Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 347 [The Silicon Valley giants turned the tables on the spot? 】

Bluestar Technology Group Headquarters, CEO Office.

Zhang Bowen entered Luo Sheng's office to report: "Mr. Luo, news from North America, the NSA requires us to immediately delete all the negative content that is being spread on the BV video website, Reddit forum, BlueSpace, MicroBlog and other online platforms. Do we have to follow it?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng thought for a moment before making a decisive decision: "Let the company's legal team comprehensively study the legal provisions of Laomei, including the local laws of each state, and then formulate plans according to their game rules, as long as they do not violate local laws. , if you can refuse, you must refuse.”

Bluestar Technology Group currently has 80,000 formal employees around the world, including more than 3,700 legal teams in North America alone. It has such a strong legal team lineup. Is it fake?

After hearing this, Lao Zhang hesitated for a moment, then said with a hesitant expression: "Will this be too strong? In this case, I am afraid that the company will completely become a thorn in the eyes of the North American authorities, and I can't wait to get rid of it immediately."

Luo Sheng laughed, leaning back on the boss chair and said calmly, "It's already there, and no matter how much you lick it, the final result will be the same, he will still try his best to kill you, so give up your fantasy. We strictly guard against that red line, and absolutely do not play beyond the scope of the rules of the game they set, it is impossible for me to be hurt."

Zhang Bowen was sweating profusely, and was completely convinced. Anyway, he was ashamed of himself.

With this kind of thing on the table, I would have been paralyzed by other people, but Luo Sheng is so rigid, anyway, Lao Zhang feels that he must not have such courage.

Luo Sheng added: "We need to study the rules of the other side's game and judge the other side's bottom line. At the same time, we must also have a judgment on ourselves, what is the maximum loss we can accept?"

Having said that, Luo Sheng looked at Lao Zhang: "So the worst situation we can accept is to withdraw from the North American market, so let's withdraw. Since the middle and late half of this year, the company's strategic focus has shifted to China. The company's business has been diversified one after another, and its fighting ability is not the same as it was four or five years ago. Times have changed, and the mainland market is the future, so if the North American market is lost, it will be lost.

Luo Sheng smiled: "This is just the worst plan. In fact, I don't think it will be so easy to throw away. If the old American iron wants to help me get out, the only way is to amend the law. Hehe, it almost exists in theory. If you do it, it will not affect one or two interest groups within the old American family. What do you think is the probability of the bill being passed? We also have friends in North America. Before we do it, we should find out who is the enemy and who is the friend. "

Lao Zhang couldn't help but analyze: "Wall Street is our friend,

Our enemies are mainly concentrated in some of the IT technology giants in Silicon Valley. "

Luo Sheng snapped his fingers, and said calmly: "It's easy to get things done, Lao Zhang, you go and host the second large-scale release of AAA corporate bonds by Bluestar Technology Group. Our friends from Wall Street and Relationships can't be achieved by pulling home and drinking, but by green paper notes, which can firmly tie Wall Street friends to the chariot of Bluestar Technology Group."

In this regard, Zhang Bowen has no objection. Luo Sheng's words are calm and easy-going, but no one can replace his authority in the company today.

Lao Zhang asked decisively, "How much are you going to send?"

Luo Sheng said without hesitation: "20 billion, US dollars!"

Bluestar Technology Group is really super rich now, and its free cash flow has exceeded 24 billion US dollars. The decision to issue large-scale corporate bonds this time is definitely not because the company itself lacks money.

In Luo Sheng's words, it is a connection with friends on Wall Street to give gifts or something. If the debt of 20 billion US dollars is released, it means that Bluestar Technology will owe Wall Street a huge debt of more than 30 billion US dollars.

There is a joke that is good, when you owe the bank 3 million, you are the grandson in front of the banker, but when you owe the bank 30 billion, you are the grandfather in front of the banker.

Because the bank is afraid that you will go bankrupt and you will be unlucky together, and the debts lent will be lost in the end.

Luo Sheng not only decided to issue 20 billion US dollars of debt now, but will continue to issue debt in the future, the amount of which will be determined according to actual needs.

Of course, issuing bonds is also risky, and it will also face the possibility of forcing debts from Wall Street, which may bring certain possibilities for Wall Street to short Bluestar Technology and annex Bluestar Technology.

This is possible.

Of course, Luo Sheng thought of this potential hidden danger. The question is that times have changed, and the market in Greater China will take off. the status of a technology giant group.

If the market is guaranteed by the market, it must be guaranteed not only in technology, but also in capital. The free cash flow of Bluestar Technology has now reached 24 billion US dollars.

These three guarantees are the basis for Luo Sheng's courage to be so sloppy. With these guarantees, the possibility that Bluestar Technology will be annexed in the face of Wall Street's debt pressure also exists in theory.


NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland.

NSA is the abbreviation of the North American National Security Agency, also known as the National Security Agency. It is the center of the US imperial intelligence agency. Its headquarters covers an area of ​​15 hectares, which is larger than the CIA headquarters and is known as the "mysterious labyrinth".

The previous attempt to set up a plan for Luo Sheng was led by the NSA, with the assistance of the CIA and the FBI, a rare joint operation of the three agencies.

However, the plan ended in bankruptcy.

It can be said that the NSA is the organization that employs the most mathematics doctors, computer doctors and linguists alone in the world. It is also the most mysterious intelligence agency in North America. Because of its too mysterious, its abbreviation NSA is often dubbed "No-Sucy".

In the past few days, the NSA has encountered a big trouble with no preparation at all, resulting in a sudden attack, and it is in a hurry to deal with it.

At this moment, in a conference room in this mysterious headquarters, several NSA leaders gathered together to watch a video.

It was the latest content of the interview with Snowden released by the media, only to see Snowden in the video saying: "... I'd be more than content to resist executive power and so on when these dominate the world I love so much, and it's exposed right away."

"Shet! He's treasonous, he should be hanged after being arrested!!" The head of the NSA roared angrily.

With the exposure of the "Prism Project", the exclusive "Guardian" revealed his identity at Snowden's request and admitted to being responsible for the incident.

Snowden's name became known almost overnight.

"The point now is not to arrest Joseph Snowden, but to quell the current negative public opinion as soon as possible," said another participant.

For the NSA, quelling the current negative news is the top priority, and Snowden has left North America secretly and sought refuge in 20 countries. In addition to Luo Sheng's secret help, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, also He assisted in securing an Ecuadorian pass for Snowden, but Ecuador eventually withdrew under pressure from North American authorities.

And Assange is now being investigated and interrogated by the FBI. At present, only the Russians have agreed to Snowden's asylum request without fear of the US imperialists, and Luo Sheng has secretly provided 10 million US dollars in funding. Currently, life is not too miserable. However, it is unknown what his state of mental life is, and he must be very dissatisfied.

"Bluestar Technology Group refused to request to take down the video, audio and related negative information on the Internet." Another member who attended the meeting said.

When it comes to Bluestar Technology, people in the NSA are very angry. This time, they refused the NSA's request very decisively. The reasons are quite good. The global public has the right to know. If it is withdrawn, it will violate the laws of North America.

That's maddening!

Of course, the NSA thought of the means of prosecution, but after careful study, we found out how the other party handled it, and even a lawsuit would have no effect in the end.

The most irritating thing is that they didn't expect Luo Sheng's appearance to be harmless to humans and animals, especially the performance of the previous hearing, but when it came to specific issues in the blink of an eye, he was too tough.

It's just soft and hard to eat.

There is only one scenario that North America can handle, and that is to declare a state of emergency for the entire country, which is obviously a bit unrealistic.

"It seems that the only way to solve this problem is through foreign affairs," said one participant, but he really didn't want to use this route.

If you negotiate with the other party, then the other party will definitely sit on the ground and start negotiating conditions. The shrewdness of the Chinese people has long learned.

Because of this, I don't want to solve this problem through foreign affairs channels, but at present, it seems that this is the only way to settle Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng.

There is no way, Luo Sheng is not an American, and besides, he is no longer in the United States, otherwise he can still use some means.

Now the NSA is extremely distressed about the bankruptcy of the plan set up for Luo Sheng before, otherwise it would not be too simple to settle this matter.

The influence of Bluestar Technology Group on the Internet is absolutely not to be underestimated. Without rigorous calculation, the combined users of Bluestar Technology's "Family Buckets" have exceeded one-third of the world's total population, and the global users of a single product The number is above 300 million, and even the cross-platform chat application, a new social product that has just been launched, has now accumulated more than 20 million users.

So Luo Sheng didn't hesitate at all about his own handling and coping methods. No matter how you lick the feet of the American Emperor on such a scale, he will keep trying to kill you.

The hot face sticking to the cold butt, Luo Sheng is not so boring to do this kind of thing.

Will the North American market lose Luo Sheng and dare not make a promise, but with the exposure of the surveillance scandal, other overseas markets are definitely more pros than cons for Bluestar Technology Group, especially the European market.

This surveillance scandal will definitely give Bluestar Technology Group a major boost for its cloud computing services, including other services, to expand its business in Europe. This surveillance scandal can be said to have caused an uproar in the European Union.

As a result, Europeans will inevitably be more inclined to the solutions provided by Bluestar Technology Group.

"There is still a tricky issue, let's take a look." In the conference room, an NSA participant opened the document.

It looked even more angry.

This information was sent from Silicon Valley giants such as Google and Yahoo. They are about to announce that the NSA invaded the data centers of Yahoo, Google and other companies to secretly obtain user information.

Obviously, the Internet giants in Silicon Valley are going to take the blame, the purpose is to restore the confidence of market investors and users, and this blame can only make the NSA, which has a lot of debts, take all the blame.

If the NSA refuses, the Internet giants have also made it clear that there will be no further cooperation in the future.


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