Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and fourteenth chapter [mutually grabbing Hu]

Two days later, the Cote d'Azur company sent someone to Hongyun Logistics. Xu Lecheng, who was notified, had arrived at the company one day ahead of schedule to complete the shift, and took over the work of Dabai Robot and continued to send parcels for a period of time.

Most of the courier employees in the company with Dabai robots also agreed to recall them. After all, only enough interests can make people agree.

in an office.

Xu Lecheng checked the agreement again and signed his name. The staff on the Cote d'Azur took the contract documents and said, "If it goes well, we will deliver the brand new Dabai robot to you in mid-March next year."

Xu Lecheng was stunned and said, "March next year? It will be less than four months. Will it be a bit too fast? Actually, I'm not in a hurry."

In less than four months, he made a maximum of 100,000 yuan, which was more than half of what he expected. Xu Lecheng thought that he could have six or seven months no matter what.

The staff on the Cote d'Azur immediately joked: "It's really delayed for 16 months, and you have to compensate you for more than 500,000, which is almost a white price, and the Cote d'Azur can't afford to hurt."

In my heart, what you think is quite beautiful.

In fact, the money was not paid by the Cote d'Azur, but by the people in Zhouzhou who were responsible for paying the bill.

Xu Lecheng scratched his head and smiled and said, "What I'm more curious about is that since the new Dabai can be delivered in March next year, why should the agreement be signed for at least 16 months?"

The staff of Côte d'Azur said with a smile: "We really don't know the decision of the headquarters. I'm afraid I can't answer you this question."

Xu Lecheng also smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just ask casually. It shouldn't be my business when the contract is signed."

Seeing that the other party nodded, Xu Lecheng left the office with his contract agreement, also thinking about it. He also paid attention to the latest announcement of the Cote d'Azur, recalling the disclosed information showing that Cote d'Azur and the Europeans had reached an agreement. Cooperation consensus.

However, there is no news that Americans have come to purchase Dabai robots, and the most ferocious of the Sequoia virus this time is the birthplace of North America.

"If the Americans also buy a batch of robots from the Riviera, it's not a small number. It should be a window reserved for this..." Xu Lecheng secretly said, but he didn't pay too much attention to these things, just pure curiosity. It's not his turn to worry about the group's affairs.

Xu Lecheng's guess is not wrong. At present, the Europeans have put down their faces and bleed to their homes to seek purchases, but Laomei has not made any news so far.

Cote d'Azur is also waiting for the Americans to come to the door, and the recall contract also reserves a lot of space, so that there is no need to communicate with domestic customers again, and a lot of communication costs are saved.

In less than four months, he was able to lay down and earn 100,000 yuan, and he could also change to a brand-new Dabai. Xu Lecheng was quite satisfied. He could earn so much by putting away the courier that he worked so hard to deliver for a year. Thank goodness for the remaining 30,000 bucks.

After Dabai was transported away by the people from the Côte d'Azur, Xu Lecheng also returned to work again and continued to run the express business for several months.


Meanwhile, Sioux City International Airport.

Today's airport welcomed an air monster for the first time. It is the largest transport aircraft in the world - the [An-225] transport aircraft, and there is only one left in the world.

This is also the tenth time An-225 has come to China.

With a captain of 84 meters, a wingspan of 88.4 meters, and a height of 18.2 meters, which is equivalent to a five-story building, it can carry 16 containers or 80 cars or more than 3,000 passengers at a time.

It has to be said that -225 is also like a younger brother in front of him.

At this moment, the news that the world's largest transport plane landed at Sioux City International Airport has attracted the attention of the global media, and also attracted a large number of domestic and foreign media to report.

At about 17:00 in the afternoon, dozens of large transport vehicles of all types entered the airport in a line with a long snake. The starting point of these vehicles was the headquarters of the City of Galaxies.

The scene that happened next was captured by the domestic and foreign media present, and it became the headline content of the major news websites that day, and the picture was directly hung on the homepage.

3,265 big white robots got off the transporter, and they assembled in the open space of the airport. The reporters present were frantically capturing the scene.

This is the first time I have seen such a spectacular picture.

Many foreigners shouted directly as if it was a shocking picture of the soldiers from the "Star Wars" series landing on the transport plane. At this moment, under the comments of people, more than 3,000 big white robots lined up in a regular queue to board the An-225 transport plane. .

A hooked-nosed foreigner man in glasses and a suit and leather shoes stood with an executive of the Cote d'Azur company. He looked at the big white robots that landed and automatically logged into the An-225 transport plane and said excitedly: "We are waiting for this. The batch of robots has been waiting for more than 20 days, and this batch of big white robots is too important to Switzerland."

"Dabai is a very good personal care assistant." The executive from the Côte d'Azur smiled: "Mr. Elliok, with these intelligent robots, I believe it can relieve the pressure of the shortage of medical staff in your country."

However, the executive of the Côte d'Azur also knows that at least more than half of it will be divided up by the rich there, and one-third of the ones that can really be used in public medical services for the public are not bad.

It's all someone else's business, and Cote d'Azur doesn't have the leisure to worry about it.

Pay, deliver, and be done.

The two sides chatted for a while, and the person in charge of the Swiss side immediately signed and signed with Cote d'Azur, and the person who completed the handover of Cote d'Azur left.

At about 3:00 a.m. local time, the An-225 transport plane loaded with more than 3,000 Dabai took off and took off, and the destination was Switzerland, Europe.

After the two sides reached an agreement, the Cote d'Azur side also made every effort to supply European customers. Air transportation can only solve the urgent need. contract.

While preparing for shipping, some Dabai robots are being delivered to European countries one after another through air transport channels.

The batches of Dabai shipped this time are new products that have just been shipped from the Côte d'Azur. Now, after the recall for Dabai buyers across the country, they are being shipped back through logistics channels one after another.


The next day, at tea time, Luo Sheng was watching international news.

"Welcome back, we will continue to pay attention to the latest progress of the 'Sequoia virus' in Europe and the United States. The news just received by this station is that yesterday, a batch of Dabai robots provided by my country's Cote d'Azur Company carried the An-225 transport aircraft with this batch of goods one and a half hours ago. Detained by the Italian side when entering Italian airspace."

"It is reported that the Swiss side urgently summoned the Italian ambassador and protested to the Italian side. As of the press release, the Italian side has not responded further to the Swiss side's protest."

Seeing this news, Luo Sheng also shook his head helplessly: "I knew there would be such a mess, and some things still can't be changed in a lifetime."

Switzerland has a population of less than nine million people, more than 600 people have been diagnosed with the Sequoia virus so far, and local hospitals are rapidly depleting medical supplies.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon for more than 20 days, seeing the big white robot coming, when he arrived at the door of the house, he was picked up by the neighbors in the south, and the Swiss were dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Italian people are so hooligan, the key is that misfortunes do not come singly.

This side has just been intercepted, and the neighbors to the north, the Germans, also detained a batch of medical protective clothing supplies. This batch of supplies entered the European continent from Germany, and can only be delivered to Switzerland through Germany.

The result is missing...

This pissed off the Swiss.

Netizens on the three sides have already "fired" each other on social media. The main battlefield is Reddit forums, including major social media platforms under the Bluestar Technology Group.

In the information age, what happened in Europe has spread all over the world within a few minutes, and it has also spread to China, and a lot of domestic netizens who eat melons are stunned.

What about the gentleman?

That's it?


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