After Yao Jianhong ordered things, he also set off to Luo Sheng's office.

"Mr. Luo, according to the current market feedback, we still underestimate the potential of new products. I estimate that the annual shipment volume of 80,000 to 90,000 units can be considered optimistically."

Luo Sheng looked at Yao Jianhong and said, "Do you mean to add another 10 million units of production capacity?"

Yao Jianhong nodded and replied, "Yes, and my suggestion is to hand over these 10 million units to Foxconn, and not all of them can be made by Biadi, there may be potential hidden dangers in the OEM process, after all, the essence of are not bound by us.”

Luo Sheng instantly understood what Yao Jianhong meant, and gave it all to Bia Di. In the future, if he went deeper and deeper, it was possible to increase his bargaining power and raise prices on the ground.

Biyadi and Foxconn have been fighting fiercely now, and the lawsuits and disputes have continued. In the face of the order from the Côte d'Azur, Foxconn can't figure out why Luo Sheng didn't give the order. On the competitiveness of Foxconn on the road of OEM is better than Bia Di.

Luo Sheng didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Okay, I will give Foxconn an order for 10 million units, but I have to ensure the yield rate."

Hearing this, Yao Jianhong said with a smile: "Haha, Mr. Luo, I think Foxconn will definitely work hard to guarantee that it is better than Bia Di, and even willing to take this order without making any money."

Côte d'Azur is in full swing in the smartphone market. Foxconn has been licking it all over the past few years, just wanting to win this customer, and a large number of mobile phone manufacturers have emerged in the back.

Not only to earn this big customer, but also to set a benchmark for foundry. The mobile phone industry is being subverted, and traditional mobile phone manufacturers are beginning to decline. The orders of these customers will shrink irreversibly in the future.

The worst part is the chain reaction. The frenzy of the mobile Internet has been unstoppable, and it will inevitably impact the PC market, and the computer shipments will also be impacted obviously. Although the PC market is definitely growing at present, the growth efficiency is slowing down. Now, we can see the leopard in the tube, and we can see the future.

And computer OEM is also one of Foxconn's businesses.

In the era of such a turbulent transformation node, it is necessary to not seek new and stable growth points. This is the fundamental reason why the Cote d'Azur loves to ignore Foxconn and continues to lick it.


In early October, Hangzhou, Ali headquarters.

"No doubt,

The Azure-3 is sure to sell like crazy, and the Côte d'Azur will make crazy money. "

The person who spoke was Mr. Zhang, who held the meeting. Under his leadership, Duobao Mall has now been officially renamed as "Tmall", and Ali's biggest plan now is to start the "Double Eleven" shopping festival carnival. There is only one month left to count down.

This is a very important marketing plan within Ali. The internal expectation is to do it once a year. The effect of the first time is undoubtedly very important, because it involves the test of the "Flying System".

Every "Double Eleven" shopping festival is a stress test of the "Flying System", in other words, it is a test of Alibaba's cloud computing technology.

Mr. Zhang looked around the executives who attended the meeting, and finally looked at Mr. Ma and said, "I think it is necessary to seize the enthusiasm of the new products of the Cote d'Azur and have a good time."

Mr. Ma was stunned for a moment: "Xiaoyaozi, don't tell me you want to put your Azure-3 phone on the 'Double Eleven' to play 50% off?"

President Zhang nodded honestly.

Everyone in the meeting was surprised and unanimous for a moment, and suddenly someone shook his head and said: "Impossible, big-name merchants like Cote d'Azur will never enter the Tmall mall, and even if they do, they will not participate in the 'Double Eleven' promotion. Look at it. Those crazy consumers started queuing up a week earlier, and this new product has no trouble selling, and now the industry is most concerned about how crazy it will be."

Some merchants who have decided to enter the "Double Eleven" are voluntarily discounting and promoting carnivals, but Cote d'Azur will never offer half-off promotions by themselves, because it will still sell out without a dollar.

Mr. Zhang said: "But what about our subsidies?"

Everyone was stunned again.


A senior executive who attended the meeting said with a stunned expression: "My God, I'm afraid this is impossible without hundreds of millions of subsidies. If there are too few goods, consumers will scold. Can we subsidize it?"

President Ma immediately asked, "How much are you going to do?"

Mr. Zhang said concisely: "For 100,000 units, I, Ali, subsidize about 300 million yuan to Côte d'Azur. These 100,000 mobile phones will be sold for RMB 2,049 per unit for the 8GB version and RMB 2,499 for the 32GB version on Double Eleven."

Everyone felt pain when they heard this number. Ali's current market value is only more than 10 billion US dollars. Although it is already one of the giants in the domestic Internet industry compared to most companies, it is not as big as Bluestar Technology Group. There is still a difference of nearly 30 times. The latter's current market value has almost exceeded 290 billion US dollars, and it is heading for a market value of 300 billion US dollars.

However, Ali can't say that it has no money now. The company's financial situation is still very stable. At the end of the first quarter of this year, its cash and bank deposits exceeded 6.9 billion yuan, which is about 1 billion US dollars. At the same time, it is very important to have no debt, far exceeding Its total cash reserves totaled $450 million at the time of its listing.

After entering October, Ali's third quarterly report has been audited, but it has not been released yet. This quarter's revenue is about 1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 32.1%; net profit is 236 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20%. decreased by about 5.3%.

The reason for the decrease in Ali's performance report in the third quarter is that the marketing and R\u0026D expenses have increased significantly. One is planning the "Double Eleven" shopping festival, and the other is the research and development of the "Flying System". The R\u0026D investment in the computing service field continues to rise. The goal is not to overturn the dominance of Bluestar Technology's Star-Cloud. Dashan Ali, which is beyond the reach of Silicon Valley's technology giants, has never thought about it.

However, Alibaba hopes to stabilize its current position as the second largest in the mainland in the field of cloud computing services. You must know that in the current domestic cloud computing market share, Alibaba Cloud has won about 12%, Nebula has won more than 80%, and the rest 7% are listed as other.

In addition to these expenditures this year, Ali also made a major investment in acquiring Alisoft's management software business and Wanwang's equity.

It can be seen that although Ali's financial situation is quite stable, the current speed of spending is much faster than the speed of making money. Just pulling a Cote d'Azur company into Tmall will require a subsidy of 300 million yuan.

If the marketing plan of the "Double Eleven" shopping festival fails in the end, it will be a big blow to Ali, because the investment in this really consumes too much energy for Ali.

Outsiders think that Ali is just creating online e-commerce promotions, but in fact Ali is using this to test its own cloud computing technology and Feitian system.

"Okay, just subsidize 300 million yuan, this thing can be done."

Mr. Ma pondered for a moment and made a decisive decision. Although the money was really painful, the current popularity of Azure-3 is really crazy.

In fact, Mr. Ma, including many people in the technology and business circles, have already read Luo Sheng's personal book "Inevitably". Once published, this book has been very popular around the world, and it has hit a record of 1.5 million worldwide. As a professional-oriented niche book, it has become a very popular book, and is known as a must-read book for people in the IT industry.

And let President Ma make such a decisive decision because he just remembered the content of "Filtering" in Chapter 6 of the book "Necessity".

The central idea of ​​this chapter is that "in this era, you can make money if you can attract attention", which Mr. Ma fully agrees with. Because of the marketing plan of the "Double Eleven" shopping festival, all online shopping products on that day will be 50% off. , Isn't this just to attract the attention of consumers?

The rationale is the same.

Now there is almost no doubt about Azure-3, it is definitely a phenomenon-level consumer electronics product, and it must be sold at a crazy pace.

Ali decided to add a bit of fire. On November 11, the "Double Eleven" shopping festival can enjoy a 50% discount. You can buy an Azure-3 mobile phone for 2049 yuan. flow.



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