Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 805 [Twenty Trillion Response Funding]

Qin Weimu, who was sitting on the side, asked him simply and clearly, "How much do you plan to buy?"

Luo Sheng said without hesitation: "What else? Of course, the more the better."

When the solar storm comes four years later, it will become the largest integrated circuit provider in the world, and all of them are ready-made, and the goods can be picked up immediately after paying the money. Just imagine that most of the electronic components and equipment on the earth are paralyzed. How big is unimaginable.

At that time, it is equivalent to controlling the economic lifeline of the country in demand and the space for technological development, and will definitely be offered as an ancestor.

Rob? start a war?

Then it is necessary to have this ability. The industrial facilities and the economy have not recovered, and the ability to use it to start a war? Whoever recovers first is eligible to wage war.

And Luo Sheng knew that his country would become the fastest recovering country in the world, and even the old beauty had to lie down to deter him. At that time, the times had really changed.

"By the way, this matter has to be done secretly and cannot be exposed in advance. Our reputation is too great, and there are too many people who pay attention. If someone finds out, it will be difficult." Luo Sheng thought for a while and added: "When the time comes, I will arrange a few reliable people for you to send. They can be absolutely trusted."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare first. The reliable subordinates you said had better be dispatched as soon as possible."

"I'll let them report to you tomorrow."

Qin Weimu got up immediately, did not stay too long, left the science and technology complex building and went to the headquarters of Shengfeng Capital.

Can afford to be absolutely credible, there is no second kind of person except bionics. In the laboratory of the basement, the No. 2 tool man sister paper has been making bionics non-stop, and now there are more people. A batch is ready to be dispatched.

Qin Weimu didn't know about the android, but it wasn't a big problem.

Not long after Qin Weimu left, Xiaona's voice responded in the living room: "Master, the high-level video conference will start in ten minutes."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng raised his spirits, and immediately asked a domestic maid to bring out a formal suit, put on this suit, and came to his private office.

The next highly confidential video conference has extremely high standards. Of course, you can't wear a T-shirt and big pants to the meeting. The discussion is about the prevention of super solar storm disaster.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, Luo Sheng was already sitting at his desk, with his hands and fingers interlaced on the table naturally, and his eyes were also staring directly at the large high-definition screen on the wall in front of him.

After a while, the screen lights up and is divided into several sub-screens. Each sub-screen displays the words "connecting". After a few seconds, images appear on all the sub-screens one after another.

The image of Academician Yang Demao of the Academy of Space Science also appeared on one of the screens. At this moment, a voice from the narrator entered Luo Sheng's ears.

"The line investigation is completed, the communication channel is confirmed to be safe, and the meeting can be started."

Luo Sheng paid attention to the image on the main screen. Today's meeting was hosted by this big leader.

"let us start."

Without any hesitation, the leader looked directly at Luo Sheng and said, "Comrade Luo Sheng's warning was timely, and our relevant scientists have repeatedly demonstrated for half a month to confirm that Comrade Luo Sheng's warning is correct. Yes, Academician Yang, come and tell everyone briefly."

Yang Demao read the manuscript on his desk, held the frame of the mirror and looked down at the material, saying, "During this period of time, we have used more than 20 supercomputers day and night for the data we have and the analysis tools provided by Mr. Luo. The calculation simulation of the stop is close to 120,000 times, and the results are all the same."

"The simulation results tell us that the intensity of the super solar storm that erupted four years later is much stronger than that of the Carrington Superstorm in 1859, and will eject material equivalent to about 20 times the volume of the Earth. According to the simulation results of the analysis tool provided by Mr. Luo,

After some of these coronal ejections enter space, they will last for about half a month when they reach the earth, which will bring direct economic losses of more than 50 trillion yuan on a global scale, and the indirect losses are immeasurable. "

After Yang Demao's brief report was completed, the leaders at the meeting spoke again: "The state attaches great importance to this natural disaster, and it has been confirmed that a special fund of 20 trillion yuan has been allocated for the prevention of this natural disaster. The "Big Fund for Natural Disaster Prevention" will be established, and this fund will be put in place one after another and will be dedicated to pre-disaster prevention in the next four years."

However, the money cannot be allocated in one year, nor can the country give out so much money all at once.

Luo Sheng was quite surprised when he heard that, the country is really decisive on this issue, and this defense fund is a full 5 trillion yuan more than the previous life.

As for the extra 5 trillion yuan of defense funds, of course, the country is richer in this world. Since Luo Sheng started his business, the economic growth driven by several of his companies has been quite impressive.

This year's total GDP is expected to reach 17.28 trillion US dollars, which is a full 2.9 trillion US dollars more than Luo Sheng's previous life, which is equivalent to a little more than the total GDP of India. Compared with North America's data this year, it is about At around $20 trillion, that's $1.5 trillion less.

The economic gap with the old and the United States has been significantly shortened. In terms of economic aggregates alone, the two sides can be said to be in the same echelon. One is the first economy in the Eastern Hemisphere and the other is the first economy in the Western Hemisphere.

This time, the prevention fund was established in the name of the "Big Fund for Natural Disaster Prevention", which is wonderful. Although the solar storm is very different from the previous disasters, it is also a kind of natural disaster.

It is appropriate to disclose it in this name. People only think that this special fund is a national strategic consideration and is used for various natural disasters. For example, there will be floods or droughts of varying degrees in the south and the north every year. The country's annual expenditure is not a small amount.

Disaster relief is related to the safety of people's lives and property, and they will basically be supported.

There is no doubt that 20 trillion is an astronomical number among astronomical numbers. This number also makes Luo Sheng more confident. I saw him smile and say:

"As long as we are fully prepared, I believe that my country will be the first country in the world to recover its economy after the solar storm. If it goes well, it will be able to resume basic social operations within a year. At that time, after solving its own problems, it will resume production and work in an all-round way. China's disaster reconstruction work will inevitably seek solutions from my country, and will usher in export orders that are in short supply. After the disaster, my country's economic scale will definitely become the world's largest, which is a historical feat unseen in a century."

This was originally a bad thing, but Luo Sheng's words turned out to be a good thing. The attendees couldn't help showing a faint smile of doubt. They had to say that from the standpoint of their own country, this was something that had not been seen in a century. A historic opportunity to transcend the West and return the center of the world to the East.

At the end, the leader looked at Luo Sheng and said: "As for the chip, the country will hand over this task to you. This is the top priority of modern industrial production and modern economic recovery, and it is extremely important to ensure the post-disaster reconstruction work. The equipment has cores available.”

Luo Sheng nodded and said, "Please rest assured, leaders of integrated circuits. These days, I have arranged the strategic reserve production increase plan for aerospace-grade chips, automotive chips, industrial-grade chips, and commercial-grade chips. I can ensure that I provide the country with A total of 45 billion low-, medium- and high-end chips of all kinds."

Don’t look at 45 billion chips is a huge number, but chips are not only used in mobile phones or computers, almost all devices that are powered by electricity require chips. In fact, the number of chips imported in China last year exceeded 300 billion chips, with an average of 1 around US dollars.

The scale of 45 billion pieces is compared with 300 billion pieces, which is equivalent to only 15% of the current domestic annual import scale.

However, the meanings of the two are completely different and cannot be generalized. These 45 billion chips are used for emergency use in case of extreme shortage of chips. When used in key places, they are of immeasurable significance for post-disaster economic recovery and modern industrial production. , This is the confidence that Luo Sheng dares to say that he can recover within a year.


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