Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 801 [Solar Storm]

As the business negotiating team of Côte d’Azur, Bluestar Technology and Indo reached a memorandum of understanding, a substantive consensus was formally reached shortly thereafter, and the “luggage” packed and collected by the two companies was also put down again.

The third brother warmly invites you, so let's stay.

In the next week, a new round of work was quickly launched. All employees who had been on paid leave for a month were recalled and returned to work one after another. For these employees, it was a pleasant experience. month.

As for the other local employees who were fired, the two companies did not take the initiative to contact them. They also wanted to save face. They were a little arrogant. Anyway, there was no shortage of employees in non-core positions in the local area, so they would never take the initiative to contact them.

However, if they come to apply again, they will be recruited again. After all, they have work experience there, and it will also be beneficial for the subsequent resumption of operations in the subcontinent market.

The cloud computing and data analysis services are the first to be restored, and the second is to wait for a major update of the social network platform, and local users can log in and use them normally without “overcoming the wall”.

The two companies, Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur, managed to take the lead in operating several important basic services in the sub-continent market in just one week, while other manufacturers, such as European and American companies, were shut down for a while. It takes three or two months to restore the supply and demand of basic services.

Construction is always more time-consuming than destruction, but the Côte d'Azur and Bluestar Technology have once again shown the world what Huaguo speed is.

In fact, another reason that can be recovered so quickly is that the two companies have no real plans to leave at all. Otherwise, even if Bluestar Technology and Azure Coast want to restore the basic operation status, it will take ten days at least to say half a month.

After the two parties reach a settlement, it only takes about ten days for the two companies to fully resume operations in the subcontinent market, returning to the state of more than a month ago.

The local users were pleasantly surprised to find that their data was not lost. Bluestar Technology Group actually helped them save it in the cloud data center a long time ago.

However, if users want to get back these data, they have to pay a sum of money as the operation and management fee. Bluestar Technology also incurs costs for keeping these data. The electricity bill of the data center and so on are all costs.

Justified and justified, money should be given.

The minimum fee to pay starts at 100 rupees, and most ordinary users only need to pay 100 rupees, which is equivalent to about 10 yuan.

Enterprise users are different, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands or even millions of rupees.

How fragrant is big data, Bluestar Technology said that the second and no one will say the first. This is the behavior of cutting leeks. Different users or customers have different charges, and they can be distributed and processed just right, depending on the data. Differential charges apply.

To put it simply, it means to cut a little bit for the skinny, and a bit more for the fat ones. Bluestar Technology Group’s specialty is to provide data analysis services. It is guaranteed that the profit can be harvested just right without causing pain to users or customers. Pay obediently.

As a result, this wave of big data has brought huge profits of more than one billion US dollars to the company. Ordinary users don’t pay much. They don’t have high awareness and attention to data, and they don’t have the ability to monetize. Therefore, It's gone, as long as the product can continue to be used.

Undoubtedly, those who pay more are enterprise-level customers. They need to rely on these valuable data to make profits, especially some e-commerce customers.

As for the operating cost of data, it was less than $100 million in the past month.

The point is, even if the third brother did not engage in this wave of sassy operations a month ago, this part of the operating cost will be paid, a penny is a lot, but it will cost a few more money for this kind of thing.

Earning more than one billion in vain, it perfectly interprets the era of big data. Mastering data is mastering the greatest wealth password.


Science and Technology Complex Building.

Luo Sheng no longer pays attention to external affairs. Recently, he has been working in his private laboratory, focusing on a mathematical model of the "2023 solar storm".

Compared with what is currently happening, Luo Sheng is more concerned about the impact of the "Super Solar Storm in 2023" on the earth.

The memory of the last life is still fresh. Two-thirds of the entire earth has been powered off for five months. Some countries that cannot cope with this large-scale cosmic natural disaster have been directly entered into the Stone Age. Scrap, and live a life of burning candles.

In the face of this level of natural disasters, a country run by a small government can only resign itself to its fate. Only a large country with a strong mobilization ability can deal with this level of cosmic disaster and minimize the damage to a relatively low level.

Seeing that there are only four years left until 2023, Luo Sheng will naturally not sit idly by. Cosmic natural disasters of this level must be deployed in advance to avoid minimizing losses in the future.

"Xiao Na, import the indicators in file No. 3 into the model and continue the simulation."

"Data file is uploading."

Luo Sheng tilted his head to look at No. 18, the tool girl, and said, "Pour me a cup of tea."

"Okay, master, please wait."

Looking back at the information on the panel, Luo Sheng sighed to himself: "I hope this time I can reduce the losses as much as possible. This year and next year, there will be another wave of the epidemic virus for you.

This level of disaster crisis hits all human beings. Luo Sheng's enterprises are all super large, and they will inevitably suffer huge economic losses.

If human countries do not handle it well, it may lead to a global economic depression.

However, in a crisis, there is a turning point in the crisis, and it is a big opportunity and a big opportunity.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, Star Arrow International, which has not been seen in the first-line field of vision, has developed rapidly, even by leaps and bounds.

With excellent technical background support, Star Arrow International has won a number of strategic cooperation with the National Space Administration, including the launch of space science projects in the next five-year plan, including the "Solar Polar Orbiting Telescope Project", "Magnetosphere". - Ionosphere-thermosphere coupled small satellite constellation detection plan", "X-ray time-varying and polarization detection satellite plan", "space millimeter-wave VLBI array plan", "exoplanet detection plan", "Advanced space-based solar plan" Seven key projects, including the Observatory Program and the Global Water Cycle Observation Satellite Program.

For the longer-term development strategy of space science, the Space Science Pilot Project has also deployed space science pre-research projects. At present, more than 100 projects have been selected, of which about one-third of the Star Arrow International will participate, and Most are focused plans.

A large number of important data indicators of the model that is currently evolving are derived from the data information returned by the "CSOS Solar Observatory".

As early as March 20 last year, the "CSOS Solar Observatory" was successfully launched by Star Arrow International's heavy-duty recoverable rocket, and it was officially put into use in February this year, and the service period was tentatively set for 7 years.

The observer aims to describe the impact of the sun on the earth, and to better simulate and predict the impact on the earth by measuring the energy change of solar radiation, and a major focus is to focus on the scientific assessment of the impact of solar storms on the earth Work.

The organization that operates this observer is the National Academy of Space Technology, but Star Arrow International has the right to share data. Naturally, Luo Sheng can also get the valuable data sent back by CSOS for analysis.


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