Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and eleventh chapter [blood collapse]

As soon as the video connection was connected, Yao Jianhong in the video said: "Mr. Luo, a group of European customers urgently called our company today, hoping to provide a batch of Dabai robots as soon as possible. In addition, the previous withdrawal of Dabai Fund's 1 trillion US dollars financing The international capital also came to the door, and their finances were suddenly relieved, and they could even reach an additional $1 trillion at the best.”

When he said this, Yao Jianhong couldn't help but laugh.

All of these international capitals are unprofitable masters. Now a sudden skin-infected virus has become a global pandemic. Smart capital can see at a glance that the big white robot is in a global pandemic of this infectious disease. business value in .

Dabai robots are afraid of digital viruses, but biological viruses are ineffective against robots. Robots can be used to cut off the transmission chain of viruses. At the juncture of this special situation, its unparalleled advantages and value are reflected.

"This transaction must be done, but the financing is enough. After this village, there is no such store anymore. If you want Dabai Robot, then buy it instead of leasing it." Luo Sheng said: "Go and talk to you. Let those customers talk about specific cooperation.”

After Luo Sheng saw that his offline flagship store in Los Angeles was directly forced to participate in the "zero yuan purchase" and was robbed, Dabai's leasing business must not be launched abroad, at least not at this juncture. of.

In case of being smashed into pieces, you will not have to pay for it, and you will not be able to find the rhythm of crying at that time.


That night, Luo Sheng came to Qin Weimu's house and spent today with her.

"The U.S. stock market has collapsed..." In the bedroom, Qin Weimu sat with his back against the head of the bed, staring intently at the laptop in his hand, and the North American Dow Jones Index was on the display panel.

Twenty minutes before the US stock market opened, she had already opened the panel to pay attention.

As a result, the U.S. stock market opened a gap and opened lower today, directly opening a gap of 2.12%, and then continued to dive down, and it fell by 4.31% five minutes before the opening.

In fact, Qin Weimu has been staring at the North American market for a long time. For the first three days, the US stocks closed down with a cross star, but it was more like a dead end. Today, he finally couldn't bear it and dived directly.

The Dow Jones index fell from 31,568.57 points yesterday to 30,207.96 points now, a direct drop of 1,360.6 points, and is about to fall below the 30,000-point integer mark.

Qin Weimu tilted his head to look at Luo Sheng and asked suspiciously, "Did you know in advance that this global pandemic would break out?"

It's a coincidence that I can step on the rhythm so precisely every time.

Luo Sheng said calmly: "Only God knows about this kind of thing. It can only be said that God is helping us. We deserve to win all the time. The shipping opportunity you want is not now, the window has opened."

Qin Weimu didn't bother too much, just pure curiosity, looked at the time-sharing chart of the Dow Jones again and said, "Whether you know in advance or not, this is not the point, the most important thing is that this will be a large-scale sell-off. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for dollar assets in hand.”

After thinking for a moment, Qin Weimu continued: "My judgment on today's diving is just the beginning, and the more terrifying is to come. The Dow Jones Index should go down to find a support level of 20,000 points. In other words, it is possible The decline will reach about 35-40%, which is close to halving, and global investors will panic and sell stocks and other assets, and they will choose US dollar assets to avoid safety, which will lead to a sharp appreciation of the US dollar.”

Luo Sheng said: "Since the opportunity has come, let's take the opportunity to ship. This may be the last chance to ship in a big way."

Qin Weimu: "Well."

Luo Sheng immediately took off the computer in her hand and threw it aside, and said seriously: "I also have a huge amount of inventory now, and I have to ship in large quantities, so be ready to take over."

Qin Weimu: "..."


In the following days, the global stock market began to flash crash. After the U.S. stock market dived today, the trend in the five minutes before the opening on Tuesday was flat open and high.

After 20 minutes of sideways, they began to ruthlessly kill, and all the bottom hunters were buried alive.

On this day, the Dow Jones index plunged 3.7% to close at 29,090.26 points after hours.

Opening on Wednesday, it seems to have gradually stabilized. On this day, the Dow Jones index fell 0.41% to close at 28970.98 points after the market.

Just when investors thought they could buy the bottom, the terrifying gap opened again on Thursday, and there was no turning back at all. It fell 4.58% that day, and the Dow Jones index closed at 27644.1 points after hours.

With the market panic index breaking the table, the last trading day of this Friday arrived as scheduled, and whatever you are afraid of will come. On Friday, it took a big dive again.

Just when the Dow Jones index fell by more than 4% again, the Magnesium Fed finally couldn't sit still. It announced the opening of the quantitative easing policy to rescue the market on the same day.

Over the weekend, the Magnesium Federal Reserve announced a massive rescue plan in response to the economic shock, buying at least $450 billion in Treasuries and $175 billion in agency mortgage-backed securities.

This weekend, the two-day weekend has caused panic among global investors, and finally ushered in the first trading day of the new week.

On Monday, December 16th, magnesium stocks opened again. Stimulated by the magnesium Fed, the market also gave face. After the opening, the three major North American indexes rose across the board. The Dow Jones index closed up 6.2% on the day, which is a good start to the new week.

But after the market opened on Tuesday, directly slapped the Magnesium Fed in the face, the Dow Jones index fell as a tribute to the opening of the market on Tuesday, and the rescue plan of more than 600 billion US dollars lasted for a day.

On the same day, it fell 7.2% and closed again, triggering the circuit breaker historically.

By the opening on Wednesday, it finally closed up 3%, but on Thursday it swooped down again crazily. On this day, the Dow Jones Index plunged by an unprecedented 12.95%, triggering the second circuit breaker mechanism.

On December 23, the day before Christmas Eve, U.S. stocks dived again and triggered the third circuit breaker.

Every day is witnessing a moment in history.

At the same time, Qin Weimu was not idle when the "diving dream team" was formed in the global stock market. Under her control of the overall situation, Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng Family Fund held more than 7 trillion U.S. dollars. Assets took the opportunity to ship wildly.

In the trampling down market, the global market is in a state of panic and boiling. Countless capitals are like frightened birds, madly seeking capital for safety.

The first choice is US dollar assets, which caused a run on the US dollar and led to a large number of US dollar shortages around the world. They are all frantically grabbing US dollars. During the period when the stock market plummeted, the US dollar index soared and went out of the independent market.

During this period of time, the Magnesium Federal Reserve has successively launched a large-scale rescue plan, printed money to solve problems, and kept repurchasing US dollar government bonds and agency mortgage-backed securities.

The US dollar assets of Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng Family Fund accounted for 66.8% unconsciously in this round of panic, and it was Laomei and global investors who took over.

As for the remaining 33.2%, it can be slowly sold in the future, and the allocation ratio of US dollar assets will remain at no less than 20%, with a scale of about 1.5 trillion US dollars.

Obviously, after completing two-thirds of the shipments, the potential risk of the US dollar crash has been controlled. Even if the US dollar collapses in the future, Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng Family Fund will not be dragged down by Laomei.


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