Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 664 [Imitation (gōng) students (jù) executives]

???? Xiaona, combined with the existing global industrial level retrieval I have mastered and can control the technology tree system, analyze the key technologies that are still lacking in the manufacture of bionic people. "

???? In the independent private office, Luo Sheng stood in front of the large screen on the wall with his arms around his arms. As his voice fell, one after another appeared, and then connected to each other to build a huge and difficult to The imaginary business technology empire is gradually presented on the screen.

???? are [Bluestar Technology Group], [Blue Coast Group], [Blue Pure Electric Vehicle Company], [Life Science Fund], [Shengfeng Capital], [Luo Sheng Family Fund], [Star Arrow International] ] Seven major plate institutions.

???? And these seven sectors are involved in the fields of biomedicine, transportation, electronics, finance, manufacturing, new materials, energy and so on.

???? The major fields involved are all related technologies and form an extremely complex technical system network, and the total scale of direct holding, equity participation or wholly-owned subsidiaries through finance and venture capital has exceeded more than 10,000, although most of the startups are venture capital, more than 90% may die in the future, but it is unimaginable.

???? Luo Sheng waited patiently, Xiaona was analyzing and processing these torrents of information in the background, filtering out what Luo Sheng needed from the available technologies.

???? After a while, the technology tree was closed, and Xiaona transferred the technology of Huachang Technology Co., Ltd., which was invested by the founder, Cao Junhui. Also called up Bo Chuang Technology Co., Ltd., the "human prosthetic" technology that the founder Chen Xin is committed to researching.

???? About a minute later, Xiaona finished screening out the existing technologies that needed to be used from the huge technology system.

???? "Master, if you want to create a bionic person, the existing technical reserve has reached 97%, but there is still a lack of a key core technology."

???? Hearing this, Luo Sheng couldn't help laughing and said, "When did I add a logic program to you? Tell me now."

???? Xiaona: "Artificial epidermis can almost perfectly replicate the chemical composition of biological features and the texture technology of human skin. I have not retrieved this technology in the institutions under the Life Science Foundation, but the health department under the jurisdiction has a project on artificial skin. Epidermal growth factor research, but because it is an amateur research by researchers in the department, progress has been slow."

???? The android that Luo Sheng wants is not a silicone doll. Although it is very realistic, it can be seen that it is fake at a glance. What he wants is to be able to make the fake real, even if it is a face-to-face conversation with an ordinary human. It also won't be discovered by the other party that the person talking to it is a bionic robot.

???? Then artificial skin is an absolutely indispensable key technology.

???? Merely reaching the level of being able to "deceive people" is not enough to achieve what Luo Sheng wants. It also needs to be able to deceive machine detection equipment.

When the machine detection instrument scans the bionic man, it is the result of an organic life body, not a human-shaped metal body.

???? And the human organ simulator researched by Cao Junhui's company can solve this problem, but he did not know that Luo Sheng would use his research technology to create a bionic person. The original purpose of Cao Junhui's development of this technology was to make The new drug enters the entire circulation process inside the human body, thereby reducing the clinical risk of the new drug.

???? Never thought that it could be used for bionics, but the birth and progress of an emerging technology often brings unexpected application scenarios.

???? This technology is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say it is simple, but to put it simply, a plurality of chambers are formed in a cavity or a bionic human body, and channels are connected between each chamber. , before that, several differentiable cells need to be extracted from various organs of volunteers, and then cultured in culture medium,

Finally, according to the structure of the human body, different cultured organs and tissues are placed in the corresponding chambers, so as to simulate the whole set of cyclic metabolic processes of the human body.

???? With this set of technology, we can perfectly deceive the detection instrument, and the result obtained from the scan must be an organic life body. In conjunction with the human prosthesis technology researched by Chen Xin, carbon nanomaterials are used on the prosthetic materials to assist the corresponding chemistry. The ingredients are enough, and finally a biometric artificial skin is attached to the appearance.

???? Without the knowledge of the third party, as long as the bionic man has not been sliced ​​and tested, it is impossible to find out that it is a bionic man only by scanning with human eyes and conventional instruments.

???? Of course, in order to be intelligent, it is necessary to have the ability to analyze emotional logic, which requires the use of artificial intelligence technology, and this is Luo Sheng's expertise.

???? At this time, Xiaona reminded: "Master, according to my calculation results, if you want to make a bionic person at the current stage, the existing industrial manufacturing level cannot produce it in an assembly line. An armed security force of androids, even at your current price, would struggle."

???? Luo Sheng said: "I really want to build an army of androids. I only need a few at most a dozen executives. What is the theoretical cost?"

???? I want to set up a security company. In terms of core institutions, Luo Sheng wants to be absolutely loyal and only loyal to his subordinates. Only androids can meet his requirements, and they can be created and arranged to the management of the security company. , and the specific personnel will be recruited by foreign high-tech companies at that time.

???? No wonder Luo Sheng wants to make a secret arrangement. If such a technology is developed and known to outsiders, it will definitely cause a huge disturbance.

???? It can only be done in private, and if it is exposed one day, it must be able to completely clear the relationship.

???? With this set of technology, in the future overseas layout, there is no need to worry about the personnel arrangement of important positions, and it will be enough to have a few bionics.

???? Xiaona said: "Theoretically, with the existing technology...

At the level of technology and industrial manufacturing, the cost of a bionic person is no less than 100 million US dollars. "

???? This number also made Luo Sheng stunned: "Why is it so expensive? Where did the cost go?"

???? Although 100 million US dollars is a small number for Luo Sheng, it does not mean that 100 million US dollars itself is really a small amount. The market value of listed companies in the stock market is tens of millions of dollars. Woolen cloth.

???? This is not a small amount for any business.

???? And this kind of high-tech product is often the cost of "raising" is greater than its manufacturing cost, and maintenance requires money.

???? Xiaona said: "The main cost comes from the cultivation of a complete set of organ simulators for circulatory metabolism, the synthesis of biomimetic bone materials from carbon nanomaterials, and the artificial epidermis that perfectly replicates biological features."

???? The cost of making a bionic person is about 100 million US dollars. Of course, Luo Sheng's current financial resources are not under pressure, but he has not focused on this issue too much. His previous reaction was just a little surprised.

???? Because when I heard this number, the first thing that came to my mind was the commercialization of androids in the future, so expensive even ordinary wealthy people may not be able to afford it.

???? But after all, it is a product of advanced technology, Luo Sheng just made this technology out of his own priority, and will only consider commercialization when the technology is further mature in the future and the cost is reduced.

???? As for now, Luo Sheng is far from planning to make the bionic man public. For a long time, this has been his own trump card that is not easily exposed.

???? With this technology can do a lot of things that could not be done before.

???? After a while, Luo Sheng said: "Send an internal email to the Life Science Foundation in my name, and instruct the research team of the health department under its jurisdiction to develop artificial epidermal growth factor as soon as possible, aren't they doing theoretical research? Now give them 1 billion US dollars to officially set up the project, don’t play amateur, and the project team will go to the biotechnology department, what the hell is in the Ministry of Health.”

???? It is not that the personnel management of the Life Science Fund is chaotic. There are a large number of top researchers in the field of life sciences gathered here. The brain circuits of scientists are sometimes very strange. Many scholars prefer their favorites. , The field that consumes the most energy is very mediocre, but it is because of other preferred interests or accidents that have made great achievements by accident.

???? Throughout the history of human science, many great advances are full of drama and chance.

???? Xiaona: "The content of the email has been prepared, Master, please confirm it."

???? At the same time as the voice fell, an information window popped up on the large high-definition screen, which was the content of the email generated by Xiaona.

???? Luo Sheng thought about it at a glance, and added: "One more thing, this project research is dedicated to the application of beauty technology and skin transplantation, um, that's it, the name is perfect!"

???? Let the Life Science Foundation Flag...  

Under the biologists vigorously develop this technology, there is always a need for a reason or a name, and everything needs a motive and a purpose, and the archives are established in this way.

???? The real purpose must not be stated. The android is a technological product that takes a long time to decipher the public.

???? The pretext of "beauty" is indeed very clever, and it can really be promising in the beauty industry. Its business prospects only need to look at the developed beauty industry in South Korea to know how big the "money" is.

???? Speaking of which, so far Luo Sheng has not been involved in the business of earning women's money, and women's spending power is much higher than men's. This is a fact. Take a look at the series made by Ali next door. Prodigal girls...

???? In addition, it also includes people who have disfigured themselves for various reasons. This technology can definitely bring them back to life, and it can even be said to save the life of a disfigured person. You know, a person is especially It is a person in the Mood for Love, whether male or female, if their face is disfigured, their life is almost over, and they even want to commit suicide.

???? Money has also been made, and his true purpose has also been concealed, so the best of both worlds.

???? Xiaona quickly added this content to the email message, and Luo Sheng confirmed that it was correct and said, "That's all, send it over."


???? (End of this chapter)

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