Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 807 [So sinister, what about the kind-hearted person? 】

Another blow is from the blue pure electric vehicle. The high-energy electromagnetic pulse radiation generated by the solar storm is the natural enemy of all electronic devices, and the pure electric vehicle is of course no exception.

None of these vehicles have the ability to defend against electromagnetic pulse radiation, and civilian vehicles or civilian electronic equipment will not do this because it will drive up costs. Disasters such as solar storms are low-probability events.

Although these cars have been sold, even if they are all destroyed by the solar storm, the Blue Pure Electric Vehicle Company will not have a huge risk of loss like the Great White Fund, and will not pay for those cars.

But insurance companies will go bankrupt because of this, and a large number of commercial insurance companies will be wiped out in this solar storm.

However, Luo Sheng can't ignore it. Although he won't lose money because of it, if he ignores everything, it will definitely cause a huge blow to the future of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company, and the shadow of the solar storm will linger in the hearts of consumers.

It took a long time to reverse people's consumption concept of new energy vehicles, and once again planted the seeds of prejudice against pure electric vehicles, it will be difficult to sell products in the future, and it will take more effort and cost to rebuild consumers' confidence. .

This morning, Ding Ping, who is in charge of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company, came to Luo Sheng's house. He was also one of the few people who knew about the solar storm.

"In response to the storm problem four years later, the car is fine and can move, and the majority of car owners can drive the car to the underground electromagnetic pulse protection facility one week before the storm to close and store it."

Ding Ping, who was sitting in the living room, looked at Luo Sheng and added, "But what about the immovable public charging piles? This investment is an astronomical amount of one trillion yuan."

Luo Sheng pondered for a moment and said, "Losses are inevitable. Don't pursue zero losses. Try to minimize relative losses. About a month before the storm comes, unload all the core devices in the charging pile and build a warehouse for storage."

Ding Ping added: "In that case, consumers may want to fry the pot."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "There's no other way, just use the comprehensive upgrade of charging pile facilities as an excuse to apologize for the inconvenience caused by consumers' travel, and offer some subsidies to appease consumers' emotions. , cannibalism is soft and manpower is short, and then it can’t be completely dismantled, and 10% of the overall operation is reserved for continuous operation. This is a necessary loss, and we must take the initiative to bear it.”

This problem is not a big problem. Consumers without public charging piles still have charging piles at home, but charging is much slower, but it is not a big problem to meet basic travel needs. How far can you run on a single charge.

Now car owners don't have to worry about this problem at all, especially in big cities where fast-charging super public charging piles are everywhere. Blue pure electric vehicles have been laying charging piles like crazy over the years, just as common as parking spaces.

These charging piles can be used not only by their own pure electric vehicle brands, but also by other electric vehicle brands that join the ecosystem, but only if they are added to the standard system created by Weilan pure electric vehicles.

Other electric vehicle brands simply do not have the ability to build such a high-standard, large-scale public infrastructure platform, and let them build another public charging system, and it is impossible to have the financial resources.

At this time, Luo Sheng said: "For the vehicles that have been sold, more than 95% of consumers do not have the professional skills and knowledge to prevent electromagnetic pulses. Even if they know, they do not have the economic strength and energy. Ordinary underground garages can't prevent it. Electromagnetic pulses require professional sealing facilities.”

Ding Ping said, "Are we paying for the construction?"

Luo Sheng shook his head and said, "We can build it, but it's not us who pays the money, and it's not the consumers who pay the bill."

Ding Ping asked curiously, "Then who will pay the bill?"

Luo Sheng said calmly: "Of course it's those insurance companies, but we can't inform them in advance. We can build the facilities and go to those insurance companies to negotiate when the storm comes."

Hearing this, Ding Ping was sluggish for a moment,

After reacting, he nodded silently: "I know what to do."

At this moment, Mr. Ding said in his heart that he was an expert, and his immediate boss was indeed a master who would not suffer losses. The rhythm of a large wave of insurance companies going bankrupt when the solar storm came.

Take Weilan pure electric car as an example. Every car is insured. If it is wiped out by a wave of solar wind, all the insurance companies that guarantee it will be destroyed. If Luo Sheng can keep these cars, it is equivalent to saving those Life insurance company.

For Weilan pure electric vehicles, the consumer's car is kept, and the cost does not have to be paid by themselves, and the insurance company will pay the bill.

This move is the surest way to save the enemy. In the event of bankruptcy and cutting a piece of meat, those insurance companies will choose the latter without hesitation.

In this way, as long as the car can survive this disaster intact in the attack of the solar storm, consumers' prejudice against pure electric vehicles will not happen, but they will feel that they are safe, and they will even give blue electric vehicles. Car praise, big companies are really responsible.

All the benefits were taken, and the insurance company acting as a toolman cried and fainted in the toilet.

Mr. Ding secretly glanced at Luo Sheng and thought: "So sinister, is this a kind partner who was evaluated by Hua as a partner?"

After the matter was explained and instructed, Ding Ping didn't stay with Luo Sheng for too long. After chatting for a while, he left the Science and Technology Complex and went back to the company to make arrangements.

Luo Sheng also relaxed, basically everything that should be arranged has been arranged, and now life has to continue, there are still four years before the solar storm hits, and the days are still long.

Not long after Ding Ping left, Luo Sheng went to the laboratory in the basement and asked the No. 2 tool girl, Sister Zhi, to wake up all the recently made androids. They were all Western faces, and Xiaona arranged for them to be human. After that, he sent out to Shengfeng Capital to find Qin Weimu to report.

The next day is to sweep the goods on a large scale around the world, and go to major semiconductor manufacturers to place purchase orders.


STMicroelectronics headquarters.

In the reception room, a manager of the company looked at the man sitting opposite him after reading the documents in his hand.

"Mr. Gross, take the liberty to ask, is your company established recently, why have you never heard of it?"

He didn't know that the man sitting in front of him was an android.

"Is there a problem? If your company can't meet our requirements, don't waste your time." Gross got up and left immediately after speaking. The manager of STMicroelectronics looked anxious.

He quickly got up and grabbed the person, then asked him to sit down with a smile on his face, and said again and again: "Of course no problem, of course no problem, STMicroelectronics is the world's largest supplier of dedicated analog chips and power conversion chips, and the world's first A major supplier of industrial semiconductors and set-top box chips, leading the world in automotive integrated circuits, your vision is amazing."

After speaking, he secretly said: Okay, you are Party A and you are the uncle, can't I do it for you?

Gross: "Then..."

"We'll sign the bill right away, how about that?"

"As it should be."

"So nice to work with."

For this company called "Gnaroth" that appeared out of nowhere, the purchase order contract of $4.5 billion directly smears your face, and the advance payment is as high as $1.2 billion. This is a contract that cannot be refused. 's contract.

No matter where it came from or what it does, but the real money is real, and the money can be paid as soon as the contract is signed. If this kind of list flew out in front of my eyes, wouldn’t my thigh be broken?

The Huaguo semiconductor industry in the Eastern Hemisphere has sprung up, and the industry competition will become more and more fierce in the future. Such a list must not be lost.


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