Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and fifteenth chapter [harvest and bargain hunting]

It is also impossible for Italians to forcibly cut off their beards. At present, the most serious Sequoia virus is in North America, and the most serious country in the whole continent is Italy.

The cumulative number of confirmed diagnoses has exceeded 10,000, and the daily number of new cases has exceeded 2,000. The mortality rate has reached 7.21%, which is undoubtedly much higher than the 2.3% level announced by the WHO.

Under this situation, Italy is the first country in Europe and the United States to declare a closed state, and people are not allowed to move around at will.

And the public medical resources are already on the verge of collapse. Looking at the An-225 transport plane flying from the sky, they also know that there are more than 3,000 big white robots inside.

Forget it, don’t give the money, the Italians have shown that they are born and I am sorry, Dabai can’t give it to you, I will give you some of the money behind me, and I can’t give it either. Yes, I owe it first and then settle the account. Now that the economy has been hit hard, where does the money come from? He was also severely cut by Luo Sheng while taking advantage of the fire.

If you want money or not, if you want more than 10,000 people infected with Sequoia, you can do it in Switzerland.

This is the Italian attitude.

The Swiss are also aggrieved. The neighbors to the south grab Dabai, and the neighbors to the north grab medical protective clothing.


Italy, Pizza.

In a local hospital, more than 20 big white robots appeared at the moment, attracting the attention of many patients and hospital staff, and they were the first batch of big white robots to be airlifted to Europe.

It was originally sent to Switzerland, but now it has been detained in Italy and has been allocated.

"I heard that every household in Huaguo has a big white robot. God, we are too far behind." A nurse in a protective suit in the hospital was also curious and shocked when he saw these big white robots. .

This is the first time the Dabai robot has set foot on the European soil, but before that Dabai's reputation has spread all over the world.

However, it is still shocking to see it with your own eyes. In the eyes of many people, a high-tech product like Dabai can only exist in science fiction movies.

"Let the dangerous work be done by Dabai, the Sequoia virus will not pose a threat to them, and these Dabais can even take care of the sick better than humans."

"Then how do we order them?"

"As I usually call you."

"Uh... well, I know what to do."

"By the way, assign 8 Dabai robots to take care of infected children. The children may have better results when they see Dabai."



The batch of Dabai who were rushed to the hospital quickly went to work and became a unique landscape of this hospital. Dabai robots seem to be taking small steps and are a little cute, but their movements are not slow, but instead Is a flexible warm heart fat.

Mechanical work is absolutely infallible, and people will make mistakes when they are overtired, but the Dabai robot is not fatigued.

He can do almost all the work of a nurse, and he is more than three times stronger than an adult, and he can do dirty, heavy, and dangerous jobs.

Not only that, the Cote d'Azur also updated a set of medical data for the functional chip of the Dabai robot. The work of giving injections to patients and hanging water can be done independently, which can be described as rough and fine.

The powerful ability once made those nurses in the hospital feel a professional crisis inexplicably.

It is worth mentioning that on the day these Dabai robots were intercepted by the Italians, the Swiss side also urgently contacted Côte d’Azur, asking Côte d’Azur to lock these Dabai robots and let Dabai strike.

The Swiss are really pissed off, and they are already upholding the attitude that since you won't make me feel better, I will never make you feel better.

However, this is a pit.

The Cote d'Azur categorically refused, directly stating that even as a developer, it is impossible to control the master authority of the activated Dabai robot.

And acted as the role of and mud.

What a joke.

If this is really done, no one may care now. When the crisis of the Sequoia virus is over, it will definitely be taken out by these foreigners to overturn the case, saying that you are secretly monitoring the privacy of customers, and you can control these big white robots at any time.

At that time, there will be a lot of hype, and there will be more articles to do.

In the worldview of this group of foreigners, there is no concept of "the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring", or even a kindness will be repaid with hatred.

The Côte d'Azur can of course be locked remotely, but it can't be done with one bite.

Love can't help.

It's not good here either, I can only watch my batch of goods not come back in Italy, and Switzerland is so popular that it's autistic.

It is also worth mentioning that more than half of the more than 3,000 big white robots cut off by the Italians were bought by the local wealthy at five times the price, serving private individuals, and the rest for public use. medical service.

The Italian side is also very good at doing business. More than half of the Dabai robots were sold to rich people with good money at five times the price. This money can be paid to the Swiss and there is enough balance to achieve a wave of empty gloves and white wolves. operate.

With the passage of time, the Sequoia virus is still raging at its peak, and a magical reality has also been staged in Europe. Everyone cuts off each other, and in the end, they are all scared of being robbed. They simply go directly to the Cote d'Azur to pick up the goods and use their own transport aircraft. Pick up.

Entrusting a third party is too unreliable.


Science and Technology Complex Building.

Luo Sheng is opening the stock chart of Bluestar Technology Group. Now the global economy has been hit hard, and global stock indexes have plummeted collectively. Bluestar Technology Group, as the No. 1 heavyweight stock on the Nasdaq, has a market value under this background. cut in half.

Before the Sequoia virus, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group reached 2.72 trillion US dollars. After experiencing multiple meltdowns in the US stock market, the market value of Bluestar Technology also swooped down. It is currently maintained at 1.52 trillion US dollars. The lowest point was once both to fall below $1.4 trillion.

Luo Sheng immediately asked, "Xiao Na, how is Bluestar's stock repurchase?"

Xiaona: "As of now, Bluestar Technology Group has quietly completed a $72 billion stock repurchase plan, with a repurchase scale of 103 million shares and an average share price of $697.6 per share, accounting for 4.92% of the total share capital."

When the market value of Bluestar Technology fell to 1.4 trillion US dollars, it was obviously no longer able to fall, and the bottom was clearly completed at this position.

You can't go down, you can only go up.

Xiaona continued to report: "Luo Sheng Family Fund and Shengfeng Capital completed the bottom-hunting task of US$60.5 billion and US$55 billion respectively, and the average holding costs were US$689.2 and US$691.29 per share, respectively."

Luo Sheng nodded with satisfaction: "It's not bad, since it's finished, send an email message to Yao Jianhong in my name so that the repurchase plan can be announced to the public."

This time, Bluestar Technology did not release news in advance as it did in the past few years. If the news was disclosed in advance, how could it be a bargain?

When the total market value of Bluestar Technology fell to around 1.4 trillion US dollars, the decline was clearly stopped and could not continue to fall. At this time, anyone with a bit of industry logic and investment logic would know that Bluestar Technology was hit by the Sequoia virus. Smashed a gold pit.

It's not just Luo Sheng who is bottom-hunting, Wall Street's smart funds are also rushing to raise money. This golden pit was originally created by Wall Street capital institutions. They have already been out of the game with high profits and cut a wave. After the leek, now it has almost completed the low-level grab.


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