Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and twentieth eight chapters [warning]

When the news spread to China, a large group of netizens who ate melons saw it and thought it was a prank. In the end, they found out that it was not a sand sculpture news, but an incident that really happened in the British Isles. 's rumors, in a fit of rage, a god operation of "destruction and poisoning" came.

"Has anti-intelligence reached this point? To be reasonable, I can't help but be amazed by this kind of brain-opening logic."

"It's impossible for anyone with a little bit of independent thinking ability to believe it, but the corrupt country's silver people just listen to it and don't believe it, and I'm drunk even if I put it into action."

"If it wasn't for the poor monk who read this news on a modern Ai Chus mobile phone, the poor monk would have thought that he had traveled to the European continent in the Middle Ages. At that time, Europeans in the dark century generally believed that burning Joan of Arc to death could get rid of the Black Death. , how come more than 600 years have passed, and it is not necessarily where the advanced level has gone... Dawei Tianlong [doge]"

"I thought it was a joke on social media platforms, but I didn't expect it to be an official report from the BBC, the mainstream media of the Great Empire, which claims to be 'considerable, rational, and neutral'."

"So take 10,000 steps back, even if those sand sculptures suffer from the loss of culture, don't the BBC staff have no brains? It's obviously ulterior motives for doing this."

"To be reasonable, there is a sentence to be said. Seeing everyone's comments in the message area can reflect that our national quality and common sense awareness level are on the whole to surpass the European and American people, why not surpass them?"

"I feel sorry for Dabai~~"

"Would you like to have an expensive machine? [Manual funny]"


In the science and technology complex building, in the private office, Luo Sheng sat on the office chair and turned 90 degrees to face the video screen in front of him. At the moment, he was in a real-time video connection with Yao Jianhong.

The two were discussing what happened in the British Isles. Yao Jianhong said: "This question is ridiculous, but there are at least two points behind this question that cannot be ignored. First, this matter can be fully verified. Our relationship with these international partners is a situation of coexistence of cooperation and confrontation. Their hearts do not want to cooperate in a proper way, but if they have the opportunity, they will definitely reverse it.

Luo Sheng put his fingers together and supported his chin, nodding and agreeing: "The incident of Dabai being smashed, it can be seen that there are really some people who are not very smart, you are right, the reflection behind this problem is What's wrong is that they're trying to bring misfortune to the east, trying to throw the blame on us, and leading this part of the brainless people to hate us, I agree with your analysis, what's next?"

Yao Jianhong continued: "The second is the transnational competition between our companies and European and American companies.

The future must be focused on the high-tech field. It is not difficult to see that they may be testing through this matter. Once established and feasible, the products that our company sells in the world can be used by competitors to make a big fuss. "

Luo Sheng nodded again in agreement. As for why he chose to take the Cote d'Azur as a tit-for-tat, it's not obvious. You make the most money, and you are the most threatening. You are almost dying from the standpoint of the competitors. Yes, it is imminent.

Obviously, the other party wants to take the opportunity to hype, the purpose is to drive Luo Sheng away from the technology track, at least to slow down the speed of advancement.

Luo Sheng analyzed: "Your two points are quite critical. The former determines whether they can objectively evaluate our Riviera, and the latter determines whether they are willing to participate in the global multinational technology company's evaluation of human technological progress with Riviera. Construction. These two correspond to their external evaluation and endogenous acceptance of the Côte d’Azur respectively, which are realistic barriers that will be unavoidable for the Côte d’Azur to continue to climb in the future.”

"They are also very clear that high technology is the future, the order, and the ticket to future transnational competition, especially now that the strong growth depends on the digital economy and the high premium of high-tech products, not traditional natural resources. So they all want to take the lead in the competition of the rules of the game, and they don’t want to be left behind, so they can do whatever they can.”

Having said this, Luo Sheng added with a smile, "They are most likely to be in great pain now, they are very clear about the situation, but they just want to watch me keep attacking and have no choice, the most annoying thing is that I can't do anything right now. Don't come and beg me, just one word... cool!"

Yao Jianhong, who had a serious mentality at first, also smiled when he saw his mentality, but he continued to say after a moment: "It seems that the Dabai robot was smashed, it seems that it is really not just anti-intellectual, there must be someone behind it. It is a wise move to promote, stay vigilant, and be prepared for danger in times of safety. Speaking of which, we are fortunately not promoting the leasing business of Dabai robots in the international market, otherwise the profits earned by Cote d’Azur in the past five or even ten years will have to be lost.”

Judging from the scale of orders auctioned some time ago, the amount is close to 2 trillion US dollars. If these Dabai robots are covered by Dabai Fund, they will provide leasing business to the global market.

As a result, it is not difficult to imagine that once it is leased out, absolutely everything will be smashed, and the promoters behind it will be even more crazy to manipulate the emotions of the whole people, creating a situation where Dabai robots and humans are opposed to each other.

The reason for making small moves now is that they also bleed a lot, and they will lose a lot if they smash all of them.

What will happen then? Totally passive.

If the big white robot is allowed to counterattack, it will fall into the opponent's trap 100%. If it does not counterattack, it will be destroyed by a group of mentally handicapped people.

Prosecute those people? and then? so what?

Days of loss have already been done.

Thousands of people are involved, how do you sue? Are you suing? How much can you recover after winning a lawsuit? It doesn't make much sense to win a lawsuit without recovering the loss.

What's more, you may not be able to win the lawsuit, and the driving force behind the scenes will certainly not be idle.

Maybe it will cause consumers in the entire international market to boycott Cote d'Azur products on a large scale, especially those who smashed the big white robot. They will be afraid of taking a lawsuit to compensate for huge losses. It is best driven by this factor. The only way is to coerce the will of the whole people. In domestic parlance, the law does not blame the people.

It can be seen that if the Cote d'Azur is not handled well, maybe it will really be kicked out of the international market.

A wrong step leads to a wrong step, and the loss is even more immeasurable. In the future, you may really only be able to "enclose yourself" in the country. The price of going out again will be ten times and dozens of times.

After finishing the video connection with Yao Jianhong, Luo Sheng immediately instructed: "Xiao Na, send instructions to August Fran of Horizon Security Company to prepare personnel for the security protection of the storage base of integrated circuit chips. deploy."

Xiaona: "Received."

Now that the global situation is at a watershed stage, Luo Sheng is very clear that when he wants to make profits in the international market, he must make profits that Europeans and Americans have to ask you to provide products, just like Dabai Robot this time. .

Even so, these foreigners are still making small moves.

In addition, other profits will be difficult to earn, but this kind of business that requires foreigners to ask you to provide products is also super profitable. The proper business of Dabai Robot is that it will not open for three years, and it will be open for three years. rhythm.

Obviously, the next big business that will open for three years is to stock up on chips. After the solar storm comes, there will be another wave of people who have to come and beg to buy your chips, and then you can harvest another wave, and you can definitely eat for three years. even five years.

For this huge opportunity in the future, all you have to do now is to hoard chips and hold on to your death.

In fact, this is also quite good. You can save your worry and effort, and you don’t have to fight with the other party. You can make a lot of money by seizing a big opportunity. Now the normal international business loses some market and profits. Compared with such a big opportunity, On the contrary, it seems insignificant, and it doesn’t even matter if it can be completely discarded.

A small house is too small, a big house is too big, I am reluctant to give up.

Luo Sheng doesn't pay much attention to the company's daily operations and trivial matters. It is enough to leave these matters to the management. Now the most important thing is to revitalize the basic market of the Greater China market.

The next final product is the commercialization of the virtual brain-computer project. This project is not only another blockbuster work on the Côte d'Azur, but also addresses the issue of alleviating the intensification of contradictions in backward production relations brought about by the unprecedented release of productivity. It was Luo Sheng's high hopes.

Everyone puts more energy into the virtual world, and naturally there will be no trouble. The release of the virtual brain machine can effectively smooth out this potential conflict. This is its greatest significance. The product itself can bring benefits to the company. How much profit to come is secondary.


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