Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 806 [Arrangement of the Great White Fund]

After the meeting lasted for about half an hour, the leaders had already gone offline ahead of schedule after setting the tone. The next step was a professional discussion, and the results were discussed and submitted for approval.

Luo Sheng is still present at the meeting. In the work of preventing solar storms, he is responsible for the high-tech sector, mainly the emergency supply of chips and radio communications. As for other items such as food supply, etc. The problem is the work of other people or relevant departments.

"Fortunately, the solar storm is a natural disaster that only cuts off your food supply, only loses property, and does not threaten the lives of ordinary people on a large scale. If it encounters an asteroid hitting the earth, it will really be over." Yang Demao said.

Another participant couldn't help but complained: "I said Lao Yang, don't be a crow, it makes people panic."

The others couldn't help but chuckle lowly. To a large extent, it was so easy because the disaster just broke the wealth and won't kill them. After the wealth is gone, it can be earned back. If the person is gone, everything is really gone.

After a while, someone continued: "Although this natural disaster will not harm human life, the man-made disasters that may be caused by this natural disaster must be guarded against."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Indeed, sometimes the tragedies caused by man-made disasters are far better than natural disasters. Preventing man-made disasters is the top priority of this task, but this is what the state machine has to do.

"The three key points of this defense work are food, communication, and safety. These three points are the basic guarantees, and there can be absolutely no problems."

When the solar storm hits, it will inevitably trigger a global blackout. Without power supply, the daily life of residents living in cities will be seriously affected.

Seafood, meat and other refrigerated food will quickly deteriorate and spoil. Power outages will also lead to water outages, which in turn will cause the city's sewage system to enter a state of paralysis.

One participant said: “Before the solar storm comes, the people in the city must be guided as far as possible to the countryside. Fortunately, most of the people living in the city in our country have an acre of land in their hometown. Food and drink in rural areas can be guaranteed, but the quality of life will be reduced, but it is already rare."

After the solar wind hits, too many people staying in big cities will definitely do more harm than good. On the one hand, security problems will increase, and on the other hand, food supply will also bring huge pressure.

The cost of transporting grain from various places to the city, or in such a disaster situation, will also rise sharply, fresh vegetables and meat will also be in extreme shortage, and prices will soar, thus increasing the cost of disaster relief.

At this time, the advantages of the small-scale peasant economy will be fully manifested. Coupled with the talent of the Chinese people for planting vegetables, it is not a big problem to eat and drink. Moreover, the country is also very sufficient in terms of grain reserves, which can guarantee the country's 1.45 billion yuan. The rations of the population for two and a half years, that is, no food output for two and a half years, can also ensure that the people of the country will not go hungry.

There was no major problem with the food supply during the disaster. It has been back to normal operation in two and a half years. Everything is due to preparation and the adherence to the red line of arable land.

But this is not necessarily the case in other countries. Food shortages are likely to trigger large-scale riots and cause man-made disasters. But at that time, other people’s affairs can’t be managed. Good to help others.

Of course, free help is limited, and large-scale assistance must be provided for a fee.

Security is also the key point, but this is not a big problem for the country. The biggest security problem has already been solved by solving the big problem of food rations. Luo Sheng knows best that in dealing with such natural disasters, the self-discipline of the vast majority of Chinese people is far Super foreigners know the importance of obeying social order and not causing chaos to the country, and their awareness is not comparable to foreigners.

On the contrary, because of food shortages and insecurity in foreign countries, the losses caused by man-made disasters are basically far greater than those caused by natural disasters.

Finally, there is the issue of communication. Human beings are social creatures, and it is very necessary to ensure contact with the outside world. First, the common people know the fact that the country is fighting disasters and relief, and further increase their sense of security. It is extremely important to have confidence and hope in the future. The most important thing is that sufficient communication resources are an important means to ensure overall planning and coordination across the country.

Communication was discussed at the meeting, and Luo Sheng, who didn't speak much, finally said: "Once the solar storm hits, the first thing to suffer is the orbiting satellites. At present, the four major satellite navigation systems are under such a strong solar storm. It's hard to survive, and most current satellites are not protected against this level of solar wind."

"Star Arrow International will produce and reserve recoverable rockets on a large scale in the next three years, and within three days, the Beidou satellite will be launched and relocated, and it will be the first to cover the entire Asia-Pacific region and achieve global coverage within a week. The premise is that the satellites must be prepared, and it is best to build a few backups. Although the success rate of Star Arrow International has reached 98%, it is always possible to prevent it before it happens.”

In the recovery of satellite navigation and communication, Star Arrow International is not responsible for building Beidou satellites, but only for launching tasks.

At that time, only Star Arrow International's recyclable rockets can be launched at any time without choosing a launch window, and they can be launched frequently, with sufficient launch resources. Launch of commercial satellites.

As for the section that Luo Sheng was in charge of, the participants present were very relieved. If he had not given an early warning of this major disaster, he would have thought it was just an ordinary solar flare activity.

This high-level video conference lasted about an hour and a half, Luo Sheng also chose to go offline, and there are still people discussing, but the following things have nothing to do with him, so naturally there is no need to pay too much attention.

Everyone has their own responsibilities, just do their part.

After the video conference, Luo Sheng paid the most attention to the Dabai Fund, which was invested at a huge cost. If it was destroyed by the solar storm four years later, the Dabai robots on the streets would be worth several trillion yuan. , even Luo Sheng would have to vomit blood for such losses.

You must know that more than 85% of the big white robots currently walking on the street are rented by consumers, and there is no electromagnetic pulse protection for these big white robots.

Paralyzed and damaged by the solar wind, consumers do not need to compensate for natural disaster damage. Only man-made losses will pay the bill. For consumers who purchase rental services, the biggest loss is that there is no clear-cut, and all the losses are paid by the clear-cut Fund to cover the bottom.

However, it is not a big problem, and preparing in advance can avoid the occurrence of tragic losses.

As soon as the video conference was over, Luo Sheng notified the person in charge of the Dabai Fund, who allocated a sum of money to build some underground storage facilities with protection against electromagnetic pulse radiation in major cities across the country.

Before the solar storm hit, all the Dabai robots that were leased to the outside world were recalled and sealed, and after the storm receded, the lease service was provided to the outside world.

However, it is foreseeable that the storage will last for a long period of time, which may take about a year and a half.

When the storm hits, the global economy has been hit hard. The vast majority of people have to save food and clothing. If the economy does not recover and consumption will not increase, Dabai will definitely not be able to rent out a few. Moreover, the power supply for post-disaster reconstruction will be short, and recovery will take time. The power supply must be used where it is most needed.

Personal care assistant butlers like Dabai Robot must only appear when the economy is prosperous. Even if they exist during disasters, they are not affordable for ordinary people.


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