Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 827 [The most mentally handicapped news of the year]

lunch time.

"Master, lunch is ready for you, it is recommended to eat as soon as possible."

Dabai Morris came to Harvey Gordon's bedroom to remind him that he was reading the research report of Bluestar Technology, and when he heard Dabai's voice, he left the computer table and went to the dining room.

"Wow! Is this authentic Chinese cuisine?" Harvey Gordon couldn't help but smell the dishes on the table, and couldn't help but praise: "It's really fragrant~~"

No beeping, just start eating right away.

Harvey Gordon tried to use chopsticks one after another, but they all ended in failure. It is difficult to understand why these two chopsticks are as flexible as two fingers in the hands of Chinese people, and they are light to hold peanuts or something. Easy and loose.

In desperation, I had no choice but to use western tableware.

"Master, take it slow, I need to add some energy."

"Go, Morris, and make a spicy hot pot for dinner."

Dabai Morris found his special charger, and then he connected the socket to his own charging port and stood still to charge. During the logistics and transportation process, the battery was not fully charged, and it almost ran out of power after working all morning. .

It is worth mentioning that the Dabai robot will charge itself when the battery is low, unless it is to replace the battery, which requires a human to complete.

The whole house has been tidy and clean, and the empty refrigerator is full, and Harvey Gordon swears that he will never be able to keep his house in such an orderly manner.

It's not cheap to spend £130,000 on a big white robot, but it's definitely worth the money right now.


Harvey Gordon is comfortably watching TV in his living room at teatime, not watching boring family soap operas or anything, but following the news coverage of the Sequoia pandemic while fully charged The Great White Morris is helping him renovate the storage room.

Harvey Gordon saw a large white robot appearing in a hospital on TV, tending to infected patients.

Just when he heard the TV news report that Britain's public medical resources were seriously short, he thought of Dabai Morris, who was renovating his storage room, and suddenly revealed the greedy and profit-seeking face of a capitalist.

Harvey Gordon thought of letting the big white robot help him make money,

I saw him leaning back on the sofa and wrapping his arms around him and muttering to himself, "Maybe I can set up a Dabai Robot Club and invite users who have also purchased Dabai Robots to form a team to negotiate business with public medical institutions..."

He knows that the big white robots that the UK purchased from the Cote d'Azur this time have also sold most of them to private individuals under the circumstance that the number is limited, and that it may be less than one-third of the financial expenditure for public medical care.

The big white robot played a key role in the epidemic prevention Sequoia. According to the data of the past few days, after the dangerous work was handed over to the big white robot, the number of infected medical staff in the UK has shown signs of decline.

You must know that the current situation is that medical personnel are extremely scarce, and many doctors and nurses are also very afraid of contracting the Sequoia virus, so they choose to resign and give up.

However, the existing Dabai robots on duty still cannot meet the huge demand, and there is still a huge gap, and it is difficult for the UK to add more orders from the Cote d'Azur.

One is that it is too expensive to buy, and there is no surplus food in the family of the Great Empire. The other is that you can’t buy it if you have money. All countries around the world are waiting in line. Finally, the production capacity of the Cote d’Azur is not unlimited. Additional It doesn't make sense that the order is not delivered until a few years later.

Just when Harvey Gordon felt that he had discovered a huge business opportunity, he became more and more excited, but after a while, it quickly turned off. He shook his head again and again and said, "It's still not possible..."

He realized that at this juncture, the users of privately buying Dabai robots are at least middle-class people with a net worth of more than one million, and those with higher incomes who have achieved financial freedom.

Although Sequoia will not threaten the big white robot, it is impossible for these people to really agree to send the big white robot they bought to work. If the big white robot brings back the Sequoia, it will be over. They often stand by the river. There are no wet shoes.

Although you can make some money, for users who can afford a Dabai robot, it is not bad for this amount of money, and it is not worth taking such a big risk to make that kind of money.

Harvey Gordon asked himself that he didn't want Morris to work in the hospital.

"Let's be honest and seize this wave of the Huaguo stock market first. Maybe we can let Morris make money part-time in the future. As for now, don't make fun of your own life for that little profit..." Harvey Gordon denied An idea that popped up in a flash.

Thinking about it, if this approach was feasible, there would have been institutions that would have done it long ago, and both funds and channels would be much stronger than individuals.

Just then, the TV screen jumped to the news reported by the BBC.

"I can buy...this..." Harvey Gordon stared blankly at the big white robot in the picture, which was smashed into pieces by a group of people. It was a big white robot that a private user had just purchased. News reporter The narration voice is broadcasting:

[…On January 12 at the Health Summit in Tucson, Arizona, North America, a doctor named Thomas Cowan claimed in his speech that Li-Fi caused the widespread spread of redwoods, and he It also claims that there is no outbreak in Africa because there is no Li-Fi there...]

"What? Are you F...kidding me??" Harvey Gordon felt that his IQ was greatly insulted when he heard the BBC reporter's remarks, and said to himself in anger:

"So, the logic is... No Sequoia in Africa equals no Li-Fi in Africa, Sequoia in Europe equals Li-FI in Europe, so it can be concluded that Li-Fi equals Sequoia, Electromagnetic Signal = Sequoia?? What? Someone so mentally handicapped to believe that Li-Fi light-guided signals can spread the virus, oh my god..."

The person who smashed the Dabai robot to pieces in the news screen obviously believed it. Dabai robot is also equipped with Li-Fi light guide technology, so it was attacked by those people.

"This is definitely the most mentally retarded news of the year. I'm embarrassed to tell my Chinese friends that I'm British!" Harvey Gordon jumped up from the sofa angrily. Of course he was angry because he also had a Dabai, no matter how I look at it now, I dare not let Morris go out easily.

If you encounter these mentally handicapped people, maybe a group of mentally handicapped people will jump out of the grass to gank and smash Morris into a smash. Who will you cry for?

Harvey Gordon doesn't care about those mentally handicapped groups. What he cares about is that the home robot he finally bought for more than 130,000 pounds was smashed by them, and it was a painful rhythm.

Seeing this news, Harvey Gordon almost laughed in anger. He was really hollowed out by God. He never thought that people would be so mentally retarded.

Concerning his own vital interests, Harvey Gordon immediately opened the contract documents for ordering Dabai Robot and the user agreement. He tried to find out whether Dabai Robot could fight back on the content of the agreement.

As a result, it is forbidden to attack humans, and can only passively fight or run away, and cannot fight back.

Harvey Gordon was a little disappointed to see the terms of the deal.

Cote d'Azur doesn't want the big white robot to be labeled as a "rebellious" human being. The reason why it doesn't conduct rental business abroad is to prevent this kind of thing. Anyway, it is sold. From the point of view of commercial interests, it would be smashed. Old The new one will not come.

Another major reason is that those countries in Europe and the United States do not have relevant laws and regulations for robot defense counterattacks to implement. Of course, the Cote d'Azur is not willing to put on such trouble, maybe this is fishing.

When doing business with Europeans and Americans, you have to be careful.

Harvey Gordon read the contract documents carefully again, and Harvey Gordon found that although he had commercial insurance, he could not make all claims.

In other words, the vandals can only be sued for breaking up their private property and asking them to compensate for the damage.

But the problem is that those people are so poor at first sight, how can they afford to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds?

Harvey Gordon doesn't care if the mentally retarded will go to jail or not. Even if he is sent in, what's the point of not recovering the loss?

"Alas, it seems that Morris still has to stay out of the house, these damn intellectually disabled people, Madfagar!"


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