Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-eight [drawing from the bottom of the pot, second counseling]

With the passage of time, on October 8, the big melon of the National Day has made new progress, and Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company temporarily held a press conference.

This is the first time that the company has officially organized a press conference on this incident offline. Before that, it had been speaking out on the Internet, which seemed a little playful and did not pay enough attention.

At the press conference, the spokesperson of the news host said to the reporters who came to the scene: "…our company attaches great importance to this commercial dispute, but no matter how much disputes between our company and third-party agencies, our company believes that consumers are innocent. Shouldn't be a victim of it."

"So, our research has agreed that it is the most important thing to give consumers an explanation as soon as possible. With the arrangement of our company, several car owners who were 'rejected' have now successfully picked up their cars and have taken insurance for their vehicles."

The reporters at the scene were quite surprised. Unexpectedly, Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company refused the order with the front foot and delivered the car with the back foot. It seems that it still attaches great importance to consumers.

The spokesperson said: "There are many victims of the 'refused to hand in' incident, but Pinduoduo is not the only one. There are many comments from the outside world that even though Pinduoduo is a bit more involved in this incident, it has indeed come out. Real money gives consumers benefits, and that alone deserves full marks.”

"In response to this argument, our company does not think so. Rather than saying that Pinduoduo seeks benefits for consumers, our company is more willing to say that Pinduoduo spent money on a marketing campaign. As far as the current effect is concerned , very successful, but our company will not buy it."

"If you really want to benefit consumers, you shouldn't have so many dramas. In addition, the price subsidy of Duoduo has a serious impact on the price system of Weilan pure electric vehicles, disrupting our company's direct sales system. It also disrupted our pricing system, and while 10 cars didn't do any harm to the market's price fluctuations, in the long run, it did harm to the industry as a whole."

"For consumers, stable prices are very important. Just imagine, we just bought a car yesterday and today he dropped tens of thousands of dollars. Will we feel better? Probably not, although 20,000 to 30,000 yuan is a big deal for consumers. It won't hurt anyone, but I'm afraid this kind of thing is like a fly falling into a rice bowl, which is disgusting."

"That's right. Stable prices are a promise to consumers who have already purchased products. Since Pinduoduo cannot subsidize these consumers, it should not disrupt the stable price system. The stable price system ensures In order to ensure the stability of commodity value, and to ensure a stable price for subsequent second-hand car sales, in order to ensure the long-term interests of the vast majority of consumers, our company needs and must pay attention to such issues.”

At the press conference, a reporter off the field nodded secretly, and said with considerable analysis: "Pinduoduo's subsidy of 30,000 yuan does not seem to have a substantial impact on the price of Weilan pure electric vehicles, but in fact it will subconsciously give the car. The impression that consumers can buy a car with 265,000 yuan may be unacceptable for Weilan pure electric vehicles.”

At the same time, the spokesperson on the podium said again: "Finally, what our company wants to emphasize is that from our company's point of view, our company can find N reasons for refusing to fight for subsidies; From the perspective, we can also find N reasons to feel the loss that consumers can buy at a low price but fail to succeed, but our company can't stand in the perspective of Pinduoduo and think that it belongs to the victim, because it is at least here. I made enough traffic in the second 'touching porcelain'."

As soon as these words came out, many people woke up like a dream, especially the vast number of consumers. Pinduoduo is an e-commerce company, and traffic is the foundation for e-commerce companies to survive.

As far as this group buying activity of Pinduoduo is concerned, 10 cars do not affect the market price, and the subsidy for snapping up purchases is purely luck. Of course, those who have grabbed it are happy, but what about those who did not grab it? On the other hand, it is full of happiness and greed. As a large-scale commodity, a vehicle is different from a small commodity of a few dollars, which means that it will greatly increase the expectations of consumers. Small items are much bigger.

For the happiness of 10 people and making nearly 10,000 others unhappy, this is the original sin of this group activity.

In fact, Pinduoduo is not the first time to do this kind of "touching porcelain" behavior. Previously, the BBA Hailan Mystery in the cosmetics industry and the high-tech company AMD have all stated that they have not authorized the Pinduoduo platform. Cadillac, which is in the automotive field, also denounced Pinduoduo's 55% discount on car purchases as "refurbished cars and fakes".

Various cases can show that many high-end products on the Pinduoduo platform have not been officially authorized and sold on the platform, which is quite suspicious of bundled marketing.

Bundling marketing is actually very common. If latecomers want to surpass the established industry leaders, they often pull out the former for bundling sales. Similarly, in the field of e-commerce, there is also Jingdong’s “It is better to come to Jingdong to buy bad things”.

And Pinduoduo, who has tasted the sweetness, finally started to start with the blue pure electric car. After all, such a huge popularity represents a huge amount of traffic. Pinduoduo's mentality is that I care about you so much. If you can get in, it is the best, that is the rhythm of blood earning, and you can make a lot of money if you can't get in.

In fact, you can't blame Pinduoduo for these saucy operations. As an emerging e-commerce platform, the rise of Pinduoduo has already filled the three, four and five left by e-commerce giants such as Duobao and Jingdong with the strategy of "outside the five rings". The rapid development and rise of the online market, the early stage of development was criticized by consumers because of fake and inferior products.

In the past, when everyone talked about fake goods, they all scolded the treasures, and since Pinduoduo came out, they have successfully sucked all the firepower.

It used to be treasure = fake.

Now it is fight duo duo = fake.

But in fact, the treasure is still the same treasure, and there are as many fakes as it should be. Now at first glance, it seems that it has transformed into a white lotus, and everyone is fighting for it.

It can be seen that this era is really a bad era.

In fact, today's Pinduoduo has almost reached the bottleneck of development, and is also trying to change out of its comfort zone. After the early barbaric growth reaches a certain size, if it does not seek change, it will be a deadly poison in the future.

Ali's early digging treasures to Tianmao completed a gorgeous transformation, achieving today's market value of 500 billion US dollars.

In fact, in the early stages of the rise of any large company, there is more or less a dark history, and Bluestar Technology is no exception. For example, in the early stage of its WeChat, it used the social relationship chain of strangers. In the early stage, people's impression is that this is a YP software, in order to quickly acquire users in the early stage, is also turning a blind eye, and when it is almost ready, it will be immediately pinched to complete the gorgeous transformation.


With the official response to this press conference, the public opinion in the outside world has finally changed significantly. The netizens who eat melons on the Internet have fully exerted their urination properties of "two or five boys" and "walls of grass", and they will not lose any money anyway. What, the picture is a lively.

"So, PDD is trying to prostitute for nothing?"

"It seems like this... It's not the first time PDD has done this."

"In any case, Weilan pure electric vehicles are quite good in dealing with consumers. As for the matter of fighting with PDD, there are not so many black and white right and wrong to debate in this world. Each has its own interests. Consumers can only expect these companies to show some sympathy, treat consumers kindly and give them enough respect, so far, Weilan pure electric vehicles are doing pretty well, and big manufacturers can also be casual.”

"No wonder, I suddenly found that Weilan pure electric cars sell everything in Jingdong and Timo's flagship stores, such as floor mats, car keys and other products, except that they don't sell cars..."

"It's not obvious, Weilan pure electric vehicle has invested so much in the offline direct sales system, and it is not as good as its own direct sales. In this way, it can ensure the overall service quality and avoid the risks of customers buying cars. For example, here If the owner of the car in this incident does not like the car during the return period, he can apply for a return, but at this time, the money returned by the original route was given to Yimai, not the owner himself."

"Ha... Let's put it bluntly, Weilan pure electric car just doesn't believe in third parties, let alone PDD, even in its other two major online flagship stores, I'd rather not make this money, and don't want this kind of multi-party entanglement. Unclear after-sales trouble."

"Also, this whole incident really doesn't benefit Weilan Pure Electric Vehicles by making an extra dime. On the contrary, PDD is suspected of trying to get its hands on the pricing power of cars. To say that PDD helped Weilan Pure Electric Vehicles to sell cars? Come on, People don’t worry about selling at all, and they really don’t care about your help. What they worry about most is production capacity.”

"Hey, why didn't PDD jump out and make a sound? Interesting..."


After the official press conference of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle, many netizens who eat melons are also looking forward to Pinduoduo jumping out of the line again. not big enough.

But as time went on, Pinduoduo did not come out to be strong against the line, no offline press conference was held, and there was no news from the online official V.

In fact, netizens who eat melon in the outside world do not know that the founder of Pinduoduo has received the "three warnings" and has been counseled. Never dare.

This time, the gambler is that there are a lot of adults Luo Sheng, as long as he is enough, the other party will not make a big move, and he will not dare to do too much, especially when Ding Ping warns that if he does not stop, the parent company Azure Coast will take action in AOS. The Pinduoduo APP was removed from the end and WOS end.

As soon as the warning came out, Pinduoduo immediately froze.

Second cowardly.

Just an AOS delisting warning is very hurt, but big data shows that there are relatively few people who use AOS to fight Duoduo, and the base is on the open source operating system WOS.

This is a simple and unpretentious trump card, which can kill the fight with one blow. You must know that whether it is Xiaomi, Honor, vivo, OPPO, iPhone and other smartphone manufacturers, their mobile phone operating systems are all WOS open source systems. Between the Côte d’Azur and Pinduoduo, I will choose the Côte d’Azur without hesitation.

Once it is tragically taken off the shelf, PDD can really be sucked out of the bottom line and directly finished.

Pricing power is the lifeblood of every company. PDD touches the red line of all companies at this point. It has a bad reputation in the corporate circle. The power of the Côte d’Azur to block it will not have much negative impact on the ecosystem. , no one would think that the Côte d'Azur is abusing its market dominance, after all for good reason.

This is very different from Zhang Bowen, who was in charge of Bluestar Technology, who wanted to ask Yao Jianhong to use the market dominance of the Côte d'Azur to block Toutiao competitors.

In business and business, the perspective and position of the bosses in the corporate circle are completely different from those of netizens who eat melons. The perspective and position of consideration are based on interests. This is the problem of buttocks deciding the head, and only this point PDD is unreasonable. Help, after all, the heads of other companies will also think about it, your PDD rubbed AMD's graphics card yesterday, and today rubbed off on the car of Weilan pure electric car company...

I'm not sure you'll bump into my head tomorrow.


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