Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 802 [I have a 100% certainty]

(Ps: I’m also drunk, the number 2, 2, 3 was forcibly changed to 2123 by the system, and now it’s also changed to a homophone. I can’t type Arabic numerals and Chinese characters, so I’ll add 100 directly to you. Is this also what? Sensitive numbers can’t be made? It’s too late.)


Solar storms occur when radioactive radiation on the surface of the sun explodes and charged particles burst at millions of kilometers per hour.

A sufficiently strong radiation explosion will affect more than half of the world's radio communications. In addition, when a coronal mass ejection from the sun is powerful enough to directly sweep the earth, it can easily destroy the power grid facilities on the surface, including the lack of corresponding in space. Protected satellites.

The Carrington Superstorm in 1859 caused serious damage to the telegraph system at that time, but in the era of steam engines, it had little impact on human daily life.

But if today's modern society encounters such a strong super solar storm, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will inevitably bring a heavy blow to the global economy.

The most recent and well-known case occurred in Canada in 1989, when a high-energy solar storm overloaded the Quebec grid, causing power outages to more than six million people in Canada and eastern magnesium.

The Toronto Stock Exchange stopped trading because the solar storm caused all electronic equipment to be burned. This incident also frightened many people. Since then, ESA and NASA have jointly established the solar storm warning satellite SOHO.

Obviously, if a solar storm occurs, the major powers can definitely predict it in advance.

"Master, the simulation evolution result is out."

After waiting for a while, Xiaona heard a response.

Luo Sheng put the teacup aside, tapped lightly on the keyboard a few times, and stared at the information on the panel.

After reading the results, Luo Sheng said, "Contact Academician Yang of the Academy of Space Sciences, I want to start a video call with him."

Cortana: "A communication request has been established."

For a moment, a window of reality popped up in front of Luo Sheng, and a man in his fifties with glasses appeared on the screen. At a glance, he was a "super smart" man.

It was Yang Demao, Academician Yang, who Luo Sheng spoke of.

"Mr. Luo? It's really surprising that you can take the initiative to come to the door. This is the first time." Yang Demao laughed.

Luo Sheng got the signal and went straight to the point and asked, "Professor Yang, what do you think about the solar activity in the next four years?"

Yang Demao was stunned for a moment, and said curiously, "You came here specifically for this matter? Wait, I'll check the data."

After a while, Yang Demao looked at Luo Sheng in the video again and said, "The result of data processing is that it is equivalent to one-tenth of the solar activity in the 2012 cycle. What's wrong? Why do you care about this issue? already?"

Luo Sheng said succinctly: "But the result I calculated is twice that of the Carrington Superstorm, at least twice."

Yang Demao didn't react for a while, and after a while he said in shock, "What? How is this possible?"

Luo Sheng said: "Solar physics research involves the use of many instruments, usually there is a lot of data in different space or ground observation stations, time lag and other factors increase the complexity and error, the Space Science Institute should not have the ability to analyze and process capability, I recently developed a new tool just to process large amounts of data and improve future risk assessments that can filter 100,000 data sets at a time and train evolutionary models that can identify signs of an impending outbreak, Professor Yang, I post it Give it to you."

Yang Demao nodded solemnly after holding the mirror tactically. He believed that Luo Sheng would not come over to scare him at leisure. This is not something that can be joked casually.

After the model tool was passed, Yang Demao immediately demonstrated it, and at the same time he heard Luo Sheng's voice on the video screen again.

"This suite of tools, thanks to powerful AI assistance, links solar wind drivers to magnetic field levels around Earth,

And track their connection to solar storms to spot anomalies in the data. The algorithm, which provides an 'anomaly score' for each set of data nodes, is currently capable of collecting data from more than 100 satellite missions and developing visualization capabilities for further research. "

After a moment's pause, Luo Sheng added: "Simply put, it has been possible to create simulations of solar phenomena needed to simulate super solar storms like the 1859 Carrington event, and we can get every data in a super storm. , so as to effectively predict.”

At this time, Yang Demao watched the evolution of the computational simulation. He didn't say a word, but his expression became more and more solemn.

The eruption of a solar flare, a super-giant solar storm took the lead in destroying the Earth's upper atmosphere, followed by a giant electromagnetic pulse, the communication between the satellite and the earth was interrupted, the solar storm caused a violent ion flow, and the satellite or other without special protection All artificial celestial bodies will basically be scrapped, and the satellites currently in orbit have not done much protection in this regard, which means that all will be finished.

Communication on the ground will also be affected next, but that's not the worst place yet.

Yang Demao continued to watch the model evolve and move forward.

Twenty-four hours later, the plasma cloud came to Earth and collided with the magnetosphere, causing a violent geomagnetic storm, at which point all flights had to be terminated.

The geomagnetic storm seriously affected the power grid transformers, followed by major power outages around the world, the lights would go out, the Internet would also be shut down, and the Dabai robot could not use the navigation system, but fortunately, the image vision AI perception system can be used, but the premise is It was Dabai who was able to escape this solar storm without being destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse, and any equipment that needed electricity would be turned off.

The electronically controlled urban water system in most modern cities will fail, toilets and sewage systems will stop working, and gradually become filthy, heating, air conditioning and refrigerators will fail, perishable food and medicine will go bad, This will lead to shortages of water and food, prices will skyrocket, urban life will be severely disrupted, gas pumps will be offline, and so on...

At this moment, Yang Demao has a hard time imagining and predicting how much loss and consequences the billions of electricity-hungry humans will suddenly lose to people's lives without the power grid.

He is now focusing on a series of numbers in the simulation evolution that soar wildly as the simulation progresses, and that represents the economic damage caused by this solar storm, which exceeds 7.6892 trillion US dollars.

This is a direct economic loss.

"Mr. Luo, how reliable is your model? This is not a joke. It involves preparation and reconstruction before and after a disaster. A disaster of this level is a major event that requires the mobilization of the country. , no one can take this responsibility." Yang Demao said very seriously, at this moment he really hoped that Luo Sheng was here to joke with him.

If a solar storm does come, the biggest impact will be large-scale power outages, which will trigger a chain reaction. Power outages can range from a few days to months or even years. If a response plan is prepared in advance, closing some power plants will help. In order to protect and reinforce the substations after the disaster, they are all relied upon in the post-disaster reconstruction. Without electricity, the large machines cannot be operated, and the efficiency and cost of the post-disaster reconstruction will also soar. Otherwise, the post-disaster reconstruction can be completed faster and people life returned to normal.

But what if the judgment is wrong or wrong?

Who is responsible for the losses caused?

No one dares to take this responsibility.

"I am 100% sure that this solar storm hits. If there is a misjudgment and misjudgment, I am willing to bear all the consequences." Luo Sheng replied firmly, he is someone who has experienced this natural disaster, but this The natural disaster did not involve human beings in the wasteland world where the order collapsed. At least a few major countries recovered quickly, especially countries with strong mobilization capabilities.

And this time, with an early warning, Luo Sheng has enough confidence to further reduce the loss, and there are more than four years of preparation time, which is not too short.

The reason why the previous life suffered heavy losses was the result of misjudging the power of the flare explosion.

Fortunately, this cosmic natural disaster is not a 10-kilometer-level asteroid hitting the earth. If an asteroid hits the earth, with the current technological level of human beings, it will basically be hit to the Stone Age and enter the disordered wasteland world. .

Yang Demao heard Luo Sheng's definite answer, but his heart became even heavier. After a short silence, he said, "We must call an emergency meeting to discuss and write an emergency report and submit it as soon as possible. By the way, Mr. Luo, this matter Who else knows?"

"It's just you and me at the moment." Luo Sheng replied simply, and added: "Professor Yang, remember to sign my name on the report materials submitted."

Luo Sheng's name is also very weighty, which will make the top pay more attention, and signature also means taking responsibility. If it is really wrong or wrong, it will be held accountable.


(I haven't dug a new pit for a long time, so I will dig a pit for the plot in four years~~~)

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