Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 819 [New gameplay, bidding supply]

There is no impermeable wall under the sky, and the penetration is quite fast. This wave of God's operation of the old Meikeng brother spread on the Internet on the same day, on Reddit forums, blue space and other social media. Western, Australian, Netizens in France and North America have fought to the point where they are in full swing, and they are all exposing their old bottom lines.

The so-called good things do not go out and bad things go thousands of miles. The domestic media has not reported what happened outside, but it has been hotly discussed in the blue space, WeChat group, and Qiuqiu group.

"I laughed so hard, I thought it was just a joke at first, so I went to the website. It was announced thirteen hours ago that the Dabai robot was unqualified. The younger brothers of Laomei quickly followed up and returned the goods. It took five hours. The former website quickly updated the news and changed the standard, restored the safety standard, and then the divine operation came, took the opportunity to eat all the goods returned by the younger brothers, can you believe it?"

Group friends: "???"

A chat group in China became active immediately, and more and more people joined the discussion.

"Shit, can you still do this? Is it true? Not really?"

"Don't believe me? I'll take a screenshot... This is the latest news and the latest announcement from the Cote d'Azur. The real hammer can't be hammered any more..."

"I'm going to give it a go, that's fine too? The old beauty is really a chicken thief. My scalp is numb because of the show. Probably this is the series."

"Hold back, hold back, unless you can't hold back, you can't puff hahaha~~"

"Hahaha~~, it is reasonable to say that there is still something in Eagle sauce. The idea of ​​​​specializing in stocks, a wave of short-selling and low-killing shocks and then quickly accumulating and raising funds, it is very powerful."

"Having lived for decades, the Tuao in my impression is that every time Mr. Mei said what he said, he did nothing but his brains, and he could only say that he really lived a comfortable life."

"It is estimated that the faces of the younger brothers are all green. Let's not say that the goods in hand are gone, and now there is a lawsuit."

"A new announcement from the Côte d'Azur?"

"What did you say?"

"According to the official website of Côte d'Azur: in the process of exporting our products, some customer partners were returned unreasonably due to ignoring the facts, which disrupted the export order of our products and seriously affected the image of our company and products. Product export order, the board of directors will discuss this matter and formulate a list of lists that disrupt the export order. Please refer to our official news for the specific list, which is hereby announced."

"Haha, six six six, the archbishop's operation is a little bit of shrimp and pig heart, but I like it."

"Some client partners... aren't they talking about Tuao [hand funny]."

"I'll make a blacklist if you put it on the blacklist. Is the Cote d'Azur already so cheating?"

"As a relief, Cote d'Azur kindly retrieved all the big whites that have been sold to supply you, so that you can express yourself out of the Sequoia crisis, and you have to do things, you should...!"


Just when Laomei's divine operation attracted the attention of all parties and the media were competing to report, Cote d'Azur together with its subsidiary, Cote d'Azur, was holding an open call auction.

The venue of the conference is the multimedia hall of the city of galaxies, which is also the site of the new product launch conference of the Cote d'Azur company and the company's internal large-scale activities.

Today is Thursday, January 16th. As early as ten days ago, buyers from all over the world had arrived in Huaguo and conducted quarantine observations for about a week. The delegations of major buyers came to the headquarters of Cote d'Azur today.

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, one-third of the employees in previous years have already taken their annual leave. Tomorrow will be the New Year’s Day. However, this year’s situation is special, and the Cote d’Azur is under enormous pressure to supply customers and partners around the world. All employees will not be on vacation this year, and overtime is of course paid at three times the salary.

In the afternoon, delegations of major buyers arrived at the headquarters of the City of Galaxy, and also attracted domestic and foreign media reporters to the scene for continuous follow-up reports.

I saw a luxurious business convoy drove into the headquarters of the City of Galaxy, attracting many reporters to turn the camera around, and it didn't take a moment,

The person who got out of the car was wearing a turban and a white robe, and the word "Hao" was engraved on his face.

It was the local tyrants from the Middle East who entered the hall under the leadership of the staff from the Cote d'Azur.


After about ten minutes, the event hall, which is large enough to accommodate more than 7,000 people, has become quite popular. Today, only buyers and media reporters from all over the world are present, and there are no more than 800 people in total. Now all of them are present.

At about 15:00 in the afternoon, Yao Jianhong, the global executive president of Cote d'Azur, appeared on the stage, and many cameras focused on him.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you friends from the media and our partners for your support. Right now, the redwoods are raging, and all human beings have suffered heavy losses..."

Yao Jianhong's opening speech made the buyers off the field roll their eyes, especially when they heard Lao Yao's words like expressing regret, they even sneered.

"Our company's latest flagship product, Dabai Robot, has played an unparalleled advantage in suppressing the spread of the virus against the backdrop of the Sequoia pandemic. However, even if the board of directors of the Cote d'Azur approves a tenfold expansion of production capacity, it will not be able to Bearing the pressure of global supply has led to some unpleasant things and chaos of looting, and we also have a part of the responsibility in it."

Yao Jianhong's words are prudent, and the implication is that the responsibility of the Cote d'Azur can't be ten times a hundred times more violent soldiers?

The angry buyers below felt a toothache, and they had to show a gentleman's demeanor, which made them even more angry.

"Recently, we have received a large number of new orders and additional orders from customers, and we all hope to get the goods as soon as possible. I understand your urgency very much, and the Côte d'Azur is also very urgent." Yao Jianhong said in an orderly manner.

The Cote d'Azur is indeed very urgent. It is very urgent to make a little money. I can't wait for the violent soldiers to supply the world like diabetes insipidus.

"At the current special time node, the pricing system of Dabai Robot has been completely disrupted. Some people offer 100,000 US dollars, some 150,000 US dollars, and even 300,000 US dollars to compete for the priority of supply, and directly set our internal pricing. The mechanism is broken, and our internal pricing system cannot find a reasonable market price for Dabai.”

Yao Jianhong on the stage spoke in a hurry, and many people in the audience, especially those in the media industry, involuntarily shifted the camera to the local tyrants sitting in the auction seats.

It is these people who wantonly drive up the "aircraft price", and many European and American buyers find this group of people very unpleasant.

The local tyrants sitting in the auction booth were very calm, and without saying a word, they touched the gemstone rings on their fingers one by one.

Yao Jianhong on the stage continued: "So, this auction model was approved by the resolution of the board of directors. For the orders that have been signed, we will advance according to the order contract, and for subsequent orders, we will determine the price and the priority of supply through the bidding model. We think it makes the most sense to let the market make the choice.”

Red eyes!

Absolute blush!

Before this, no one thought that the industrial assembly line products of a company would become so popular that they need to be purchased by bidding, which shows that the market is in short supply and the degree of pursuit has reached an incredible level.

A buyer off the field cursed in a low voice: "Damn, it sounds better than it sounds. It's obviously an attempt to maximize profits. Saying something to let the market make a choice is really good at embellishing."


(Ps: In the new week, please ask for tickets, Dabai can't keep up with the production capacity, please help us~~)

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