If the Côte d'Azur is now a listed company, the market value will definitely reach the order of $100 billion, which is almost the same order of magnitude as the "Big Blue" IBM.

However, compared with Bluestar Technology, it is still more than 200 billion US dollars less, which is normal. Generally, the market value of asset-light Internet technology companies is much higher than that of asset-heavy hardware technology companies.

You must know that the net profit margin of Bluestar Technology has reached more than 30%, which is a very terrifying profit margin. The money printing machines cannot keep up with the speed of harvesting this profit, which also makes Bluestar Technology the world's largest technology company by market value. , the world's second largest listed company.

After Yao Jianhong left, he disclosed the annual report of the Côte d'Azur in less than an hour. The sales of 315 billion yuan made Côte d'Azur a well-deserved first technology company in the consumer electronics field in the mainland.

The second-ranked Huawei’s global sales revenue last year was 193 billion yuan (about 28.3 billion U.S. dollars), and the Cote d’Azur’s revenue exceeded that of Huawei by 38.7%. You must know that the former has been established for 23 years. The coast is still under 6 years old so far.

It is no wonder that when the joint venture established Xiongxin Electronics, Hua Wei decisively refused to ask the foundry to be handed over to Lens Semiconductor. In the past, you had no money in the blue sea, but now you are richer than me and still think about it. I wool.

Cote d'Azur released this annual report, the revenue of US$46.2 billion surpassed the performance of the fourth largest German bank "Baden-Württemberg Bank of Germany" last year (US$46.13 billion) and became the world's top 500 in 2009. Ranked 162nd among enterprises, the technology giant is well-deserved.

The outside media also rushed to report it for the first time. It is very remarkable that an entrepreneur can own a Fortune 500 company. And Luo Sheng owns two at the same time, maybe there will be more than two in the future, just thinking about it makes people feel scalp numb.


In the afternoon, Luo Sheng came to the Cote d'Azur Lab, which is called "Huaguo Bell Lab" by the outside world. Now it has moved into the new headquarters "City of Galaxy", which is taller and more complete with equipment and R\u0026D personnel. It is also more comfortable and convenient to work.

At this moment, Luo Sheng is convening Li Chunsheng and other R\u0026D personnel of the "smart tablet" project for a technical meeting.

"Boss, you said that we exchanged emails half an hour ago... It wasn't you? It was 'Xiao Lan' who was using your email?" In the conference room,

Li Chunsheng looked at Luo Sheng in shock.

Luo Sheng smiled and nodded. The so-called "Little Blue" is just the projection of Xiaona, and the two agents are essentially one.

"Boss, are you taking Brother Li for the Turing test? My God, doesn't that mean that 'Xiao Lan' has passed the 'Turing test'?"

The other researchers at the meeting were also very shocked. Is Xiaolan's intelligent body already so powerful?

Luo Sheng looked around at everyone and smiled, "Don't make such a fuss. Passing the Turing test is no big deal. It doesn't mean that Xiaolan can be as intelligent as humans."

Li Chunsheng and others were all excited when they got Luo Sheng's exact reply. They never expected that the boss would have advanced AI technology to such an incredible level without saying a word. They once thought that the biggest technical pain point of the "smart tablet" project was AI. The development of technology, did not expect to take the lead in breaking through the biggest technical difficulties.

Luo Sheng continued: "The scope of artificial intelligence is very wide, which is an important scenario for open field research. Now Xiaolan's dialogue agent is not professional, and can complete dialogue tasks under a wider range of topics, not limited to In a specific field, it is able to chat with users on almost all topics. This technological breakthrough not only has academic value, but also has broad commercial value and inspires more application scenarios.”

An AI technology researcher who attended the meeting nodded again and again: "Totally agree, such as deeper human-computer interaction, improving the effect of foreign language training, autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, or for making interactive movies and game characters... Application scenarios It is too broad and has infinite room for imagination, and it will inevitably bring profound technological changes to the world.”

When the technical team was extremely excited, Luo Sheng remained calm and said, "Through the Azure-3 Xiaolan assistant, the current version of Xiaolan that has not been updated has a serious flaw in the open field chat, and that is the The content of the conversation is often meaningless, most cases have no common sense and basic knowledge of the real world, are limited to the realm of perception, and often do not give the right specific response to the current context.”

Li Chunsheng nodded and said with approval: "Yes, for example, 'I don't know' is indeed a reply that can answer any question, but it is not detailed enough. Big data shows that the current version of Xiaolan produces this kind of reply more frequently than humans. A lot, because the response can cover a lot of possible user input."

Luo Sheng asked people to turn on the big screen in the conference room, and then connected to his work computer. After a quick operation, he signaled everyone in the meeting to look at the big screen.

"This is an end-to-end neural dialogue model that learns how to respond to a given dialogue context. The goal of training Xiaolan is to minimize perplexity. And predict the uncertainty of the next token. Its core is The Evolved Transformer seq2seq architecture, which is the discovery of a Transformer architecture through evolutionary neural architecture search, can improve perplexity.”

Luo Sheng called up a new set of information panels and added: "Xiaolan consists of ET encoders and 13 ET decoders. The encoders are used to process the context of the dialogue, helping Xiaolan understand what has been said in the dialogue and decode it. The engine uses this information to generate the actual response.”

An AI technology researcher who attended the meeting stared at the panel information on the big screen and said to himself: "After adjusting the hyperparameters, a decoder with stronger performance is the key to achieving high-quality dialogue."

Luo Sheng looked at the researcher's neat and tidy roll call: "Very good, you can handle this."

"Okay boss, but I need permission."

Luo Sheng nodded and tapped a few times on his computer: "Authorized. In addition, this is an end-to-end neural dialogue model with 5.2 billion parameters. It is worth noting that the degree of confusion is an easily A computational metric implemented in a neural dialogue model, here's a piece of the data."

After hearing this, everyone looked at the big screen in the conference room again.

Luo Sheng said: "The perplexity index. Due to the problems of human evaluation, an evaluation index that can be automatically calculated is very important, and this index needs to be able to accurately correspond to human evaluation. There are 8 different model versions, with hyperparameters and The differences in architecture, such as the number of layers, the number of attention heads, and the number of training steps. ET is still used, or a general Transformer. From this data, the lower the perplexity model, the higher the score. The correlation coefficient is strong."

The seminar didn't last too long. All the people sitting here were a group of developers with high IQ. Luo Sheng was not a sloppy person. After quickly finalizing the major links, the technical team entered the next development process.

According to the established plan, Luo Sheng led the team to continue to reduce the perplexity of the neural dialogue model by improving the algorithm, architecture, data and calculation amount.

Luo Sheng stayed in the Cote d'Azur laboratory for more than two hours before returning to his office and calling Yao Jianhong.


"Mr. Luo, what's your order?"

Yao Jianhong entered Luo Sheng's office, the latter put down his work, pondered for a moment, and said: "The smart tablet is about to be launched, the technical problems have basically been solved, and now the content package needs to keep up. You have to do a few things. , the first thing is to donate 10 million US dollars to Wikipedia, we need to obtain the massive data here, and the other is to prepare 1 billion US dollars to cooperate with the world's top academic journals and universities to obtain their knowledge base authorization, which will be done in two months at the latest ."

In addition to these, more data authorization is required. Of course, Luo Sheng will not let go of the huge database resources of Bluestar Technology, but it cannot be given in vain. Although the two companies have created their own, the blue coast is still in the blue. Star Technologies purchases data.

It takes about 3 billion US dollars here, and then gets access to online translation, gets through this link, and completes the integration.

Yao Jianhong nodded: "No problem, leave it to me."

The "smart tablet" project of educational aids is a new product launched by Blue Hina in the first half of the year.

Luo Sheng added: "In addition, an additional budget of about 1.5 billion US dollars is being prepared, which will be used to recruit outstanding middle school and university teachers in various subject areas to produce online course content, including but not limited to videos, pictures, text, and audio. Content, huh, this trick will directly destroy various extracurricular training institutions, at least a heavy blow, and there is no time to react when the blow comes."

Yao Jianhong thought for a moment after hearing this, and after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but say: "Mr. Luo, have you considered the issue of piracy? It cost tens of billions of RMB to create high-quality educational content, don't think about it, it will definitely flow in in a short time. If you go anywhere on the Internet, you won't be able to seal it."

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Of course I have thought about this question, but for users to obtain pirated resources, it means time costs. There is a huge amount of information in the Internet world, and it takes a lot of time to find resources that are really useful to them. , which is an extremely uneconomical account for those who really want to learn to sublimate themselves."

"Remember, this is not an entertainment resource. An entertainment resource is to consume and pass time. This is a learning resource. Time cost is a very important measure."

"It is a 100% certain fact that pirated content is outflowing, but it's nothing. We are targeting sites that are above a certain scale and are systematic. This is a one-size-fits-all approach. As for the small scale, it can be ignored. It is not complete and it is difficult for users to find it It takes a lot of time and energy to find the content you want. This is the advantage of AI technology. If you go through genuine channels, you can get the information you want at the first time. If we win, we will win in unparalleled efficiency and accuracy. One point ultimately boils down to the triumph of technology."

Having said this, Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile and added: "One more thing, Bluestar Technology is mine. When Yunge Search defeats Baidu and becomes the leader of the Chinese search engine, piracy can kill most of them."

Today, in the Chinese search engine market, there is a dual situation between Yunge and Baidu. In the long run, Baidu is losing ground, and the layout of the mobile Internet is weak. Basically, it can be said that the era of mobile Internet has been missed.

On the contrary, Yunge Search adopts a steady and steady offensive to monopolize new Internet residents step by step. This is a slow strangulation process, and it is also a conspiracy.

As for foreign countries, there is no need to worry about the issue of pirated resources. This must be acknowledged that overseas intellectual property protection is well done. Whoever dares to blatantly embezzle, the legal team of the Côte d’Azur can sue him for bankruptcy.



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