Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 352 [Domestic first, focus shift]

For mobile phone consumers, the price and release date of Azure-3 are what they are most concerned about now.

This new product really refreshed their understanding of smartphones once again. They thought that the industrial design of the first-generation product in 2006 was beautiful enough.

This time, the products launched by Côte d’Azur, which have been immersed in two years of research and development, have once again broken their cognition.

Anyway, the audience present fell in love with industrial design at a glance.

And don't think about it, this model is absolutely attractive to girls who like electronic products.

At the scene, Luo Sheng, who was on the stage, stopped his appetite, and said directly: "We also prepared two gears for Azure-3. The domestic retail price of the 8GB storage capacity version is ¥4099 ($600), and the international price is ¥4,099. It is 699 US dollars (excluding tariffs); the domestic price of the 32GB storage capacity version is 4999 yuan; the international price is 799 US dollars.”

Hearing such an offer is so much cheaper in mainland China, domestic consumers feel more comfortable. As always, the price in mainland China is 600 or 700 yuan less than that in foreign countries. At present, this is really the only one with no branches.

But then again, Azure series mobile phones are indeed not cheap as a consumer electronic product, but then again, its innovative technology, industrial design and other aspects are impeccable and worth the price.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Azure mobile phones are now sold for two or three thousand yuan, other mobile phone brand manufacturers that have just been established can directly declare bankruptcy.

Because there is no competition at all.

Luo Sheng will not do this either. The positioning of the Azure series of mobile phones is very clear. It is a high-end brand of consumer-level market electrical products, and the market needs other manufacturers to make low-end phones to set off. This is a perfect closed-loop structure.

At the same time, he must also give his manufacturers a bite to eat, so as not to be caught up in the monopoly case.

After the quotation, Luo Sheng once again announced a piece of news that made domestic smartphone users extremely excited.

"As for the release date, we decided to release it in the domestic market first. It will be officially released nationwide on October 5th after the National Day, and the major markets of international channels will be released simultaneously on December 24th."

As soon as these words appeared, the mainland audience immediately shouted enthusiastically and excitedly,

The applause continued for a long time.

An audience member at the scene said excitedly: "Do you mean that in a week's time, you can buy this product with all-round appearance and performance?"

"That's right!"


After listening to the translation, the foreign users on the scene were not happy. They used to be released simultaneously. Why did Huaguo want to make it two months earlier this time?

Overseas netizens who eat melons watched the live video and began to discuss on Reddit forums.

"It's so unfair, it's more expensive than us, and it's almost three months before it goes on sale."

"No way, this is a product of Huaguo."

"RIM, let's have a snack."

"God, it's really too expensive, and the retail price starts at over $900 plus tariffs."

"But the Azure-3 is really perfect, in every way, OK, I think it has replaced the second-generation Azure as the sexiest phone in my mind."

"I think I should unplug the internet cable for the next three months, don't go to BlueSpace, don't go to Reddit, and don't open BV video sites, because I don't want to be shown and I can only envy."

"Haha, trust me, you'll put it back on."


Compared with the heated discussions among netizens who eat melons around the world, people in the industry, especially some keen bigwigs, seem to have glimpsed some of Luo Sheng's strategic intentions from the confirmation of the release date of the Cote d'Azur.

You must know that whether it is Bluestar Technology or Cote d'Azur, they used to pay great attention to the development of the international market.

This time, the new product launch of the Côte d’Azur is the first to be released in the mainland, which is equivalent to indirectly indicating that the focus of the business has shifted to the domestic market. At least it is certain that more attention is paid to the mainland market.

On this point, after the press conference, some bigwigs in the industry published articles to analyze and express their views. Of course, some people published articles saying that the overseas business expansion of the Cote d'Azur was hindered.

Some of the comments in the industry seem to be reliable, and some are pure nonsense.

With the end of the press conference, the major media quickly spread the latest news, and the media in the technology industry rushed to report, and the Cote d'Azur properly occupied the current news hotspot in late September.

Especially the consumer market.

Now is the era of more and more developed network information, news can be spread all over the world in a few minutes, and after the conference, articles of various interpretations have been released.

Whether it is cloud Google search, whiteness search, or Google search index, the keyword popularity of "Azure-3" is all on the top of the list.

Some technology bloggers on the Internet have also followed up. After all, this is the current traffic hotspot, and it happens to be related to them. Fans all ask UP masters to review, and there is no reason not to take advantage of this wave of traffic.

On the day of the press conference, domestic offline retail stores began to queue up for purchases that day.

It’s true that every offline retail store is rushing to buy in advance. You must know that new products have to wait another week before they are released.


Cote d'Azur, Yao Jianhong's office.

"Mr. Yao, the 27 offline flagship stores in the mainland are currently queuing for purchases. Consumers are extremely enthusiastic. According to incomplete statistics, there are already more than 20,000 people queuing up in stores to purchase. If the outfield is not large enough, the data may be more high."

Hearing the assistant's report, Yao Jianhong nodded, and suddenly couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Luo's strategic forward-looking is really invincible..."

Just before this year, there were less than 10 offline flagship stores in the mainland of the Cote d'Azur.

In 2009, under Luo Sheng's final decision, more than 20 stores were opened in a row. The average investment cost of one store was 35 million yuan, and the total expenditure exceeded 700 million yuan.

As early as the beginning of the year, Yao Jianhong felt that Luo Sheng's decision was a bit overestimating the mainland market, because the sales before 2008 were there, and the impact of the financial crisis was global.

But Luo Sheng defied all opinions and did just that.

Then no one in the world expected that since the global financial crisis, China would be the first country to achieve economic recovery and take off directly, and the consumption of the mainland market suddenly poured out like a dam opening.

In this era, it is true that every household has more or less savings. For this reason, it was once pointed out by European and American countries that Chinese people did not upgrade their consumption.

In fact, which one is related to the consumption upgrade?

The biggest reason is that the national infrastructure has not kept up, but after almost ten years in the new century, the infrastructure in the mainland has caught up, and consumption will inevitably follow.

Let's say that home appliances go to the countryside, even the roads are not repaired, so what kind of cars should ordinary people buy? The Internet is not connected to let the people buy what kind of computer? As a decoration?

But today is different.

The rapid development of the past few years, the crazy construction of infrastructure, the mileage of railways, highways and other transportation networks continue to break records, all kinds of infrastructure are available, every village is connected to cement roads, every village is connected to electricity, the Internet, etc. .

People can use everything they buy, and consumption will naturally go up.

Although the 3G network has only been rolled out since last year, it has only taken less than two years for the three major operators to basically cover large, medium and small cities, and they are further expanding to remote and underdeveloped areas.

This is Huaguo speed.

"Little Li, go and make arrangements. Go to Pengcheng tomorrow to see the situation of the foundry." Yao Jianhong instructed, and the king in charge of Bia Di always patted his chest and assured him that he would be able to meet 70 million to 80 million yuan in the next year. production of mobile phones.

But Yao Jianhong is still worried, especially whether the problem of yield will be affected by the expansion of production capacity.

If it is shipped with hidden dangers and triggers a large-scale global recall, it will be deadly, and there is no way to explain it to the immediate boss Luo Sheng.

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