Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 818 [The whole eagle sauce and the younger brothers whose faces are crooked]

"What? You don't want this batch of supplies? Are you sure you're not joking? Do you know how much the liquidated damages will cost?"

When the container at the port was released, Sun Zhishang, the person in charge sent by the Cote d'Azur, was a little caught off guard when he heard the voice on the phone, and the several staff members accompanying him also looked at each other in dismay.

"I'm sorry, we were informed that this batch of materials has potential safety hazards, we don't want it, and we have not breached the contract."

The call was quickly hung up, and Sun Zhishang put away his phone and scolded: "Damn, these bastards, Tuao, are playing with us? Playing with tens of billions of dollars in bills?"

Coincidentally, then buyers in Spain and France also requested to return the goods, but were not willing to pay liquidated damages, citing that there was a problem with your goods.

"Come on, the company has a new lawsuit."

"What's wrong with Mr. Sun? What should I do with these 2 million big whites? Should they be shipped back or put here first?"

"Report to headquarters first, Tamad."

"Mr. Sun, I found out the reason. It turned out that Lao Mei was behind the scenes. The certification agency released news at night, announcing that the Dabai robot had a major communication security risk and was listed as a substandard product."

Hearing this, Sun Zhishang tilted his head and looked at the subordinate who came to the newspaper and said in amazement: "Is there such a thing? Didn't Lao Mei announce the cooperation with me on the Cote d'Azur? It's only been a few days? Isn't this a fool's errand? Do you still want to live?"

Several of the subordinates under their hands are also swaying hands. They can't control this kind of thing. They strictly implement the requirements of the headquarters and do their own work.

At this moment, Sun Zhishang's phone rang, he took out his phone and glanced at it and found that a strange call came in, and immediately connected:

"Which one? Are you... hafnium?? What...?"

Sun Zhishang, who was originally unhappy, heard the description on the other end of the phone, and his expression gradually became dazed. After reacting, he immediately moved the phone away from his ear, and covered the microphone with the other hand and said to several colleagues: "Made is really good. Damn it, the Americans called and said they were going to eat this batch of goods, what is this... what is going on with the old beauty? Where do you sing?"

Several colleagues also stared at each other, and one of them immediately said, "Mr. Sun, could it be a prank call? Can the identity of the other party be confirmed?"

Sun Zhishang said: "It's possible, I can't confirm it yet, but the other party said that the person is already in Linga, and we can meet soon."

Everyone: "This..."

After a while, the people present seemed to wake up like a dream, and one of them couldn't help but exclaimed: "Damn, could it be that the news that Lao Mei announced at night was a trick? This...I ...this...if it's true, it's too shameless."

Sun Shangzhi immediately ordered: "I can't confirm it yet, you go to arrange a meeting with the other party to confirm your identity, remember to take protective measures when meeting, so as not to infect Sequoia. I will report the matter here to President Yao, Let the headquarters decide."

Two million big white robots involved a large transaction of more than 200 billion euros. Sun Zhishang didn't dare to be sloppy.


An hour later, the Cote d'Azur headquarters, a temporary internal meeting.

At this moment, Yao Jianhong convened a group of senior executives of the company, and also contacted Luo Sheng for a video conference to discuss the news brought back by Sun Zhishang

Lao Yao looked at Luo Sheng on the video screen and said, "Sun Zhishang has confirmed that the other party is a buyer from North America. The news announced is just a pretense that Lao Mei wants to grab this batch of goods from his younger brother."

One of the executives who attended the meeting couldn't help but complained: "You can really witness everything after living for a long time. It's just a sign of a group of demons dancing."

"Mr. Luo, what to do with this batch of goods?"

Everyone immediately looked at the big boss on the video screen, but after a moment, Luo Sheng said slowly: "What else can I do? Of course, it is sold to the people of Magnesium. The price of selling it to Europe and Australia is 100,000 euros. To Lao Mei is $150,000 a piece,

Why not sell it to Laomei? As for the buyers who gave up this batch of goods, they have to buy again... they have to pay more, and the orders have to be queued later. "

Re-ordering means placing a new order, and the new order must be traded at the latest market price. It is absolutely impossible to buy 100,000 euros at the current market price.

One of the executives who attended the meeting said happily: "It's still Laomei's routine. It seems that this batch of goods can only be sold to them. If you don't sell Laomei, you will insist that you are unqualified. His little brothers are very good now. If you trust the big brother, you will follow up, then we can't sell it. Only by selling it to Laomei can the security risks of certification release be lifted, but we have no loss, but we have made a lot of money haha."

Another executive also agreed and added: "Yes, since the original customer gave up this batch of orders because there was a problem, and refused to compensate on the grounds that there was no breach of contract, then okay, Laomei has now taken over this batch of goods. , will definitely declare that there is no problem, that is, they have breached the contract, and there is no room for refutation, so they have to pay me the liquidated damages, haha, this is a clean loss inside and out, and the price will increase after re-ordering Are you angry? I guess the three major customers in Australia, Spain and France must be so angry that they vomit blood when they see such a big reversal."

The executives who attended the meeting were all laughing and laughing, and suddenly felt distressed for them.

However, the distressed return is distressed, the liquidated damages that should be compensated cannot be less than one euro, and the price that should be increased will not be less.

Luo Sheng on the screen said succinctly: "That's it, you can arrange it."

After saying this, he cut off the video connection. After the meeting, Yao Jianhong personally called Sun Zhishang to instruct the company headquarters to make arrangements, and handed it over to Sun Zhishang to implement it.

After the 2 million large white goods arriving at Linga port were unilaterally cancelled by the original customer on the same day, the operation of the Cote d'Azur was to first announce the news on the official website and directly ask the legal department to sue these major purchasers.

All of a sudden, the war has started on the Internet, and domestic netizens who eat melons have been yelling at them, criticizing these major customers for being blind, and criticizing the old beauty for doing things.

However, just as media reports and public opinion are hotly debated, netizens are spraying.

The North American buyer at Linga Port has signed a contract with the Cote d'Azur, officially completed the delivery and accrual work, and happily held the hand. The Laomei cargo ship arrived at the port on the same day, and began to carry two million big white robots. of containers are mentioned on the cargo ship.

Obviously, all of this is the dead end of the old American calculations, and now they are all going through the process.


Three days later, Sun Zhishang, who was standing at the pier of Linga Port, looked at the super-large ocean-going freighter far away from the pier and said with emotion: "This is the end of the 'inadvertent handover to the country', I will wait for Harris to come. Call me and see what his facial expression looks like."

The subordinate next to him said happily: "Don't think about it, it must be a shriveled look, there is a good show to watch now, haha."


Harris' office.

"What did you say?" Harris stared brightly at the assistant who came to report the news. He stood upright from his chair and raised his voice: "The agency has announced the restoration of safety standards again? Those robots?"

The assistant nodded and said, "Yes, the website has announced the news, and the media has also quoted reports."

"Holy Sh*t!!"

Harris reacted quickly and immediately called Sun Zhishang's phone: "...Mr. Sun, it's me Harris, and the 450,000 big white robots we ordered will be sent to deliver immediately. Regarding the unpleasantness that happened before..."

Harris's words were interrupted by Sun Zhishang on the other end of the phone, only to hear a calm voice:

"Mr. Harris, you have unilaterally given up, and this batch of goods has now been taken away by a new buyer. As for your desire to cooperate again, you must first pay the liquidated damages and then discuss the follow-up cooperation issues. Bar."

"What did you say? The new buyer bought it?" Harris was shocked. "Is it a Magnesium?"

"Hey hey~, I'm sorry Mr. Hai Ruisi, I can't disclose the buyer's information here. Please refer to the official announcement of the Cote d'Azur company for details." Called: "Looking forward to working with you again, if any."

Harris hurriedly turned on the computer and checked the latest announcement of the Cote d'Azur. Sure enough, he saw an important announcement released seven minutes ago, which showed that 2 million Dabai robots had been delivered to North American partners.

The Harris people who saw this content were dumbfounded, and they were so angry that their eyes became cross-eyed, and even their faces were crooked, as if green smoke was coming from their nostrils. The word used to describe Harris at the moment is not suitable.

At the end, Harris suddenly yelled in the office:



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