Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth [local tyrant's local tyrant bidding style]

"At present, the Cote d'Azur is in heavy production, with a monthly production capacity of nearly 2 million. We expect to add 11.5 million Dabai robots to the production capacity in the first half of this year."

Yao Jianhong on the stage continued to speak, and the buyers at the scene did not say a word.

"In this auction, we will distribute the production capacity in the first half of the year, with a single transaction of 500,000, a total of 23 transactions, and the supply order will be pushed back according to the first auction order, that is to say, the first transaction will be completed. The order will be fulfilled first, and so on.”

When Yao Jianhong said this, the major buyers off the field were already eager to try. Under the background of the current global pandemic of Sequoia virus, the value brought by getting the supply early is much higher than the quantity.

An order of 10 million is given to you, and it will not be delivered until next year or even longer. The daylily is cold, and there is no point in the amount of time being worthless.

Obviously, the urgency of time is more valuable than the number of auctions, and the price of the first order must be auctioned at a sky-high price.

The local tyrant sitting in the bidding seat looked indifferent, but it gave people an inexplicable attitude of inevitable victory, probably because the "hao" temperament was difficult to conceal.

On the stage, Yao Jianhong said after a brief pause: "At the peak of the raging redwoods, avoiding human-to-human contact and cross-infection is the key to curbing the spread of the virus, and intelligent and unmanned products will provide excellent results. The solution, Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle's first multifunctional fully automatic driverless tram, should be of great interest to you."

The buyers off the field were furious. You are actually launching a new product at this time? What's the meaning? Taking the opportunity to eat our human blood buns?

Hold on!

Can only endure it.

In any case, as long as it is beneficial to the current situation, it may not be considered impossible.

Yao Jianhong, who was on the field, said with a smile, "We would like to invite Ding Pingding, CEO of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicles, to give you a further introduction."

Under the lock of the camera of a group of media reporters, Ding Ping came from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and had a face-to-face with Yao Jianhong who was leaving the stage. The two sides shook hands, and Ding Ping took over the stage.

"The first fully automatic unmanned vehicle of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle was originally released at the end of last year. Due to the sudden attack of Sequoia, the board of directors decided to delay the new product release plan and formulate a new deployment."

"We sincerely hope that through the power of technology, we can play a role in dealing with the Sequoia virus, so if there is a huge demand in the overseas market, our new products will give priority to the global market, and delay the development of the Greater China market. For sale."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s start by earning money from foreigners, and I’m not sure that I won’t be able to earn it in the future.

The so-called pocket is safe.

As for the domestic market is not in a hurry at all, are you afraid of running away?

At this moment, Ding Ping played a recorded video through the giant screen behind him.

In fact, the technology world is no stranger to this unmanned vehicle of the Blue Pure Electric Vehicle. Last year, it was tested in cooperation with two domestic food delivery companies, and the feedback was very satisfactory.

"The unmanned vehicle has a multi-purpose combination of hotels, dining cars, logistics and mobile hospitals, and can be operated through a smartphone APP. Currently, it supports Dabai hosting. Its biggest technical highlight is that the cabin connected to the chassis can be replaced, so It is designed as a carriage-like structure, in order to be able to exchange carriages with different functions under different application scenarios to achieve functional changes.”

When Ding Ping said this, under the arrangement of the staff behind the scenes, he drove three show cars directly to the stage. The stage venue was large enough and there was no problem at all.

Many people at the scene looked sideways, and most of them looked at the driver's seat of the three approaching cars.

It is indeed self-driving.

Ding Ping on the stage looked at the several display cars in front of him and said: "They all have the same standard site, such as this one, which is equipped with a cargo compartment, it is now a mobile unmanned vending machine; this is a business class,

It is now a mobile office space; this one holds a medical cabin, and it is now a mobile hospital. "

Having said that, Ding Ping looked at the audience and added: "It can also play a role in more application scenarios, such as mobile food trucks, express delivery and so on."

Buyers off the field, each purchasing group began to whisper to each other, nodding to each other from time to time.

Although Luo Sheng is very upset about selling new products to them at this time and taking advantage of the fire, it is undeniable that it will be of great help to them in controlling the Sequoia virus. Only by controlling the spread of the Sequoia virus and solving this crisis as soon as possible can the economy recover sooner. , as long as the money is worth it, you still have to pay the bill, which is the same as buying Dabai robots in large quantities.

When I came to participate in the auction this time, I had already prepared for the massive hemorrhage. The massive hemorrhage here is also to reduce the economic loss as a whole.

"We originally planned to mass-produce 3 million units of this model this year, with a unit price of 300,000 yuan or 45,000 US dollars. Today, we will participate in the auction. The production capacity will be determined according to your order volume. The maximum production capacity is expected to be 15 million this year. car."

This statement is quite clear. If the annual production capacity of 15 million vehicles can be eaten today, then Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company will be fully equipped to produce and supply all of them to the international market.

If the foreigners present are not interested and don’t want one, then Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company will launch it in China as normal, and it will just produce 3 million vehicles for domestic sales as originally planned.

Ding Ping introduced on the stage for about 20 minutes, and finally Yao Jianhong took the stage again and said: "OK, not much to say, the first bid will be launched now."

The buyers present heard this sentence through the translator, and all raised their spirits.

There was another person on the stage, Yao Jianhong came down, and the new one was a professional auctioneer who was responsible for the next bidding process.

"The starting price is the latest market price, which is US$155,000 for a single transaction, 50 transactions for a single transaction, and the starting price is US$75 billion. The first auction will start now, and each auction will be no less than US$1 billion."

The starting price is $75 billion?

Every reporter present was stunned when they heard this number. 23 orders were guaranteed to exceed 1.7 trillion US dollars. Suddenly, they felt that the crazy money printing of several trillion dollars in the United States had indirectly flowed into the market. up the Cote d'Azur pocket.

A reporter off the field said to himself: "The biggest loser of this Sequoia pandemic is yet to be known, but the biggest winner seems to have surfaced... The strong are strong!"

The unemployment crisis in North America has surpassed the Great Depression of the last century, while the Cote d'Azur here has made a lot of money. Even if it is not the biggest winner, it is definitely not the loser of this "black swan".

In the end, the seat area of ​​the Sate buyer group took the lead in bidding: "$150 billion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience fell silent. All the other buyers' groups and the reporters present all looked at the seating area where the local tyrants were located. After a long time, the local tyrants could not help but break the quiet atmosphere and said: "Everyone, there is a problem. ?"

After the reporters present reacted, all of them frantically pressed the shutter of the camera at the local tyrant, and the quiet scene instantly burst into an uproar.

Buyer groups from other countries also looked back, cursing in their hearts.

"150 billion once!"

"150 billion twice!"

"150 billion three times!"

"make a deal!"

When the local tyrant called out the sky-high price of 150 billion US dollars, everyone knew that this single local tyrant was bound to win, and it was a price that others did not even have the courage to follow.

This is 150 billion US dollars, not 15 million US dollars. If the local tyrants fake a shot and don't follow, won't everyone be stupid?

Anyway, there are still 22 orders in the back, so there is no need to come up to play so exciting.

The local tyrants are rich, and they can be so sloppy, except for a few words in their hearts, it seems that there is nothing to do with them.

It is not worthwhile to spend tens of billions of dollars in order to get the goods ten days and a half earlier. In case the local tyrants and the Cote d'Azur do some PY transactions behind the scenes and act as trustees, it is also possible. .

As a result, the first auction ended to everyone's surprise, and the transaction was completed directly after a single auction.


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