Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 392 [Shock in the education and training industry]

Latest website: Yao Jianhong left the office after memorizing all Luo Sheng's instructions and went to prepare.

When Luo Sheng opened his mouth, Cote d'Azur invested a huge sum of US$5.5 billion, or about 375 yuan, for one thing - big data.

In the era of big data, the most valuable thing is not solutions, but data information, including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video and other data content.

The scale of investment in the smart tablet project means that it will exceed the sky-high price of 10 billion to 15 billion US dollars, which is almost five to eight times the cost of the first-generation Azure investment by Côte d'Azur.

In terms of risk, it may be a dozen times as much as the former.

However, Luo Sheng made a decision without hesitation. Without him, everything can become a sunset industry, but the education industry will never decline. If it fails, it will only mean that the product is not good enough, not that the education industry is declining.


Entering March, a piece of news caused a wave of hype among practitioners in the education field.

Salary East headquarters, conference room.

"The news has been confirmed. The Cote d'Azur company held a media conference just an hour ago. Yao Jianhong officially announced that the company will enter the education and training industry, and plans to invest more than 100 billion yuan in the next three years, which is about 150 billion-dollar budget.”

The executives who attended the meeting were all stunned when they heard the report, and all of them were sluggish and motionless.

"My God, the investment scale of over 100 billion?"

"It doesn't make sense. How did Luo Sheng's mind turn around? Isn't Azure Coast a high-tech company? It has nothing to do with the education industry?"

"What did he, a tech giant, come to do in the field of education and training?"

"In any case, it is certain that the education and training industry will usher in great changes, and it is even tantamount to a major earthquake. Even if the 100 billion is poured in, even if nothing is done, the entire industry will tremble three times."

At this moment, people from Xindong can't figure out what Luo Sheng is doing in the education industry if they want to break their heads. Can't you just sell your smartphone? And it is really scary rhythm to announce that more than 1,000 million yuan has been spent as soon as it comes up. This is the sum of the market value of eight or nine salary Dongfang.

The head of the head, Mr. Yu, said in a deep voice: "Judging from today's news,

Combined with the "Luo Sheng Public Welfare Fund" that attracted huge attention from the society at the beginning of the year, it is a long-planned move for Cote d'Azur to enter the education and training industry. "

One of the managers at the meeting spread his hands and said, "Why? From high-tech R\u0026D to education and training, the crossover is so great that I can't figure out how Luo Sheng can play with education and training. Isn't he afraid of losing everything?"

Another manager forced a smile and said: "Don't say it, he really started to lose money, according to the 2009 annual report of the Côte d'Azur, the annual revenue last year was 315 billion yuan, and this year's Azure-3 is even more crazy. Now, Nielsen's forecast is that the annual performance of the Cote d'Azur in 2010 is expected to reach more than 70 billion US dollars, which is more than 500 billion yuan in revenue. Don't forget Luo Sheng, Bluestar Technology Group and Shengfeng Capital. It can fill the gap, and even if it really hurts, it may recover in a year or two.”

This is the most terrifying place, people have willful capital.

Mr. Yu said: "The most urgent task is to figure out what the Côte d'Azur relies on to enter the education and training industry? Will it become our competitor? If you can't figure out what the other party is doing, it's all nonsense here. It's a blind man who lights up the lights in vain. You can't do that. beat."

Speaking of this, Mr. Yu said with emotion: "I guess that the peers in the industry generally have this anxiety. The other party is aggressive, but you can't figure out the other party's way is the most bottomless."

Mr. Yu is right, not only Saling East, but also education and training companies such as Global IELTS are now holding ad hoc meetings to discuss, the focus of the discussion is on the impact of the blockbuster news just released by the Côte d'Azur.

All are being evaluated.

The elites in the education and training industry simply did not realize that this was a dimensionality reduction attack on the education and training industry from a technology industry they were completely unfamiliar with. What's the reaction? How to deal with it?

Because until now, the "smart tablet" project under the Cote d'Azur is still in a state of secrecy, and the outside world does not know about it.

However, the elites who can stand on the top of the line are not people with wine bags and rice bags. Even if they don’t know the opponent’s attack method, the scale of the 100 billion yuan investment announced by the Cote d’Azur is already known. No matter what you do, it will be a horror. Energy shock wave.

After the meeting, Mr. Yu decisively called his competitors in the same industry. Faced with the sudden intrusion of Luo Sheng, an "outsider" into their territory, people in the industry consciously chose to form a group.

This is normal, but anyone who sees a stranger suddenly barging in will be vigilant. At least the old opponent who has been fighting for a long time knows it very well, so the group will go with the flow.


Wang Sisi is a middle school English teacher. The meager salary and today's rising housing prices, coupled with the fact that she is in a place like Shencheng, make her really feel the financial pressure.

Recently, Wang Sisi is planning to use her spare time to engage in extracurricular English training. It is a fact that she can earn some extra income from her major to subsidize the economic pressure in her life. It is an indisputable fact that various English trainings are very popular now.

However, just yesterday, a piece of news disrupted Wang Sisi's plan that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Wang Sisi has also read the news.

Among them, he paid special attention to the fact that the Côte d’Azur Education and Training Business Group has to recruit teachers around the world to submit educational materials, including not limited to text, pictures, video or audio materials, including various disciplines, but also from primary schools to universities. stage.

Cote d'Azur encourages teachers around the world to open online courses, and use their spare time to produce some teaching content and even popular science content. At the same time, it also discloses a contracting mechanism, so that teachers can work part-time without resigning.

The contract is in the form of a two-year contract. Once the contract is signed, not only will there be a stable basic salary guarantee, but the educational materials produced will also be purchased by Cote d'Azur to obtain a second income.

At the same time, educational materials will also be incorporated into a set of algorithms based on indicators such as click-through rate and popularity in the future platform. It is a bit like the nature of the "advertising alliance" of Bluestar's online video business, and it will receive revenue sharing. In theory, the revenue here is The upper limit is very high.

In other words, teachers only need to create knowledge, and then hand over the created knowledge to the Côte d'Azur for commercial operation.

This may be the representative event of the era of "knowledge payment" of web3.0.

For the field of education and training, especially offline education and training institutions, such as some English training institutions, once the new model implemented by the Côte d'Azur succeeds, for them, the impact it will bring is no different from a major impact. earthquake.

This is the dimensionality reduction attack. With strong platform resource integration capabilities, relying on advanced technological advantages, it can defeat offline from online.

Wang Sisi thought about it again and again, and finally decided to temporarily give up the idea of ​​​​doing the extracurricular training class by himself.

Côte d'Azur's 100 billion spending gave her a lot of information, don't worry about being deceived.

Relatively speaking, it takes a lot of work to do extracurricular training by yourself, and how easy it is to submit a manuscript like the Cote d'Azur, you don't need to worry about it after the material is produced.

Not only Wang Sisi had this idea and decision, but many teachers across the country who learned about this matter were eager to try it out. After all, they didn’t need to affect their original career, they just took up some spare time, and they could also get an additional source of income. Why not?

The same is true internationally. It not only achieves the dissemination of knowledge, but also obtains additional sources of income. It is simply the best of both worlds.

Let’s not talk about the situation abroad, let’s just talk about the mainland. It is an indisputable fact that teachers’ income status is generally low. Otherwise, there will be no various training institutions that have sprung up.

In recent years, among the major problems that have plagued teachers' career development, poor salary has become the main culprit for most teachers to abandon teaching and go into business. There are many grassroots teachers with monthly salary of 2,000 or less.

Big data shows that the annual salary of college teachers in higher education accounts for half of them with an annual salary of less than 100,000 yuan, and less than 5% of those with an annual salary of more than 200,000 yuan. income of college teachers.

There are even reports that an old professor who has worked in a university for 30 years only earns more than 6,000 a month.

For primary and secondary school teachers at the grassroots level, the income situation is even less optimistic.

The treatment of a drop in the bucket has forced many young teachers who are engaged in basic education to give up their mission of teaching and educating people and start to make a living.

However, when the Cote d'Azur company vigorously promoted the enrichment of teaching resources and data, some "bricks" jumped out and criticized at this time, claiming that "Teachers are engineers of the human soul and should not be excessively kidnapped by commercialization. Teachers You should live in peace and be happy, otherwise it will change your taste and harm your education.”

This topic has sparked a big discussion in the industry. It must be known that before this, the establishment of the "Luo Sheng Public Welfare Fund" has won unanimous praise from the society, which forms a sharp contrast.

Luo Sheng, who takes time out every day to read newspapers and information, naturally doesn't know what is being discussed in society today.

Not much to say, Luo Sheng responded by posting a post on his Weibo:

[The literati is happy, it is not necessary to be poor, and the poverty-stricken music should not be understood in this way. The meaning of being poor and happy is that even if I am poor, I am happy, it does not mean that happy Dao must be poor. Who said that intellectuals must be poor? Who ruled that a scholar should be poor? Who stipulated that the rich should be digging coal and digging oil? What's the point of this? If a society who reads books, creates knowledge, and creates culture is poor, is this society a reasonable society? ]



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