Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 800 [The 3 brothers who paid for the show operation]

In the office, An Qingxue then reported on the important affairs of the company.

"The Indo market is facing a change. The other party has sent a negotiating team yesterday to discuss the withdrawal of Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology from the subcontinent market."

"Ha~, I can't take it anymore?" Luo Sheng couldn't help laughing when he heard it. The third brother forcibly decoupled a month ago, and now he has regretted it. The old beauty called a thief a month ago. There is no actual action yet.

In fact, it's not that the baby doesn't want to, but the resistance is too great.

If Luo Sheng did not disclose the situation of his entire domestic semiconductor industry chain, he might have done something wrong, but as this card was revealed, it directly aroused fierce resistance from a number of North American technology giants.

The chip market of more than 300 billion US dollars in the Greater China market cannot afford to lose.

The third brother has been carrying it for more than a month. During this time, he also tried to invite Western technology giants to fill the blank market left by Cote d'Azur and Bluestar Technology, and found that European and American people are blacker than each other.

After more than a month of carrying it, I finally couldn't carry it anymore, so I had to take the initiative to come to the door to seek reconciliation.

An Qingxue said with a smile: "I really can't take it anymore. According to incomplete statistics, the sub-continent market has caused an economic loss of 248.7 billion US dollars due to this incident. The Mumbai SENSEX30 index has been in a row after the big dive a month ago. The month has continued to fall so far.”

Indo's SENSEX30 index is equivalent to the Shanghai index of the domestic big A.

The economic loss of 248.7 billion US dollars is too heavy for Indo. You must know that their GDP in the whole of last year was 2.726 trillion US dollars. This wave of operation is equivalent to losing 9.12% of the GDP, which is equal to This year, more than one billion people in India have worked for so long without any growth in their wealth. If it continues like this, the GDP growth of India will have a negative growth this year.

The third brother used 248.7 billion US dollars as a price to realize that the Indo economy is inseparable from the Cote d'Azur, especially the Bluestar Technology Group.

Even the old beauty dare not easily touch the current Bluestar technology, let alone Yindu?

Bluestar Technology Group is an indispensable business tool for local SMEs. Without the infrastructure services provided by Bluestar Technology, the blow to local SMEs will be fatal.

Whether it is Cerulean Coast or Bluestar Technology, the reason why these two technology giants are so important to the Indo market is that they have greatly reduced IT costs for local business activities and consumer activities, especially for local small and medium-sized businesses. It is important that many small and medium-sized businesses have gained profit space because of this, and only when they have money can they talk about the possibility of further development and growth.

Without the service support of Bluestar Technology, the operating cost of the company has skyrocketed. Not only will the profits disappear, but it will also lose money. Only then will it go bankrupt.

As for the services provided by Western companies, let alone that the expensive fees are simply not affordable for small and medium-sized businesses in the Indo market, and even some large companies may not be able to bear it.

Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur are global technology giants that cross the world. The services they provide are global. Without the services of these two companies, they also impacted the export business of India and made the multinational companies in India very uncomfortable. .

Bluestar Technology's cloud computing services and data analysis services, you don't need it, international customers can't connect, and customers are lost because of inherent disadvantages.

The result is obvious, nearly 250 billion US dollars in economic losses as the price, basically, the entire GDP growth of India this year is lost here.

Luo Sheng, who was sitting in an office chair, said, "After the negotiation is complete, send me a report and upload it directly to my cloud server."

An Qingxue nodded and replied, "Okay."


At the same time, Yindu's business negotiation team is currently negotiating with Yao Jianhong, Zhang Bowen and others. The other party wants to see Luo Sheng, but ruthlessly refuses it because he is busy with technical research and can't take it away.

In fact,

Luo Sheng has basically nothing to do now, enjoying afternoon tea comfortably, and living a dire day when he is bored.

Now the situation has reversed, and the initiative is in Luo Sheng's hands. As the ultimate boss, not appearing is a bit of a slap in the face, but this is Luo Sheng's attitude towards the other party.

The translation means... you have to pay more.

The third brother did this, and the two companies have been suspended in the subcontinent market for nearly a month. This loss must be borne by Indo, and the premium loss must be assessed, and Indo must also be reimbursed.

Such conditions were unacceptable to the negotiating team on the Indian side, but Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur did not give each other the chance to bargain at all, either agreed or I would withdraw.

I was not sure how much the Indo market would lose after leaving the two companies. Now, seeing an astronomical figure of nearly 250 billion US dollars, both Yao Jianhong and Zhang Bowen knew that the Indo market really couldn't bear it.

This time, it really killed the other party in one bite, and I'm sorry for myself if I don't ask for a price.

The attitude of Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology is also very clear. If they don't agree, they really pat their butt and leave. In a month's time, the "luggage" has been packed almost.

Finally, give Yindu a week to consider, and if he does not agree, he will fully withdraw his funds and withdraw.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Luo Sheng had never really thought about giving up the subcontinent market, and even the negotiating team in India knew this.

But what's the use?

This is conspiracy.

Whether it's Bluestar Technology or Azure Coast, it doesn't matter if you spend half a year or even a year with you. Since Luo Sheng's losses, the company's cash flow is abundant, and its operating income is constantly hitting new highs. After 1 trillion US dollars, Bluestar Technology went to 500 billion US dollars, and the annual revenue of Weilan pure electric vehicles also exceeded 100 billion US dollars. There are also many institutions such as Shengfeng Capital and Star Arrow International.

In a few years, the annual operating income of Luo Sheng's companies or institutions will exceed the annual GDP scale of the entire India.

But Yindu couldn't even spend another month, let alone half a year or even a year.

Luo Sheng and his management team have already prepared a plan for their coping strategies. If the Indian government is really wasting their time, then they will be subverted. Of course, it is not a direct shot. If they don't have the strength, they can't do it. Otherwise, they will be overthrown. The old beauty grabbed the handle.

But some people will do it, that is, the opposition party in India will take the initiative to jump out.

As long as the Indian government has made the economy a mess, the opposition party will definitely not miss the great opportunity to attack the government. When a new term comes to power, the subcontinent market will still be able to function.

And those in power obviously know the key points, and they dare not gamble. In order not to overturn the car, they can only compromise.

As a result, Azure Coast and Bluestar Technology gave a week of consideration, but the Indo business negotiation team requested to restart the negotiations in advance three days later.


The price is that in the past month, the economic losses of Côte d’Azur and Bluestar Technology in the subcontinent market reached as high as 46.8 billion US dollars.

In other words, Yindu had to pay an extra 59 billion US dollars to invite the two companies back, which is equivalent to a total loss of more than 300 billion US dollars.

The third brother is already crying and fainting in the toilet... Even the toilet belongs to someone else, and everyone on earth knows that the third brother is very short of toilets.

In mid-October, after the two sides negotiated, they officially announced the news, and the two sides reached a memorandum of understanding, which attracted worldwide attention.

The Mumbai SENSEX30 index soared on the same day, and the time of disclosure was in the afternoon of the same day. Stimulated by this news, even the domestic big A also rose rapidly in the late trading hour, and the Shanghai index rose 1.7% that day.

Domestic and foreign media have followed the commentary and ridiculed reports, driving people away and finding that they can’t play, and then turning back to invite people back. Netizens who eat melons all over the world say they can’t understand how the third brother’s brain circuit is constructed, and they are regarded by major media as for entertainment news.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng didn't do too much, and tried his best to save the third brother's face as much as possible. The $59 billion in compensation should not be announced as a confidentiality agreement between the two parties at the request of the other party. Accepted.

The third brother is very concerned about what the international wind critics think of them. If the 59 billion US dollars are exposed, it is really ugly and embarrassing, and it will definitely become the biggest international joke of the year.

Not only does he have to face the face and suffer, but the third brother can't afford the money, so he really can't come up with such a large sum of money.

The final solution was that Côte d’Azur suggested that Indo take out a loan of $3.5 billion through Yatou Bank to pay the interest first, and the remaining money was gradually repaid in seven years.

In desperation, Yindu could only borrow money to repay.

It is equivalent to paying another expensive interest fee, and I am not afraid that the third brother will default on his debt. With this lesson, I believe that the third brother will not forget the pain of the loss of 300 billion US dollars.


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