During the afternoon tea time, Luo Sheng, as always, took part of the time to pay attention to the international hot news of the day, and recently, he was more concerned about the latest development of the Sequoia virus crisis in North America.

Because this is related to the entry of Dabai Robot into the North American market, Luo Sheng estimates that the Sequoia virus has continued to the present, and North America has become a mess, and the strong top should be almost unstoppable by now.

With the spread of the Sequoia virus, the wealthy class in North America should also be anxious. It is estimated that the food, drink and use that were hoarded earlier are almost consumed. out.

The Dabai robot has already been rolled out in Europe, and the effect is outstanding. Now is Dabai's outlet period, Luo Sheng doesn't believe that the people in North America can continue to support.

At this time, Luo Sheng was sitting on a large single sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a tablet while browsing the latest information on the Internet.

At this moment, he swiped the latest online video, which was the content of a parliamentary meeting in North America yesterday.

Luo Sheng clicked on the video and saw a congressman speaking angrily on the screen. Although there were no subtitles, it was a raw meat video, but of course it was not a problem for Luo Sheng.

The congressman in the picture was furious in court, with blue veins bursting out of his forehead.

It is worth mentioning that he is a member of the donkey party of the two factions of the old beautiful donkey and elephant, and I saw him angrily roaring at the elephant party member:

"I have to say, I have to tell you, it's unbelievable. A few years ago, the stock market was at 28,000, corporate earnings were at record highs in decades, and the wealthy became more and more rich. getting richer."

"But those friends across the street (referring to the elephant party) said: 'OK, what do we need to do now? Let's start cutting taxes!'. 85% of the reductions have benefited the top 1%. rich people."

"One month ahead, the global pandemic of Sequoia has struck, and it has led to the careers of 20 million people. There is one person in the family who works and has an annual income of $40,000 or less, and 45% of them have People lost their jobs a month ago, and five million people have no money to pay their rent."

The parliamentary hall was surprisingly quiet, and the roaring member waved his body language to be very excited, and gradually raised the volume of his speech and exclaimed: "And you group of proboscis said, 'We have no money to help you', hehe, Are you kidding me?"

Luo Sheng scrolled down after watching the video. Most of the North American people's comments and comments were very loud, and they all supported this congressman.

After watching for a while, Luo Sheng said, "Xiao Na, check the information of this congressman named Risende."

Xiaona: "Please wait."

In Luo Sheng's eyes, this person's speech has nothing to do with the people's livelihood and justice, and is nothing more than a speech about the dispute between the donkey and the elephant.

But in any case, what he said is true, and he also grasped the point. The comments of a large group of people in North America under the video can be seen from small to big.

Two minutes later, Xiaona's voice responded.

"Master, the information on Tim Ryzende has been sent to your panel."

When Luo Sheng heard the words, he immediately called up the information through the tablet in his hand, and gave a brief overview of it. After looking at it, he suddenly realized that this guy actually took a lot of benefits from the Koch brothers behind his back. It turned out to be a donkey skin and an elephant bone.

So his generous speech was just acting?

Clearly criticizing the rich in anger, it is actually acting as a step-up role. This can create an illusion of compromise by the rich class, and the donkeys will be loud, causing people at the bottom of North America to feel the joy of victory.

Luo Sheng suddenly realized that most of North America was about to loosen up, and the opportunity for Dabai Robots to enter the North American market came. These rich people really need a safe environment now, and they don't want to end it with those who have had contact with the outside world, so as not to be infected, while Dabai Robots needs a safe environment. has an unparalleled advantage.

The problem is that now Dabai Robot has not obtained permission to enter the North American market, and is always blocked by a "national security" ban.

The wealthy class in North America is obviously trying to make profits in this way,

Covering the interests and life safety of the general public, I hope Dabai can enter the North American market.

In this way, the people and public medical resources in North America will definitely be skewed, but there is no doubt that the rich people in North America will benefit first. They will definitely enjoy these high-quality resources and relieve the safety of life as soon as possible. threats, and occupy most of the high-quality resources.

Luo Sheng doesn't care about the little things in Lao Mei's house. He only cares about whether Dabai Robot can pry open the North American market and whether it can sell the products. Now it seems that the time has come.


Luo Sheng's guess was right. Two days later, North America announced the lifting of the ban on Dabai Robot, allowing the product to enter the North American market.

After all, it is unable to withstand the pressure brought by the Sequoia virus, nor can it withstand the pressure of demanders in the North American mainland.

As soon as the ban was lifted, dozens of business groups held video chats with the Côte d'Azur at the same time, of course, about the purchase of Dabai robots.


Cote d'Azur Inc.

At this moment, Yao Jianhong, who was sitting on the president's chair, was blowing hot air with his personal water cup, took a sip of hot tea, put the quilt aside, and focused his eyes on the video screen again.

Several sub-screens show buyers from major states in North America, but they are now temporarily disconnected.

After talking for a while, the other party finally stopped the call and asked to interrupt the connection for 20 to 30 minutes to start the negotiation again.

Yao Jianhong is also waiting patiently. He estimates that these buyers are currently chatting privately, and they may be fighting over procurement issues.

The current situation is in an absolute seller's market, Yao is always in no hurry and sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.


On another channel, at this moment, as Yao Jianhong expected, the heads of buyers' representatives from major states in North America were engaged in a tormenting battle.

The head of the buyer from Mississippi said as calmly as possible: "OK, we need a reliable procurement system, which is the only way to fully participate in meeting the requirements everywhere, and the only way we can prioritize these critical scarce materials."

The heads of other states were noncommittal.

Mississippi is relatively poor, and those with higher prices have no advantage in driving up prices. Of course, the richest state is California.

"Frankly, we're in a frantic battle right now, with dozens of states competing with each other for critically scarce supplies, and that's only going to make the Côte d'Azur cheaper," said the Virginia buyer.

"Then do you have a way to satisfy everyone?"

"I think if the federal capitals call the states across the country and can move quickly to establish some kind of relationship with the Commonwealth, then we can make good priorities in terms of where these scarce materials are going and push for an agreement with the Côte d'Azur The hardest deal, the Côte d'Azur is now trying to get outrageous prices, but if the federal government can be the only buyer, the bargaining power is far stronger than the state government."


When the connection was re-established, Mr. Yao couldn't help yawning. Looking at the re-appearing images on the major screens, he said casually, "Everyone, how are you talking?"

The buyer from California said: "Mr. Yao, we cannot accept the unit price of 155,000 US dollars. The United States intends to purchase 6 million Dabai robots from your company this time. You are asking for 155,000 US dollars each. This is robbery. The price we can accept is $80,000 each."

"$80,000 a piece?" Yao Jianhong spread his hands and said, "Then I can only say sorry, this transaction can't be done. The $155,000 is either robbery or the current market price, which is very reasonable."

"Frankly speaking, our goods are now in a state of insufficiency, and the market is completely inclined to the sellers. We are now cutting off the production capacity demand in Greater China, and even recalling more than 70% of the robots that have been sold in the Greater China market for global supply. goods. "

"In other words, the current situation is that there is a shortage of 20 million sets of robots in the entire Greater China market, and we have to supply and replenish them; there is still a gap of at least 4.5 million in Europe, and we have to supply; the Middle East market has a shortage of 20 million sets of robots. There is a shortfall of 1.45 million. The local tyrants there are willing to pay a high price of 300,000 US dollars. We cannot neglect the local tyrants. There is also a gap of 3 million in the Japanese and Korean markets, and we also need to supply. There are also other marginal markets. "

"Even if I have done my best to expand and expand production capacity to supply the market, the supply is still in short supply. The current production capacity is compared with the number of orders we have received. If we do not expand production capacity, we may not be able to complete the delivery of all orders in ten years. ."

Speaking of which, Yao Jianhong looked at the American in the video and added: "Everyone, someone here offers a price of 300,000 US dollars, why do you say I want to sell it to you for 80,000 US dollars? 150,000 US dollars a big white, plus 220 billion US dollars The US dollar advance payment has to be called within a week, so the Côte d’Azur is also obliged to do everything possible to squeeze out the limited production capacity to supply your country first, but refuse any counter-offer.”

At present, the strategic focus of Côte d’Azur is all tilted towards Dabai’s robotics business. Other businesses, including the main business smartphone, have all given way. Funds, channels, human resources and other resources are all tilted towards Dabai’s business, and the production line has been expanded crazily.

I can't wait to produce a big white in 35 seconds on average, just like the production of smart phones, and every second is a delay in robbing money.

In a word, under the background of heavy losses in the global economy, major companies have been hammered by Sequoia, but it is a new outlet for the Côte d’Azur, and it is an unprecedented outlet for Dabai Robot, which has taken off in an all-round way.


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