Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 663 [Concept of Establishing Security Forces]

Chapter 665 [The idea of ​​establishing a security force]

Luo Sheng's directly breaking the routine makes the competitors at a loss, or even caught off guard. SpaceX has also done a good job of opening up the SpaceX-API, while other peers are still in a state of ignorance.

The significance of this matter has far-reaching implications for the aerospace industry. Some media even redefine the new rules of space exploration in 2017, opening a new chapter in the development of human spaceflight and entering a new era.

Some people expressed anticipation for the future, while others expressed concerns about the future.

After entering April, some new start-up private aerospace companies began to appear. These newly created private aerospace companies can start off without strong capital backing.

The purpose of some founders is even very direct, that is, to target a module, and after making achievements, they will wait for giants such as Star Arrow International to come to buy and integrate the entire aerospace industry chain in the future.

But for these entrepreneurs, they must first face the problem of standing in line, whether to choose Luo Sheng's Star Arrow International system or Elon Musk's SpaceX system.

Entrepreneurs are also comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides. Elon Musk's SpaceX company was established early, with NASA's technical support behind it; Luo Sheng's Star Arrow International was established late, but the pace of progress is obviously the fastest. Sheng is richer than NASA, which no one will question.

Don't look at NASA's budget of nearly 20 billion US dollars per year, which is billions more than Star Arrow International's average of 16 billion US dollars per year, but NASA's money is from North American taxpayers. Trouble, maybe next year will reduce the expenditure.

And Luo Sheng behind Star Arrow International can be said to be the top capital consortium in contemporary times, not to mention that the two multinational technology groups, Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology, are earning a steady stream of profits every year. The Luo Sheng Family Fund is in charge of With assets of 1.5 trillion US dollars, Shengfeng Capital has an asset allocation of 5.21 trillion US dollars, and its liquidity is maintained at 1 trillion US dollars all year round. Although most of the assets are US debt or real estate, this 1 trillion US dollars is always available. can be taken out.

To put it loosely, if this money is burned for Star Arrow International, it will be burned according to the annual budget of 20 billion US dollars, and 1 trillion US dollars will be enough to burn for half a century.

If NASA wants to increase funding, it still has to convince the congressmen and gentlemen, but Star Arrow International will not worry about funding as long as Luo Sheng doesn't give up.

It’s just that for European and American entrepreneurs, if they mix with Luo Sheng, they have to take additional geographical risks. This is not within the scope of domestic entrepreneurs, but overseas entrepreneurs, especially those in Silicon Valley, have to. Considered.

In case the boat of friendship turns over one day, it will seriously affect the future of the company. Not every company can withstand the test of strong winds and waves like Cerulean and Bluestar Technology. It may be shattered by a single wave. These uncertainties must be considered for aerospace entrepreneurs.

As a result, the vast majority of entrepreneurs in China have chosen to mix with Luo Sheng, not only because of the future, but also because of their beliefs. Luo Sheng really has many admirers, and he is the ultimate goal of countless entrepreneurs and practitioners in the technology industry. Idol.

Most entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley choose to mix with Elon Musk, or NASA, but from the overall scale, it is obvious that there are many more people who "departed" with Luo Sheng.

Many domestic international students or technical engineers in the aerospace field working in Silicon Valley want to start a business, and they return to China without hesitation and choose to join the open source system of Star Arrow International. After all this, I have the determination to start a business.


The matter of Star Arrow International has come to an end for the time being. Luo Sheng will stay in the Science and Technology Complex for the next few days, developing a GPU-based visual data analysis and management system technology by himself.

The purpose is to make Xiaona's functions more powerful, and at the same time to effectively control these companies or institutions such as Azure Coast, Bluestar Technology, Star Arrow International, Shengfeng Capital, etc.

Luo Sheng needs to know when and what these companies do.

But the plate is too big, and people's energy is limited, the control force will be more or less reduced, and the expiration of things is inevitable, and this is something that Luo Sheng can't tolerate.

The best way is to fully know the cause and effect of everything just by visiting Xiaona.

The technology being developed is not only conducive to strengthening the control of the company, but also conducive to the healthy development of major companies or institutions, and to obtain greater value-added space.

"How many accounts are being processed?"

At this moment, Luo is standing in front of the large high-definition screen in the room. The panel displays the data nodes of the visual image of the map information, which is due to the satellite of Bluestar Technology, which was launched last month.

At present, it is a test software operating environment, which simulates the data analysis of the flow of people during the "Spring Festival" period, and processes their physical positioning data through the mobile phone or social account owned by each person.

Xiaona responded: "There are more than 18.92 million account information."

It would take a few days to process data of this magnitude in a traditional way, but in the current simulation environment, the time consumption is only measured in milliseconds.

Most people's understanding of graphics processing unit (GPU) is still only on the graphics rendering tool used in playing games, but with the rapid development of artificial intelligence today, GPU has begun to rapidly replace CPU as a powerful tool for high-speed computing data.

If GPU is used in the field of big data analysis, what effect will it have? This was Luo Sheng's flash of inspiration before developing this technology. Following this idea, he started to develop a GPU-based data analysis and management system, which is similar to the principle of using GPU as an accelerator in deep learning, that is, a A visual data analysis and management system with GPU as its core.

The advantage of this is that compared with traditional database management systems, not only can it process hundreds of millions of data points in 1 millisecond at a speed of more than 100 times faster, but it can also convert all data in real time in the form of geographic information images. displayed intuitively.

This can undoubtedly greatly reduce the time and financial expenditure costs of enterprises. The venture capital department of Shengfeng Capital can use this technology to analyze the development status of the global technology industry. Through this data analysis system, it can intuitively analyze the current status of the industry concerned. , talent pool, etc. to conduct in-depth understanding.

In the era of big data today, even doing scientific research is inseparable from the analysis of data, and every enterprise or institution needs to use a large amount of data as a reference to assist itself in making the most reasonable business decisions, data analysis and management Service can be said to have become a rigid need.

After connecting to Shengfeng Capital or family funds, its asset management and financial service institutions and hedge funds all need to make investment decisions through data analysis, which can also reduce Qin Weimu's workload.

Advertising agencies also need to use data analysis to evaluate the different feedback of customers on various advertisements, and social media companies such as Bluestar Technology also need data analysis to track the usage of global users and so on.

There is no doubt that in the context of the rapid development of big data, whoever can take the lead in better processing hundreds of millions of data will likely become the next leader in the wave of technology.

What Luo Sheng wants is very simple, so that the huge business and technology empire he has built can continue to remain the leader.

It is worth mentioning that this data analysis and management system is not only promising in business, but also has huge imagination space in intelligence network collection and analysis. This is the ultimate goal of Luo Sheng's development.

Because with the completion of the equatorial space launch base and the Xinggang orbital transfer center, this demand will be essential in the future.

"Xiao Na, call up the data file of the equatorial launch base."

Luo Sheng immediately concentrated on the operation on a screen information panel for a moment, then stopped and began to think silently.

The launch site base and transport port on the equator are under construction. Star Arrow International has obtained a high degree of autonomy on the island, and at the same time can establish an armed security force. This data analysis management system obviously has to be connected to the launch. Base Yard and Cargo Port.

In the future, there will be "patrons" from various intelligence organizations such as the CIA here, and now is the time to plan ahead.

At present, those international security companies or mercenaries are unreliable, and Luo Sheng does not dare to let them guard him at the Starport Launch Center. This is tantamount to guarding and stealing.

"You have to raise an international security force yourself."

Luo Sheng muttered to himself, thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, and he already had a decision in his heart.

"Xiao Na, use the highest-level authority of the family fund in my name to prepare a sum of money without going through the fund account book."

This is the first time that Luo Sheng has used his authority. Luo Sheng is actually the first manager of the family fund, and Qin Weimu is the second, but Luo Sheng basically doesn't care, just ask her for money, and the general flow of family funds' funds depends on her. There are detailed records there.

However, Luo Sheng didn't intend to let too many people know about the establishment of a security company.

Obviously, Xiaona will play a key role in it, and anyone may be sentenced, but Luo Sheng is very clear that Xiaona will never be sentenced to him.


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