Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 823 [Foreign guys bravely enter big A]

A residential house in Liverpool, England.

Right now, people living in the city are afraid to go out, and Liverpool is one of the worst-hit cities in the UK by redwoods.

At this moment, the local time is just past one o'clock in the morning.

The owner of this private house is a young man in his thirties. His name is Harvey Gordon. He is a professional investor born with a non-financial major, but he makes a living by professionally speculating in stocks.

In the middle of the night, after drinking a whole bottle of refreshing drink, Harvey Gordon stared at the stock software chart on the computer. There were a total of three displays showing the market trend.

It stands to reason that Harvey Gordon, as an Englishman, should look at the FTSE or the old American S\u0026P.

However, the trend charts on the three display panels are the main board Shanghai Index, the Science and Technology Innovation Board Index and the Hong Kong Stock Hang Seng Index.

No wonder this point is still watching the market. It is late at night on Liverpool's side, and at the same time it is already nine o'clock in the morning in Huaguo. Today's trading is about to open.

Obviously, Harvey Gordon is a foreigner in the Big A market.

He invested in Big A through channels such as QFII (Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor) and the Shanghai-London Stock Connect, which was just opened last year.

"Dear 'Dar-A' I love you to death."

Harvey Gordon was refreshed, glanced at the time and saw that there were only a few minutes left to open the market. The so-called "Dar-A" was actually a homonym of "Big A". It has been a month and a half since Harvey moved to Big A. , lurking among the retail investors who eat melons in China, and are also working hard to learn Chinese.

The reason why he fell in love with Big A is because the Sequoia Black Swan and various reverse operations almost made him bankrupt. When he should have been short, he would lose blood; when he should be long, he would lose blood again.

At the time of despair, the last few remaining capital funds were heavily invested in the big A's Bluestar Technology or a few targets of the Blue Coast concept, and successfully bought the Bluestar Technology stock through Hong Kong stocks. Losses in US stocks and the FTSE have recovered.

And the investment target he selected, after the recent repositioning and stock exchange, the newly selected target happened to be one of the three major suppliers of upstream raw materials for Dabai Robot.

Earlier, there was a 17.2% profit, and then the operation of the old beauty led to the big drop in the concept of the big white robot that day. Harvey Gordon's target directly fell to the limit, and the profit of the floating profit was penetrated.

When I woke up the next day and glanced at the account of investing big A, and saw that the profit fell through the day, Harvey Gordon slapped his thighs three times in a row, and kept asking himself why he didn't stare at the market that night...

However, just when he thought that he was about to fail in the big A, a tragedy followed. A few hours later, the North American website revealed that the big white robot complied with the standard, and then the Cote d'Azur issued an announcement.

The situation reversed in an instant. After the big A opened overnight, Harvey Gordon witnessed with his own eyes that the target of his heavy position was directly blocked in the call auction. This is the first time he has eaten 20% in the big A. board profit.

The next step was to open the five-link board, and the target held in his hand doubled directly.

As of today, Harvey Gordon has gained 160% of the book floating profit in holding the target. At present, the total market value of his account positions is 7.436 million yuan, or about 828,000 pounds excluding exchange rate changes.

Harvey Gordon knew that today must be the rhythm of closing the daily limit again, and Jesus couldn't stop it.

Because he has read the auction news yesterday, the $1.91 trillion Dabai robot order, which he thinks is worth at least ten one-word daily limit.

Sure enough, after the ticket in the hands of Harvey Gordon rose by 6.25% yesterday, it directly started the second wave of the main rising wave of the one-word board today, and the daily limit of the one-word board was opened directly.

At this moment, Harvey Gordon glanced at the other targets in his account, which were also continuing to make profits, and he was in a great mood. The stock of Borch Technology, a mechanical prosthetic research and development company he held, opened higher.

The total account funds clicked a few hundred thousand more, equivalent to 30000 to 40000 pounds.

Tonight, Harvey Gordon decided to cash out 2.25 million yuan, or about 250,000 pounds, to buy a big white robot + unmanned car. If it wasn't for the Sequoia pandemic, he really didn't want to sell it now. position, because he knows that there is still a hot market in the market outlook.

Most of the targets in the hands are extremely low turnover rates, and it is often difficult to buy them after they are sold.

But there is no way. To make money, you have to spend your life. If you are infected with Sequoia, you may be lost.

Harvey Gordon finally decided to set out a part from the Dabai Robot concept stocks and Borch Technology. Although other targets did not rise as well as these two votes, they were too concentrated in positions and risks.

He has also learned that the limit of the big A is very powerful. If you want to sell the tickets with the daily limit, you can easily sell them. There are people lining up to take the order, but the tickets of the limit that are killed all the way can not reach a certain low level. Don't try to sell it.

About 20 minutes after the market opened, Harvey Gordon felt that it was almost the same, so he flattened the market value of about 800,000 yuan from the target of Bochuang Technology, and then flattened the market value of about 1.445 million yuan from the target of Dabai Robotics. , and then converted to £250,000 to take profit.

His capital flow of about 2.245 million yuan did not affect the fluctuation of capital in the north at all. In the first ten minutes of this morning, the inflow of capital in the north has exceeded 2.6 billion yuan.

In the past month, every trading day of Big A has been a continuous net inflow of foreign capital, maintaining the style of "buy, buy, buy" so far. The transaction volume last month reached 3.32 trillion yuan, setting a new record for the month in history. record.

With the Sequoia pandemic, Big A has become a great choice for foreign investors to avoid risks. Even dragged down by the global market, many foreign capitals have come in to buy the bottom.

From the perspective of industry, foreign investment especially favors the six major industries of optical electronics, semiconductor components, biomedicine, medical equipment, non-bank finance, and food and beverage.

From the perspective of the theme concept, there is no doubt that the three major sectors are the bluestar technology theme, the blue coast theme, and the new energy vehicle theme.

The massive influx of foreign capital has accelerated to a certain extent the rapid rebound of the big A market after the Sequoia Black Swan event. However, the influx of overseas hot money cannot make much waves in these three major conceptual themes.

Because whether it is Huachang Technology, Borch Technology, Reebok, and Big A Big Brother Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company, behind these listed companies, there is the same super strong company that can highly control the market - Shengfeng Capital.

Tickets with strong money in it are generally not touched, especially the tickets of Shengfeng Capital, the domestic hot money bigwigs either don’t touch it, and they don’t dare to stir up.

Because the hot money that has been hyped before has forcibly completed value investment, once it is smashed to death by Shengfeng Capital, it will be a quarter if you don't cut the meat.

Either don't come, and if you want to come, you can honestly invest in value, and don't think about day trips.

Shengfeng Capital is the only capital institution in the entire big A market that can control the heavyweight stocks with a market value of more than 400 billion except for the G team.

It is no exaggeration to say that the rise and fall of these targets are planned internally by Shengfeng Capital. The trend of the stock price will not deviate from the fundamentals of the company's performance. The biggest expectation is to accompany the growth of the company. the ascending channel.

It is absolutely not allowed for these targets to rise and fall due to hot money and hot money speculation, but any skyrocketing and falling caused by excessive speculation and speculation will end up being a piece of shit.

As for the skyrocketing rise of the three major upstream suppliers of the concept of Dabai Robotics, it is not speculative speculation, but the result of the recent solid positive and performance support, which is in line with the fundamentals.

In fact, Shengfeng Capital has already drawn the top for a long time, and it will go up by seven consecutive boards at most, because the internal analysis and judgment is that if the stock price continues to rise to this position, it will deviate from the current value of the company, which is speculative speculation. ingredients.

That is to say, if it flips about 200% to the top, it will trade sideways. At this position, it will control the market at a high level. Anyone who pushes up the stock price will be buried here, and the hot money from foreign capital will also be buried.

The reason why the domestic hot money bosses are not very willing to touch the listed companies that are highly controlled by Shengfeng Capital is because they are not only strong companies in the stock market, but also highly controlled in the companies themselves.

Hot money is very clear that they are in line with Luo Sheng in the stock market, and they all lose miserably.

And the most unbearable thing for hot money is that Shengfeng Capital will cut you from time to time, and a big hole may come out at any time. It is impossible to predict when it will be smashed. First, as long as you come in, it is very likely to become a long-term value investor.

Because the long-term trend is rising, most of the average annualized returns can reach about 15~20%. This is the most friendly to retail investors who invest in long-term prices. It is also Luo Sheng's biggest goal. The effect he wants is to invest only Anyone who buys stock in his company can become Buffett.

The most powerful thing about the god of stocks that people brag about is that he can stably create an annualization of about 20% every year.

How can being a Buffett make more Buffetts more feats? The answer is obviously that the latter is more legendary.

But hot money doesn't like it very much. Hot money wants demon stocks that can double or even ten times in a year or even a month. They simply can't stand the speed of making slow money at a 20% annual rate.

Another factor that cannot be ignored is that almost everyone now knows that it is appropriate to follow Archbishop Luo, and it is appropriate to eat and drink spicy food, and to obtain a stable annualized rate of return of about 15~20% for the working class. For retail investors, don’t be too satisfied, and even many retail investors think it’s good to be able to beat the inflation rate.


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