"Next, there will be a collective bidding for unmanned electric vehicles. A total of 15 million vehicles have been pre-produced. At present, 1.7 million ready-made vehicles have been produced. This auction is divided into 15 bids, with a single bid of 1 million vehicles. The starting price is 4.5 per vehicle. 10,000 US dollars, the starting price of the first order is 45 billion US dollars, and the bidding is now starting, and the bidding price is not less than 1 billion US dollars.”

With the voice of the bidding host resounding, the bidding for unmanned vehicles officially started.

It is worth mentioning that self-driving cars have already started this trend a few years ago. Major technology giants around the world have participated in the research and development of new energy vehicles, and the world's major technology powerhouses and developed countries have also introduced them one after another. Relevant bills have relevant traffic regulations for unmanned vehicles.

The resistance to commercialization of driverless cars is approval for listing. However, in the current environment of the Sequoia pandemic, the speed of security inspection and approval will naturally not be slow.

The buyers present knew very well that Luo Sheng's promotion of his self-driving car at this time would inevitably lead to the suspicion of harvesting them, but it was also a matter of no choice. One was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.

At the scene, local tyrants took the lead in bidding and shouting: "$100 billion!"

Other buyers: "..."

The local tyrant prince saw the glare of other buyers, and smiled calmly: "I want this order, and I will not participate in the bidding later."

The first two orders are very important, because there are 1.8 million existing cars, which can be delivered and taken away after the bidding is completed.

Just like the first Dabai robot in the previous bidding, no one followed up after the local tyrants bid.

This kind of operation of local tyrants is just like the strong Zhuangzhuang of big A. It comes directly to a strong first-tier first-line waveform, and the daily limit is directly opened at the opening. The local tyrant is a billion-dollar order, and it directly seals the daily limit and does not give you any boarding. Opportunity.

The next bids did not exceed 50 billion US dollars, the highest one was also sold at 48 billion US dollars, and the lowest one was sold at 46 billion US dollars.

In the auction of unmanned vehicles, the tendency of buyers to join together is more obvious. It is not surprising that the auction price is not high. However, all 15 transaction orders have been auctioned. If the production capacity of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company can be increased , you can still eat it.

It's not a small amount, but it's still not enough.

However, 15 million vehicles are already the production limit.


After the bidding event, the media present dispersed and went back to write articles, but the buyers came to another high-standard conference room of the company.

At this moment, Yao Jianhong, CEO of Cote d'Azur, Ding Bianjian, CEO of Cote d'Azur, and a global vice president from Hengxin International Investment Bank are also here.

"Happy cooperation!"

Yao Jianhong and Ding Ping continued to sign contracts with buyers who made deals in major auctions. The legal team under them had already drawn up the contracts, with their signatures and seals.

The vice president of Hengxin International Investment Bank is also here. He didn't come here to make soy sauce to watch the fun, but to lend money to their buyers.

Except for the local tyrants, the European and American buyer groups can't get so much money for this large transaction. Even before the Sequoia strikes, they may not be able to provide so much money, let alone the current economy. Under heavy damage.

It is worth mentioning that although these buyers are looking for loans from Hengxin International Investment Bank, the premise of Hengxin International Investment Bank lending to them is that the country to which the buyer belongs must use its national credit as a mortgage guarantee, which is only for the company to which the buyer belongs. No guarantee.

The country to which the purchaser belongs should not only guarantee the loan and take national credit as collateral, but also guarantee for this large transaction.

Bankruptcy of these buyers would not be a bad debt for the Côte d'Azur, as the assets had already been reflected in the national debt sheets of the countries to which they belonged, and the liabilities had increased.

Even if an enterprise goes bankrupt and liquidated, it cannot repay the money, and the country to which it belongs uses fiscal expenditure to repay the money.

Without national credit as collateral, Luo Sheng would never dare to rashly do this business with a foreigner.

If it is said that during the Sequoia pandemic, Europeans intercepted and robbed each other of each other's materials exposed their moral bottom line, then the god operation passed by the old American exposed that their bottom line is not the lowest but lower.

When dealing with such people, it is absolutely not wrong to be more careful. The larger the transaction scale, the more careful you must be.

This is a huge amount of loan funds. Except for the local tyrants who are not short of money, whether they are British, French, Magnesian or Russian, this order transaction contract needs to borrow money to buy it, and the amount of the debt is borrowed. Also ranging from 50% to 70%.

The total debt of all buyers combined is as high as 968.5 billion US dollars, which is close to 1 trillion US dollars in debt.

Now it means that Luo Sheng has indirectly become the creditor of one of the world's largest developed countries, and owes him a huge sum of money.

It is also worth mentioning that this debt is not a national credit guarantee in the general sense, and the Côte d'Azur has not forgotten that Europe, which is in deep debt crisis, has a precedent of Greek bankruptcy.

If it is really unfortunate, for example, Italy declares bankruptcy, it will be miserable, and this part of the risk will be eliminated before borrowing.

There is only one possibility that this debt can become a bad debt, that is, the debtor country is wiped out, and the debtor is dead, of course, there is no way to collect the debt, but as long as the country is not wiped out, there is an asset price assessment. .

In a down-to-earth way, it means selling the property to repay the debt, whether it is the right to issue currency, real estate, natural resources, etc., all of which can be appraised to repay the debt.

However, the probability of this happening is extremely low, and the debt of nearly 1 trillion US dollars is evenly divided among the major debtor countries, which is actually tens of billions of dollars in size, especially in developed countries. Two or three billion in debt.

It is impossible for all debtor countries to collapse and be wiped out at the same time, right?

From the point of view of maximizing profits, Luo Sheng hopes that they will not be the best in their entire lives, so that they can only borrow new ones to repay the old ones.

It has also optimized asset allocation. You must know that before this, both Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng Family Fund have already sold almost all of their dollars. Now they can't build ladders right away, and the money needs to have a place to rest. Row.

Obviously, it is impossible for Hengxin International Investment Bank to have so much money, but Shengfeng Capital happens to have a lot of funds, including the Luo Sheng family fund.

The whole process is that Cote d'Azur sells products to overseas global customers, but these customers do not have so much money in a short period of time, so they can only borrow money from Hengxin International Investment Bank with national credit as collateral.

However, Hengxin International Investment Bank does not have such a large amount of loans, so it has obtained the primary market to seek financing channels. Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng Family Fund manage a huge amount of assets. , thus realizing the double cycle of profit of finance + technology.

It seems that these buyers have completed the white wolf with empty gloves, and after a long time, Luo Sheng has to ship them himself, and they have to borrow trillions of billions of knives for them to spend.

But with such a back-and-forth, revenue and profits are smashed, which are intuitively reflected on the debtor or debtor country's balance sheet.

Debts are repaid with interest when they are due.

This is not the same thing as buying old U.S. debt.

While signing the contract here, the news has been spread all over the world by the news of major media, and the content of this auction conference has also made the front page headlines of major news websites around the world.

[Shocked, this person has become the creditor of 21 developed countries and 7 developing countries in the world, he is...] - "UC Toutiao"

[my country's well-known technology company Cote d'Azur has reached an ultimate US$2.66 trillion business cooperation with multinational buyers, playing an active role in controlling the global pandemic of Sequoia] - "Yangguang Network"

[Luo Sheng's super technological power over the world was vividly demonstrated in this auction] - "The Guardian"

[In the near future, Luo Sheng will become a creditor of more than 1 billion people in nearly 30 countries and regions around the world, and you may soon become his debtor directly or indirectly] - "Daily Mail"

【Luo Sheng, is he the savior of this world, or the greedy demon Mammon? 】--"New York Times"

At this time, the European and American media have not forgotten to put eye drops in the article.

Luo Sheng looked at these foreign media reports, but laughed it off. He liked the way they looked at you when you were upset and had to come to the door with a lot of money to beg you, so angry and careful to lose your temper.

It's cool.


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