In Pengcheng, in an apartment building, three or five men were sitting in one room.

Thirty-year-old Li Haidong is a returnee Ph.D., graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and worked for Synopsys for three months. Friends advised him to stay in the United States, and he got his green card.

But Li Donghai returned the green card to the United States and chose to return to China to start a business.

Now his situation is an entrepreneur, and he returned to China and found a few friends to discuss partnership business.

"In Homer's epic "The Iliad", the ancient Greek god of war Achilles was invulnerable and dominated Greece as a demigod. But he has a fatal weakness: his heel is vulnerable, because it is the only place There was no immersion in the divine water. In the end, he was also killed in the Trojan War because of this weakness."

Li Haidong talked about this Western legend to several partners, and after a while he said eloquently: "In the long river of history, 'Achilles' heel' has also become a warning motto for people: always beware of yourself Weakness. Today, industrial software has become the 'Achilles' heel' of my country's manufacturing industry, which is definitely not a joke or an exaggeration."

At this moment, Li Haidong and several of his friends and partners decided to jointly establish a technology company. After thinking about the name, it was called "Jingchuang Technology", which means "keep improving and innovating". There is no doubt that Their start-up company can be seen from Li Haidong's remarks just in that field.

Clearly belongs to the realm of industrial software.

"What is the specific field? There are many categories of industrial software, industrial design software, mechanical and product design software, processing programming software, simulation analysis software, etc..."

Hearing one of his friends' inquiry, Li Haidong said without hesitation: "Of course our startup company makes EDA software!"

Another friend nodded: "Yes, you just gave up the high salary of the new Cisco and chose to come back to start a business, and you are doing the EDA business."

The so-called industrial software is software that is dedicated or mainly used in the industrial field to improve the R\u0026D, manufacturing, production management level and industrial management performance of industrial enterprises. It is the "brain" of modern industrial equipment, which shows the importance of industrial software.

For example, various EDA software in the chip industry chain, CAD software in the field of mechanical design, etc.

With the rise of computers, EDA manufacturers have emerged one after another. After more than 20 years of mergers and acquisitions, only Synopsy, Cadden Electronics (ce) and Mentor are left in the EDA field. These three giants currently occupy more than 90% of the EDA software market.

The real problem is that the current contribution of domestic EDA tools in the entire chip design process is almost zero, which can be said to be wiped out.

For system manufacturers, if chips are bullets and food, then chip EDA tools are tools for making bullets and processing food. The market may not be large, but this is a terrible thing. In the field of semiconductor industry and lithography machines The status is no less.

Today's EDA companies mainly sell EDA tools to downstream customers, and their revenue sources mainly rely on certificate authorization fees, just as the use of office software, antivirus software or other software requires registration of serial numbers.

However, this authorization certificate of EDA is quite expensive.

How expensive is it?

In 2008, Lens Semiconductor obtained the software certificate of Kaideng Electronics,

It cost 24.8 million US dollars, or about 170 million yuan, at one time.

It is still possible to see the evaluation of the head of the AP processor business unit of Lens Semiconductor on the official website of Kaideng Electronics: From a small payload of 3 million to the design of hundreds of millions of units, we can simply and effectively ensure that System functions.

At the beginning of 2009 this year, another major industry giant, Synopsys, also reached an EDA primary strategic partner with Lens Semiconductor.

But if the supply of EDA is stopped, how much will it affect Lens Semiconductor and even the Côte d'Azur?

At present, the existing software of Lens Semiconductor can still be used within the validity period. If the supply is stopped, it will have two impacts. The first is that there is no technical support. If there is a problem, you need to explore it yourself. The second is that there is no software in the follow-up. The new version, the current semiconductor process evolution speed is extremely fast, almost a generation difference in one and a half to two years, the emergence of a new generation of chips requires an updated EDA software version.

Therefore, assuming that Lens Semiconductor's EDA tools are discontinued, even IC design cannot be done, which will inevitably lead to the failure of the Cote d'Azur to launch the next generation of smartphone products.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Americans are determined to kill the Cote d'Azur, it can be said that there are N ways.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this that Laomei is so fearless in "raising pigs". From the perspective of an American, there is really no need to panic. If EDA stops supplying you, you will be disabled.

EDA you got it? That wafer purification card you; this is also a breakthrough? What about the chip manufacturing card? This is also a breakthrough? Then the lithography machine will jam you...

If any link is blocked, a chip cannot be produced smoothly.

It can be seen that the siege of the integrated circuit industry is so tight that it breaks through a big mountain, and there is a bigger mountain waiting behind.

Finally, there is the ultimate darkness, facing the suppression of the world's hegemony with the power of the country.

It is not unreasonable that Huaguo's semiconductor business has not been conquered for so long.

"I can make a hundred thousand quick money."

"I have fifty thousand."

"I have eighty thousand."

"I can pay 120,000."

At this moment, Li Haidong and several friends and partners are discussing the career of Jingchuang Technology, and the few people put together are less than 500,000...

"Not enough, you have to find a venture capital company for financing." Li Haidong said with a wry smile.

"If investors heard that we were going to do EDA, they probably thought we were insane..." a partner laughed and laughed at himself.

Today, the domestic EDA industrial software is almost wiped out, and there is no hope in sight. As long as investors are not fools or lunatics, it is generally impossible to give money to Li Haidong's team.

"Hey, do you know that the most popular in the VC world during this time is also Shengfeng Capital, which has just been established?" Just when this group of ambitious young people were distressed because they were shy and unable to do anything, one of the The partner suddenly said something.

"Shengfeng Capital?"

"Yes, it is the investment fund established by Luo Sheng." The partner nodded again and again, and then kept smacking his lips: "As expected of the idol in my heart, Shengfeng Capital is really exaggerating. According to the content of the news reports, It has raised more than 300 billion yuan of capital, my God, 300 billion yuan, and also has the background of the State-owned Assets Office and Wall Street."

For those who want to start a business, if they want to start a business, they must understand the information in the investment world. If they can't get venture capital, it is even more impossible to find a bank loan. Banks have no interest in small and medium-sized startups, especially It is a technology startup, and the risk is almost 99% loss. Banks usually come to you to make achievements, and they will come to the door to lend you money when they see that you are not short of money.

And as long as you know the news in the investment world, it is impossible not to know about Shengfeng Capital, which is in the ascendant in the investment world recently.

"Then give it a try."

Li Haidong immediately made a decision. He is the leader in the start-up company Jingchuang Technology, and the company's top-level design is largely based on Luo Sheng's Bluestar Technology.

The limited partnership structure is adopted. Now companies are popular with limited partnership structure. Although there were some in the past, it was rare. Now Luo Sheng has brought this trend.

Especially for start-up companies in the IT field, there are countless followers.

However, no founder can be as strong as Luo Sheng. It is enough to know that investors only need to pay for him, and don't care about anything else, don't ask anything, don't think about anything.

Countless entrepreneurs dream of doing things, but they basically call Dad when they face investors.

Li Haidong and several partners immediately began to act. First, they visited the official website of Shengfeng Capital on the Internet, then found the consultation number, and then made a phone call.

It turned out that it was impossible to get through at all, because there were too many people calling at the same time.

I had no choice but to seek customer service help on the official website, but found that the online customer service was also busy and needed to queue up.

After tossing for a long time, I finally figured out that Shengfeng Capital is a capital management institution for science and technology investment, that is, a startup company that focuses on investing in the field of technology.

Other financial, real estate and the like, do not invest.

This makes Li Haidong and others extremely excited. This kind of venture capital institution is simply unique. It is no wonder that the customer service phone will be bombed, and the online customer service is also waiting in line for information.


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