Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 346 [Super material, the perfect foil for peers]

The latest website: Among them, the first to comment is the former richest man in the world

Gates commented on his Weibo post on his MicroBlog: "Looking at Luo Sheng at the hearing, it seems like he saw himself eleven years ago. If at the 1998 Ministry of Justice hearing, he could be as mature and smooth as Luo Sheng. , if it weren't so tough and arrogant, maybe there would not have been a subsequent spin-off judgment and his own resignation, and Microsoft would have had a different trajectory later."

Gates posted a Weibo post that wasn't enough, and then posted another: "Faced with questions from lawmakers, Luo Sheng has performed very well. I believe he will make consumers satisfied with Bluestar's privacy issues."

There is no doubt that Gates' two Weibo posts both praised Luo Sheng's performance at the hearing between the lines and thought it was handled very well.

Gates is a "victim" in this regard, and the two comments feel a little sympathetic, at least on the surface.

Unexpectedly, after Gates jumped out to support, Google, Yahoo and other bigwigs also publicly commented on this matter, all supporting Luo Sheng.

Silicon Valley bigwigs actually support a Chinese?

This makes the people who eat melons in China look stunned. This is unscientific. There are still a large group of competitors from Bluestar Technology Group. How generous?

Luo Sheng didn't know yet, he didn't pay attention to the latest information, and he left after the hearing.

If he knew that the Silicon Valley bigwigs were competing to support him, he would definitely have a knowing smile. All of these people are guilty of thieves, and they all appear in the list of the "Prism Project" without exception. It's no surprise that he jumped out to support Luo Sheng's behavior.

The outside world is already restless, and major media are reporting Luo Sheng's hearing.

There is no doubt that Luo Sheng's eloquent words made the color discrimination easily respond to one question after another, and did not find the slightest advantage from it.

Originally, the major media thought that this was a very difficult PR crisis for Luo Sheng, but he did not expect to further achieve his personal achievements.

The next day, Luo Sheng attended the private dinner that Gates invited him as scheduled, and after that, it was convenient to leave for the next day.

With this experience, Luo Sheng felt that it would be better for him to come to the US Emperor's site less in the future, and try to come as little as possible.

Often walking on the side of the road, there will always be wet shoes that day.

It would be fun if I could give you a dong brother package.

Still a little more stable.

Just as Luo Sheng had just returned to China, the North American side suddenly requested the NSA to investigate the database of Bluestar Technology, on the grounds that Luo Sheng's one-sided remarks could not determine that Bluestar Technology was safe in terms of data security and privacy.

As for the monopoly issue, this matter is secondary, because with Microsoft in front, this matter is relatively more difficult.

The outside world thought that Luo Sheng would agree. After all, during the hearing, he seemed to be easy-going and very easy to talk. For this reason, some well-known and big Vs in China used this matter to say that Luo Sheng was submissive when facing the Americans.

However, the facts slapped the face again ruthlessly, and the Bluestar Technology official responded, first of all, emphasizing that the company did not sell data to any third party, and it did not, and at the same time decisively rejected the NSA's opening of the database of Bluestar Technology Group.

One word is: Just!

Many people in the industry secretly admire Luo Sheng's countermeasures. During the hearing, he was extremely gentle, but his actual actions were unambiguous.

Bluestar Technology Group is so disobedient, the NSA really hates it, and the most hateful thing is that it can't come up with a reliable way to solve this problem for a while.

Because there is no reasonable reason to enforce it, everything of Bluestar Technology complies with local legal standards. To be honest, it is played in accordance with the rules of the game formulated by Laomei. If it is forced, it means that it will impact the law itself and bring The negative impact is even greater.

It will only arouse unease and fierce opposition from more local companies in North America, because it will impact the elites of the old and the United States. When the initial mortgage crisis broke out, Paulson hoped that the major banks in the United States would come out to rescue and support the market.

But Wall Street is exceptionally resistant, and Paulson has nothing to do with those bankers. In the end, he is left alone, because there will be behaviors suspected of interfering with the free market, which is not in line with local laws and principles.

The truth is actually the same. Luo Sheng dared to be so stubborn. He was also in his heart. He was not afraid of the NSA's prosecution. The outcome of the lawsuit is either to win, or at worst, certainly not to lose.

It is no exaggeration to say that, in the eyes of the NSA, Luo Sheng is a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh, and it is as uncomfortable as being stuck in the throat.

However, after three days, Lao Mei had no time to care about Bluestar Technology, because a shocking surveillance scandal instantly detonated the whole world, especially in Europe, which caused an uproar.

The Germans were even more angry.

The initiator was an exclusive report from the British "Guardian", which exposed the NSA's "Prism Project" to the world. Luo Sheng and Bluestar Technology Group died overnight, and the "Prism Gate" scandal became the head of the world's major mainstream media. headline news.


【These shocking inside stories...】

[Prism Gate scandal shocked the world...]

[A number of North American IT giants participate in the NSA Prism program...]

[The Guardian exclusively unveils the surveillance scandal...]

【Prism program……】

【Prism program……】

【Prism program……】

On this day, the mainstream media around the world focused on one incident, which was the "Prism Project" or "Prism Gate" monitoring scandal.

Almost all the media carried out overwhelming reports on this matter. On the same day, the keyword "Prism Project" entered the Google search entry, and the popularity index directly topped the list.

It also sparked discussions among netizens who eat melons around the world around the surveillance scandal.

And the direct whistleblower Edward Snowden became famous!

Such super big news also makes the global media in a state of extreme excitement.

The old beauty is now in a lot of trouble, and such a shocking scandal has been revealed. How can I care about Bluestar's privacy issues? Now it will only make the public more convinced that Bluestar's rejection of the NSA is a wise choice.

North America's director of national intelligence called an emergency press conference to state that Snowden's "reckless disclosure" had created a "significant false impression" in the global media.

The NSA petitioned the U.S. Department of Justice for a criminal investigation into Snowden's actions.

It would be a big mistake to say that "Project Prism" is the most explosive material of this emergency.

Only a week after the "Prism Project" scandal was exposed, the "Guardian" once again disclosed even more explosive content, which directly made the whole world fry, including thousands of netizens who eat melons.

The "Guardian" once again zoomed in on the move, and the exclusive unveiling was revealed by Snowden with a plan code-named "".

This is a top-secret surveillance program of the NSA, which is expected to become the most extensive network intelligence stealing program around 2013, covering almost all behaviors of an ordinary user on the Internet, including email content, network access and search, and related metadata. data.

In order to support the operation of the project, the NSA plans to set up more than 700 servers in 150 locations around the world. Agents only need to enter simple information such as the subject's email, and they can eavesdrop on them in real time.

It's a terrific affair, and the NSA and North American authorities are caught in the middle of it all, struggling to deal with an angry public.

That is, a new operation became popular all over the world overnight. Internet users, especially corporate users, put a small band-aid on the cameras on their laptops.

Manufacturers of band-aids and adhesive tapes made a fortune as a result.

To make matters worse for the NSA, the WikiLeaks website also disclosed a 10TB document provided by Snowden at this time, pushing the surveillance scandal to its peak.

This 10TB of eavesdropping data evidence has been spread wildly on major networks around the world, and it is impossible to seal it.

A series of violent materials have been exposed one after another, causing the NSA, who was caught off guard, to be exhausted.

Among the 10TB of information disclosed, there was a recording from an NSA internal meeting that made Bluestar technology popular. According to the content of the recording, the NSA was very dissatisfied with Bluestar Technology because it always refused the NSA to collect data from the database of Bluestar Technology Group. information, and clearly stated in the content of the recording that Bluestar Technology, as an Internet giant with huge global influence, is an indispensable part of ensuring the integrity of the "" plan's eavesdropping data.

It also clearly stated that if Luo Sheng did not submit, special measures must be taken to make him submit.

The NSA's first instinct was to doubt whether Bluestar Technology did it, because after the scandal was exposed, Bluestar Technology became the first beneficiary.

However, there is no evidence for suspicion. Even if the evidence is presented, it is not good. The worst result for Bluestar Technology is to withdraw from the North American market at most.

When this piece of information was exposed, Wall Street and the market responded immediately. The stock of Bluestar Technology Group jumped 9% on the day, and it rose sharply in the following days. Not only did the market value evaporated before, but the total market value also returned. It was pushed to a new record of 278.1 billion US dollars, ranking third in the world in the ranking of global listed companies.

The netizens who eat melons in the mainland are simply overjoyed to see such a result. They describe it as a saying circulating on the Internet: it is all about the support of their peers.

No one thought that the biggest winner would be Bluestar Technology Group.

The super news that has been released today is compared with Luo Sheng's previous hearing, an image of justice has been established in front of people all over the world with unprecedented clarity.

Now ordinary users have more trust and confidence to use the products and services of Bluestar Technology Group. If the stock market rises sharply, there must be another place that will fall sharply, not anywhere else. This time it officially appeared on the "Prism Project" ugly list Google, Yahoo and other major Silicon Valley technology giants.

And this is undoubtedly an unprecedented publicity for Bluestar Technology Group, which is more effective than any advertisement and can be called an epic advertisement.


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