Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 808 [Crazy Sweeping]

The time has come to mid-November. It has been a month since the latest batch of bionics sent by Luo Sheng, and during this time, the performance of the global semiconductor industry has increased significantly compared with the same period last year.

The most intuitive manifestation is in the stock market. The semiconductor sector has started a major wave of rising tide since mid-to-late October.

The world's leading semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel, Samsung, SK Hynix, Micron, and Toshiba have been rising continuously, and domestic listed semiconductor manufacturers are also rising continuously. The most beautiful boy of Big A since mid to late October.

The science and technology innovation board is currently divided into half the medical and medical device industry and the electronic semiconductor industry. The leading semiconductor stocks with new potential such as Xiongxin Electronics, Reebok Technology, and Zhongwei Technology have set off a continuous upward trend. Even the main board Zhaoyi Innovation The second-tier leading stocks that have fallen out of favor have continued to soar along with the entire sector.

In the past month and now, as long as you buy stocks in the semiconductor sector, you can't lose money, whether it is a first-tier leader, a second-tier leader, or even a third-tier leader.

Such a hot market in the semiconductor sector has attracted the attention of countless funds, and the market has begun to shout that the semiconductor bull market is coming.

At present, it is indeed a semiconductor bull market, and it is an unusual mad cow.

In the past month, this round of big market has been launched since October 22, and three consecutive big Yang lines have risen directly to show their respect. Domestic investors dubbed it "Three Flowers Gathering the Top", and continued after a day's correction. The heavy volume rose sharply. This time, it directly rose for nine consecutive positive lines. It was dubbed "Nine Yang Magic" by retail investors. After two days of correction, it staged a five-straight rise again, which was called "Five Qi Chaoyang".

The whole market sentiment is that if you don't buy the target of the semiconductor industry, you will be laughed at for any target of the liquor consumption industry.

Entering November, investors exclaimed that semiconductors are going crazy, and they make money as long as they buy them.

Various big Vs and investment experts are analyzing the reasons for the start of this big bull market in semiconductors, and it took off almost without warning.

The media are also racing to report, and the truth seems to be coming to the surface soon. There are media reports on the relevant news disclosed by the world's top ten semiconductor manufacturers, and some listed companies' conference calls also disclosed that their performance in the second half of the year increased significantly.

Third-party data analysis service companies also published research reports, naming major semiconductor manufacturers such as STMicroelectronics, SK Hynix, Renesas, Micron, and Qualcomm that received large-scale orders at about the same time.

In October this year, the output value of the global semiconductor industry soared by 30% year-on-year, and less than half a month into November not only surpassed the output value of the same period in November last year, but also rose by 50%. According to this trend, it is possible It will surge by about 180% in November.

Whether it is the media, enterprises or some intelligence agencies, they are all investigating the origin of these buyers to find out the truth.

But no matter what the truth is, it is a major benefit for the global semiconductor industry, and major semiconductor manufacturers are as happy as receiving a pie from the sky.

Whatever it is, it can't be wrong if the genuine bills of the order contract come in.

Therefore, as long as these customers come to place orders and dare to pay, those global semiconductor manufacturers will dare to take over the work and work hard to meet the supply needs of customers.

If you have money but don't make a bastard, what is more important than keeping the profits running?


Science and Technology Complex Building.

"At present, the total procurement contract of 221.8 billion US dollars has been signed. According to your request of 1.5 trillion US dollars, 15% has been completed." Qin Weimu, sitting opposite Luo Sheng, said succinctly, this matter is not She did not disclose it to the outside world, and she personally reported the progress to Luo Sheng.

"Yes, another $100 billion order is enough this year, and the rest will be done in the next two years." Luo Sheng said with satisfaction, after this wave of operations,

Forcibly, the annual output value of the global semiconductor industry chain in 2019 has been pushed up to a scale of more than 700 billion US dollars, which was only 480 billion US dollars last year.

It means that the entire industry has grown by 45.8%, which is a crazy rhythm. It is no wonder that the stock market is so hot, and the rise in the stock prices of listed semiconductor companies is really uncontrollable and impossible to suppress.

Qin Weimu was a little worried: "The movement is so big, are the people you sent me reliable?"

Such a large-scale purchase is difficult to avoid being noticed, and it will definitely cause some intelligence agencies to secretly investigate what the buyers are doing.

Luo Sheng said with a smile, "Don't worry, those people are absolutely loyal and reliable. As for the noise, it's great. Anyway, what's wrong with me hoarding chips? And there is no law that prohibits hoarding chips? As long as you don't get caught. I just need to be the buyer behind it.”

I have to say that Luo Sheng's reputation is too big, which is both a good and a bad thing.

The current situation is that many people are in a state of confusion, including those semiconductor manufacturers who have received orders. There are still people hoarding chips on a large scale these days. Don't you know that the performance of the semiconductor industry doubles every two years?

Do you understand Moore's Law?

These customers who purchase chips have also been investigated by major semiconductor manufacturers behind the scenes. They are all leather bag companies, or companies that have just been merged and restructured by capital, and then come to place orders.

The CIA is also constantly investigating who is the capital behind this.

The first object of suspicion was Luo Sheng. It was suspected that he was doing something, but there was no evidence.

It's still untenable, even if Luo Sheng does something, there must be enough motivation and reason.

Hoarding integrated circuit chips?

Brain pumped?

What's more, Luo Sheng himself is engaged in the whole semiconductor industry chain, there is no reason.

Those who suspect him don't know the CIA side. Many agencies and people under investigation have listed Luo Sheng as the key suspects. There is no way, who makes Luo Sheng too good at doing things, and one thing is bigger than the other.

Now this matter is obviously not something that ordinary people can promote, and the only thing that can be investigated is to keep an eye on the changes in Luo Sheng's assets.

But investigating his asset changes will find that there is no way to check, because the total size of the asset allocation of Shengfeng Capital and the Luo Sheng family fund is too large, and it has maintained more than 1.2 trillion US dollars of hot money in the global financial industry for many years. In the market, transactions flow in this pool.

It can only be suspected that Luo Sheng is doing things, but it is not enough to find sufficient evidence to prove that he is doing things.

Qin Weimu said: "What I'm most worried about is that the purchased chips will not be shipped back if they are sealed abroad. If a storm hits, it will be troublesome for Europeans and Americans to play hooligans and grab it directly, and it will be funny to give it for nothing."

At present, a series of procurement arrangements are carried out in the name of foreign companies. If they are shipped back to China, even if you don’t know what you are using for them, Laos and the United States will definitely use export control regulations to prevent you from leaving, but instead expose some strategies. intention.

Therefore, it cannot be shipped back, and can only be sealed abroad.

Luo Sheng was not worried at all about this, and said calmly: "Give it for nothing? What are you kidding? I didn't plan to ship it back to China at all. I originally sold it to them. You are afraid that they will rob them at that time. Don't you forget? Horizon Security has this card? If they dare to grab it, I will threaten to blow up the warehouse. If they want to restore modern industrial operations on a large scale, they will rely on the chips in my hand. "

Qin Weimu was stunned and forgot that he still had this trump card. Luo Sheng had already told her about Horizon Security when he sent funds to it.

In this way, Europeans and Americans will definitely not dare to play hooligans and rob it. If it is really bombed, it may be no less than walking the road from the steam age to the information age again.

It may not be possible to restore modern industry in ten years.

It also offended the people of Huaguo. At that time, Huaguo was definitely the strongest existence on the surface of the planet, because whoever regained the modern industrial capacity first, the one whose fist was the biggest and hardest.

At that time, you will have to count on the Chinese people to help with disaster relief, how can you dare to offend.


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