Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 371 [The second product of the Cote d'Azur]

The latest website: The hot chat of colleagues gave Martin, who had just joined the company, a great yearning. He was born in an ordinary working class, and his family was not rich. He was excited for three days and three nights when he got the offer from the Côte d'Azur.

Everyone in the industry now knows that Côte d'Azur offers good pay, but it is only when you come in in person and become a full-time employee that you will have more experience. There is no doubt that working in such a company is very enthusiastic.

Not only did Côte d’Azur release the latest welfare announcement, but Bluestar Technology Group followed closely, and the newly added employee benefits are similar, but the difference is that Bluestar Technology employees must reach P8 level or above, because Bluestar Technology Only when you reach the P8 level can you enjoy the qualification for allotment, and only when you reach this level can you enjoy the qualification to share a suite.

At the same time, they must work for more than 10 years and meet the performance standards.

Such high benefits and high treatment can only be implemented with confidence if the company has high profits. Of course, it depends on whether the boss is willing to share more profits with employees.

Such news can't be hidden.

The industry is stunned, and this also prevents other companies from living?

Among them, the keyword "package distribution" has become the object of hot discussion on the Internet.

"To tell the truth, seeing the treatment of Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur, I'm really sour."

"Housing sharing benefits, this is an old word in the last century. Although the archbishop refuses employees to be grateful to the company, he really has nothing to say about how his employees are doing."

"Other bosses look good and study hard."

"Other bosses: You are stupid, you can't learn if you can't learn."

"Haha, the boss of our company is also scolding when he sees this news recently, because several core technical backbones have resigned, and they have changed jobs to the archbishop."

"It's normal, people go to high places, but the problem of the loss of excellent employees in other companies is serious, and it is impossible to offer such high welfare benefits as Bluestar Technology or Cote d'Azur."

"So core technology is king."

"Brothers, come to Sioux City to buy a house, especially around the Cote d'Azur community. Now it's one price for three days."


In recent years, housing prices in Sioux City have been rising rapidly.

No wonder Cote d'Azur only charged a symbolic price for the sale area of ​​several hundred acres of land, because as long as Cote d'Azur's employee community landed here, the value of the surrounding land would immediately take off, which would attract other people. Real estate developers come to acquire land, and the price of land is not so affordable at this time.

And it can be so expensive because the Cote d'Azur employee community is here. If it wasn't there, it would not have appreciated so quickly.

Sioux City is a very magical place, its limelight can never surpass the next-door Shencheng, but it never falls silent.

Today, high value-added technology giants such as Azure Coast, Lens Semiconductor, and Bluestar Technology have landed, and they have become the core engine for the city's economic development.

This city is now known as a quasi-first-tier city, and is generally called a 1.5-tier city in the industry. Now a large airport is being built, and the city's public infrastructure is constantly being updated.

A city with a super giant, especially a high-tech giant, has such a large influence and benefit.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Luo Sheng intends to relocate the company now, he will definitely be robbed by major cities, and he will give whatever he wants.

For Sucheng, it is like a baby bump now, and all kinds of people are afraid of being abducted by Shencheng next door. You must know that when Xiongxin Electronics settled in Shencheng, Sucheng attached great importance to it and tried its best to win it.

However, because there is no foundation for semiconductor wafer foundry, Xiongxin Electronics finally landed in Shencheng, and it is next door to Huaxin International.


The conference room of the City of Galaxy headquarters.

At this moment, Li Chunsheng in the conference room was a little puzzled, because he was one of the core personnel in charge of the extremely high-security "" mainframe project, but Luo Sheng asked him to complete the handover as soon as possible and free up his hands to be responsible for a brand new project. .

But the specific project has not been disclosed.

In the past five years, Li Chunsheng joined Côte d'Azur and climbed from a product manager to the position of senior director step by step. He is one of the fastest promoted people. The corresponding rank is P10, and he must be one of the executives. The next step is the core layer.

Luo Sheng didn't make the participants wait too long. As soon as he entered the conference room and before he sat down, he said, "There is only one problem in today's meeting, and that is our company's official entry into the field of education."

Yao Jianhong, Li Chunsheng, or other attendees were all stunned when they heard the words of the ultimate boss.

What the hell is going into the education industry?

We are a technology company that is serious about high-tech research and development, and it has nothing to do with education.

Luo Sheng sat down until the chief executive and looked around for a week. Seeing everyone's doubts, he smiled and said, "Actually, Bluestar Technology has entered the education field, and the product is online translation. The sales of education and professional editions are increasing, especially It is an educational version with the fastest growth rate and surprisingly good sales in the mainland. From the perspective of commercial value, this is a super huge profit. Think about so many readers all over the world, especially colleges and universities."

In today's web3.0 era, more and more people who want to make progress are doing self-learning through the Internet to improve their competitiveness in the society. As long as they are willing to learn, the Internet is a very good channel.

But if you want to learn more advanced knowledge, language barrier is a big problem, and the online translation service launched by Bluestar Technology solves this problem very well. Go to the papers, academic journals, etc. you want to read.

Luo Sheng looked at Li Chunsheng and others and said, "This society is becoming more and more anxious, and this is generally the case. Adults are afraid of losing their competitiveness, and even more afraid of their children's backward education and loss of competitiveness in the future society, losing their ability to climb up. opportunity. So now a lot of people are selling all kinds of anxiety, educational issues, health issues, etc.”

Having said that, Luo Sheng moved his body down and leaned against the chair comfortably, and added: "So are we trying to sell the anxiety of the sellers on education? The answer is no, those who sell anxiety are creating anxiety and then selling them. products, and our biggest difference is providing real solutions to existing anxiety problems.”

Everyone in the meeting looked at each other in dismay. After a while, Li Chunsheng couldn't help but say, "Boss, well, if we enter the education industry, the question is how do we get in as a high-tech company?"

Luo Sheng didn't think about it: "Why don't you ask? Of course, it's through technology."

Li Chunsheng: "Uh..."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "Let's not go around the corner, let me just say it directly, Cote d'Azur will launch its second electronic product next year. We also make tablets, but the positioning is different from Jobs' iPad..."

It is worth mentioning that Joe's iPad was released, but it failed.

Of course, this kind of failure is not a commercial loss. The iPad tablet still brought 2 million sales to Apple and made a lot of profits, but compared with the phenomenal explosion of the Azure series of mobile phones, compared with Apple's popularity , is really a failed work.

Joe's dream of changing the world with the iPad is shattered.

This product can't even compare with the iPod, which sold over 100 million units in 2004, bringing in tens of billions of dollars in revenue for Apple.

However, the emergence of the Azure smartphone gave the iPod a dimensionality reduction blow. The combination of iPod+iTunes was no longer enough, and the original users became the combination of Azure+MusicSpace. In the face of the dimensionality reduction blow from the Cote d'Azur, Apple had almost nothing. The power of parry, complete defeat.

And coupled with the failure of the iPod, which was placed on high hopes by the Joe and the market, Apple's market value is currently only $47.7 billion.

At this moment, Luo Sheng in the conference room said: "What's the difference? For such a smart tablet that focuses on education assistance, we cut off its gaming and entertainment attributes, and its positioning cannot be an entertainment-oriented electronic product, but an education-oriented electronic product. Auxiliary-oriented electronic products, but also different from the T100 backgammon point reader, our consumer group is mainly located in the educated group of junior high school and above."

"The core technology is to rely on artificial intelligence + big data, of course, including but not limited to technologies related to speech recognition, image recognition and other fields."

Having said that, Luo Sheng smiled at everyone: "The first step is to destroy all kinds of English training cram schools. This market alone is extremely huge, not to mention that this is only a function of this smart tablet."

Yao Jianhong said in astonishment: "It can really replace this kind of English cram school, and it is a giant company with hundreds of billions of dollars to separate this part!"

Luo Sheng smiled without saying a word. There is no doubt that once this smart tablet interview will be a dimensionality reduction blow for various English training classes that are currently emerging, the key lies in artificial intelligence technology.

Whether it can make a smart tablet the best personal teacher for students depends on this.

Luo Sheng hardly has to doubt his own judgment. The emergence of this product must be the rhythm of explosive sales, because few families can hire a 24-hour standby private tutor for their children.

At the same time, parents will never be stingy in order for their children and descendants to become talents.



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