Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 302 [Shengfeng Investment Management Fund]

Before the disclosure of Bluestar's 2008 annual report, the top five listed IT companies by market value in the world were Microsoft ($165.44 billion), Bluestar ($98.8 billion), Cisco ($85.6 billion), and Google ($165.44 billion). $79.8 billion), Intel ($71 billion).

On the second day after the release of the annual results report, the stock of Bluestar Technology Group jumped into the sky, as if it was bound to a "Saturn 5" rocket, and the whole Wall Street was excited.

The total market value of the after-hours trading price that day was locked at US$139.77 billion, and the market value soared by %. Not only was Bluestar's shares going crazy, technology stocks generally rose from this day, and Microsoft's market value was locked at US$100 million that day.

It is also from this day that technology stocks have officially entered the stage of full take-off after experiencing this global financial disaster.

The reason why this day is historically significant and the market value of Bluestar Technology Group skyrocketed by US$40.97 billion is a landmark event of historical significance, because from this point in time, technology-driven forces replaced oil and finance and began to dominate. worldwide.

The era of tech giants has officially arrived.

It is from today that Bluestar Technology Group has embarked on the road of dominating the list of the top ten listed companies in the world. This name has always been on the list and has never been out of the top ten in the world.

Before that, Bluestar Technology once appeared in the top 10 global listed companies at the peak of its market value of 207.1 billion US dollars, and soon fell off.

Today, Bluestar Technology Group is directly ranked among the top ten listed companies in the world with US$139.77 billion.

As of today, the top 10 companies in the world's listed companies by market value are:

Top 1/Exxon Mobil Corporation ($336.72 billion)

Top 2/Huaguo Petroleum ($290.44 billion)

Top 3/Walmart ($203.73 billion)

Top4/the first line of the universe $100 million)

Top 5/China Mobile ($175.74 billion)

Top 6/Microsoft ($165.44 billion)

Top 7 / AT\u0026T ($148.51 billion)

Top8/Bluestar Technology Group ($139.77 billion)

Top 9/Royal Dutch Shell ($139.11 billion)

Top 10/Procter \u0026 Gamble ($138.8 billion)

The top 10 list data is not just a string of data, there are too many meanings behind it, and it also has a profound impact on the world.

In a sense, the big changes in the world unseen in a century can also be seen from the data of this list, which is evident.

From the perspective of the technology field, high-tech companies have almost occupied half of the country;

From the perspective of time nodes, the financial oil group has begun to decline, and the technology giant group has begun to rise and become stronger. This list indicates that the next decade is destined to be a decade when the technology giants set sail in an all-round way.

From the perspective of the country to which they belong, it used to be a situation where American companies dominated the list. Now, four companies are from China and five companies are from the United States.

A company from Europe is another manifestation of the unprecedented change in the world of the authorities from "one superpower and multiple powers" to "two superpowers and multiple powers" unseen in a century.

After today, Luo Sheng and Bluestar Technology Group have once again become the focus of the world's attention, and the headlines of the global mainstream media are racing to report.

With the news of the North American stock market returning to the domestic Internet technology circle, there are almost no suspense reports about Luo Sheng and Bluestar Technology. Among them, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group soared by 279.8 billion yuan ($40.97 billion) in one day. ) news even shocked countless pairs of eyes in the industry, and the rhythm of his chin was about to drop from his knees.

Because it is really exaggerated, it may be more obvious to see how exaggerated it is.

The market value increase of Bluestar Technology on this day is almost the sum of the current market value of 3.47 whiteness ($11.8 billion), or the total market value of 3.56 Ari ($11.5 billion), or the total market value of 1.16 Tengxun.

As the brand of Huaguo Technology Company today, Bluestar Technology Group deserves its name.

As for his personal worth, the media has long lost interest, because he owns two companies, Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology Group, and is already the richest man in the world.

Unless it is worth more than 100 billion US dollars, this is a record that no one has ever broken, and everyone knows that it is no surprise that Luo Sheng will become the first super-rich person in human history to be worth 100 billion US dollars.

The Côte d'Azur is currently valued by Wall Street at about $38.7 billion so far, and the company has about $15.9 billion in net assets excluding bank debt.

Wall Street analysts' current valuation of Côte d'Azur is relatively reasonable, and no one can say what will happen in the future. The valuation is mainly based on a series of existing indicators with reference to Apple.

The reason for the valuation of less than $40 billion is that, first of all, the Cote d’Azur has a single product, the heritage and traditional old technology giants are still a lot weaker, and the risks are also high, and secondly, more than 30% of the revenue is invested in research and development. In the middle, the profit is diluted, regardless of the fact that the Cote d'Azur is very profitable, the product profit is high.

But after diluting the R\u0026D expenditure, the net profit margin of Côte d'Azur is only about 8%.

As a high-tech company with high added value, such a net profit margin is really unreal. If the net profit margin is less than 20%, it cannot be regarded as a high-value-added technology company.

For the prospects of a company, although profit is very important, the amount of revenue is more important, and the annual revenue of Côte d'Azur has exceeded 10 billion US dollars, and the company has only been established for five years. It is really exaggerated data. .

Although the current net asset scale is less than 20 billion US dollars, and the valuation is less than 40 billion US dollars, the market value of Bluestar Technology has not increased as much in one day.

But now no one will question the earning power of the Côte d'Azur, and no one will doubt the potential of this emerging technology company to become a giant, because Wall Street has generally believed that this is a company that has the potential to become hundreds of billions of dollars in the near future. Emerging technology giants have a bright future.

It is a miracle in legend that Luo Sheng founded two such promising technology companies by himself.


These messages seem quite exaggerated, very eye-catching, and can also allow the media to quickly harvest a large number of clicks.

But in fact, there is not much nutrition, but people who eat melons love to watch these contents, so the media will naturally hype these issues, increase the popularity, and detonate traffic.

It's all small money.

The real elites in the industry are constantly researching and thinking about the reasons behind the market value of Bluestar Technology Group soaring by 279.8 billion yuan a day.

Undoubtedly, the reason is that cloud computing services have suddenly opened up an unprecedented new outlet to the world, making a concept that people thought was still out of reach into reality, and has begun to generate such considerable profits.

At present, most of the practitioners in the IT industry are staring at Bluestar Technology, and are waiting for the release of the open source cloud platform based on Nebula Star-Cloud, and also looking forward to the open source cloud platform Open-Stack jointly developed by Silicon Valley IT giants. For people, this is what they expect to happen.

It is better to have another powerful force against Bluestar Technology's dominance in the field of cloud services, otherwise there is only one open source cloud platform on the market, and no choice is the most terrifying.

As for the monopoly issue, it is very likely that the result is the same as Microsoft. It is extremely difficult to split up. Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng have done much better than Microsoft and Gates in dealing with the monopoly problem.

But what they don't know is that the Open-Stack that Google and other Silicon Valley IT giants are doing is imitating Nebula, which is also impossible. The engineers in Silicon Valley don't want to, but they can't do it if they don't do it.

Luo Sheng didn't pay much attention to external news during this period of time. Since the beginning of the year, he has been the shopkeeper for a while, and he has been happy all the time.

It was definitely easier than before, but he didn't want to be a shopkeeper for the sake of salted fish, but to have more energy to do other things.


Qin Weimu's villa.

"I've finished the investment company, you can make it work at any time." At this time, Qin Weimu and Luo Sheng were sitting face to face at a dining table to enjoy breakfast.

This is Qin Weimu's nutritious breakfast. Her villa is not too big or small. It is not luxurious but very high-end. She just hired a housekeeping aunt to take care of it. She usually cooks some food by herself.

"Well, what's the name?" Luo Sheng, who was sitting across from her, nodded and asked casually. It doesn't matter what the name of the investment company is. It's up to Qin Weimu to handle this matter entirely. The key is the investment company. Functions and roles can meet their own requirements.

"Shengfeng Investment Management Fund, referred to as Shengfeng Capital." Qin Weimu answered succinctly, but added after a moment: "According to your request, the current asset management limit is 20 billion yuan, which has been transferred from an offshore family fund to Shengfeng. capital."

In other words, the actual controlling shareholder of Shengfeng Capital is Luo Sheng's family fund.

"Haha, it seems that you still respect me as the head of the family from the name." Luo Sheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Weimu glanced at him with a tilted head, and said lightly, "You are the Lord and I assist you when you get out of bed, but this palace has the final say when you get out of bed."

Luo Sheng was stunned for a moment, then he bowed his head with a serious fist: "Follow Her Majesty's orders, I must do my duty as a knight!"


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