the stock price soared.

Early 2009 was the worst time of the financial turmoil, but it was a bit intriguing that FTSE disclosed a $1 billion cloud service revenue report sooner or later.

The disclosure of this report has a deeper meaning that more than 90% of the world's media have not reported it.

That is, cloud computing services have been proven to create business value from illusory technology. At the same time, it also indicates that cloud computing will profoundly change the world. Enterprises can reduce maintenance costs and IT investment costs due to cloud computing, which will inevitably lead to a consequence. , that is, injecting new momentum into the global economic recovery.

This is in addition to Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the frantic bailouts of various countries to inject liquidity. A profound change in the field of technology has brought a new force to stimulate the overall recovery of the global economy.

The landmark event of leading the global economy by technological change came just after Bluestar Technology Group disclosed its financial report.

The next day, stimulated by the annual performance report, the shares of Bluestar Technology Group directly jumped higher, and at the same time, the entire technology stocks soared collectively, even driving the broader market up!

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