Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 829 [First entry into the virtual world]

Cote d'Azur company headquarters, virtual brain computer project department building.

In a development room inside the building, Gao Hua's secretary came to him and whispered, "General Manager Gao, General Manager Luo is here."

Gao Hua put down his work as soon as he heard it, and left the room after a few words with the engineers present.

It is worth mentioning that, in terms of position, Gao Hua belongs to the senior director, and according to the management rank, it is the M5 level.

However, at the same time as a senior director at the M5 level, the gold content is quite different.

As the first person in charge of the virtual brain computer project, Gao Hua is also a super heavyweight project on the Cote d'Azur. In fact, many people know that once this project is successfully commercialized, Gao Hua, the project leader, will inevitably become a co-founder of Cote d'Azur. A member of the core layer of the coast, his seat on the board of directors must be indispensable.

No one who can get to P8 level or above is not extremely shrewd, and it is a tacit understanding. For people of their level, they can think through it without thinking.

Gao Hua walked towards Luo Sheng with a smile, and said with a loud laugh: "Mr. Luo, you are a very busy person who is looking forward to coming here. Taking advantage of your rare visit today, I have to do all the credits. Impossible to clean."

Luo Sheng glanced at him and said, "Come on, I just heard from Lao Yao that you have added more than 30 billion yuan. Who swore before that 100 billion yuan is enough, more than enough. ? The company's R\u0026D investment, you eat a quarter of a project, and other departments are already complaining."

There are countless large and small projects under the Côte d’Azur Lab. There are currently many project topics in progress. Even Luo Sheng does not know the approximate numbers. The last time Xiaona reported 12,829 project topics , the funding amount of the smallest project approval is 350,000 yuan, and the largest is the virtual brain computer project, which eats up 25% of the total R\u0026D budget investment.

This is a huge number. There is also fierce competition within the company. There are two ways to get more funds. One is to expand the denominator, that is, to make more money. Then the company's overall research and development in the next year. The investment will increase, and naturally more funds will be received.

The other is internal competition. After the total R\u0026D budget for the next year is determined, it is up to the person in charge of the project how to split the money.

Gao Hua can be said to be the "Public Enemy Number One" internally, because he has ate the most money for his projects, and he has not made a penny of profit for more than ten years.

If it weren't for Luo Sheng's full support for Gao Hua and the virtual brain computer project,

R\u0026D expenditures should be cut to about 5%.

You know, even Yao Jianhong thinks that Gao Hua's projects burn too much money, as if the whole company is providing him with money to burn, who can stand it...

Hearing Luo Sheng's words, Gao Hua said confidently: "As I said, mastering the entrance to the virtual world will master the future, just this one is priceless, they are just jealous that I am in charge of this project is too popular, Doesn't it mean that I'm drawing a big cake, and there's no return if I don't invest? It's not... the prototype is finalized."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng looked at him in surprise and said, "Oh? It's finalized? So fast? It's a year earlier than I thought. Is this what you want to take credit for?"

Gao Hua said confidently: "Of course, there is no qualitative breakthrough, how can I dare to disturb the big boss who is in charge of every day?"

"Don't come to this set, there's nothing, take me to see if it's out, it's really done a year early, your department has made a great contribution." Luo Sheng is also refreshed, and the virtual brain machine can really be born. In a sense, it is no less than the invention of the Internet by human beings, which will redefine the Internet, which shows its high degree of importance and far-reaching significance.

"Mr. Luo, please come here."


Under the leadership of Gao Hua, Luo Sheng came to a testing room. There were several engineers and scholars. One of the scholars was Victor Vladimir, who focused on the study of human brain dreams. Distinguished professor hired by the University of Texas at Austin, he is a Ukran.

Luo Sheng had only met him once, and he was introduced to him by Gao Hua the last time he came here. The meeting only lasted half an hour, but he still remembered him.

When I came here, I said hello to Victor, shook hands and said a few words, but in fact Luo Sheng first noticed a few matrix objects in the test room that looked very sci-fi. For the respect of the staff, it is natural not to go straight to the thing at the first time, but to communicate with people first, this is a matter of details.

At the end, Luo Sheng looked at several matrix objects in the test room and said, "This is the host that connects to the virtual world?"

Gao Hua nodded and smiled: "Not bad."

The so-called virtual brain machine is not like the VR helmet that most people imagine, it is OK to cover the head, but it is similar to the dormant warehouse in science fiction movies.

The design of these prototypes is quite similar in appearance to the dormant warehouse in the sci-fi movie. The industrial design has a streamlined sci-fi futuristic sense. The cabins of several mainframes are opened, showing the appearance of a duck opening its mouth.

Gao Hua looked at him and smiled: "Mr. Luo, experience it for yourself? Let's go to the virtual world and then chat?"

Luo Sheng nodded with interest: "Let's go."

Immediately, Gao Hua instructed the staff present to prepare for the start-up of the two mainframes. The two of them entered their respective mainframes and lay down. The grooves in the head position just fit the head into the head, and the size can also be adjusted according to the size of the head of different people. Changes, the inner texture of the groove is soft and clings to the head, while the outer part is connected with various complicated circuits.

It is through this non-invasive method that encrypted information can be wirelessly transmitted between the human brain and cloud-based supercomputer network, thereby realizing a non-invasive interactive experience.

After a while, Luo Sheng watched the top compartment of the main unit slowly and automatically close down. The top compartment cover looked like a glass cover, but it was actually a curved panoramic screen.

At this time, an electronically synthesized female voice entered Luo Sheng's ears:

[Administrator privileges have been obtained]

As time passed by, Luo Sheng unknowingly entered an immersive state, which was actually the process of completing the "dream creation" by the computer system.

The technical team searched for a variety of solutions in order to make the virtual brain machine achieve a truly immersive experience, and finally used the magic of "dream" to achieve the most perfect immersive experience (Note: Chapter 711 has already been described here. more description).

Dreams are false, but people who are immersed in dreams are very real about everything that happens in the dream world. Usually, when people are dreaming, they will wake up soon after subconsciously realizing that they are dreaming.

The technical highlight of the immersive experience of this virtual host is that the experiencer is like immersed in a dream. The subjective consciousness is very clear that this is false, but it is still stable, just like a person's subconscious already knows that he is in a dream, but But he will not be forced to wake up and leave the dream, or whether or not to leave the dream is up to him to decide.

Obviously, here is the experiencer taking the initiative to withdraw from the virtual world and go offline.

At this moment, Luo Sheng found that the scene in front of him seemed to have traveled to another world. He clearly knew that he was lying in the virtual brain machine, but he was standing now, and this space was also very strange. Lord, I can't see the existence of the grid, but Luo Sheng's visual effects clearly feel the layering of space here.

In front of him, a lot of... software application icons appeared.

Bluestar Technology Family Bucket, QQ, Dibao, etc. These application icons represent access to other addresses. People who enter the virtual world for the first time may be amazed, but Luo Sheng came to a judgment in an instant. This is his host desktop.

Strictly speaking, he is now like a human directly entering the desktop of a computer.

【Gao Hua's request to access your host interface, do you accept it? 】

The electronically synthesized girl's voice just responded, Luo Sheng said directly: "Let him in!"

As soon as the voice fell, a space crack appeared on the left side, Luo Sheng turned to look over, Gao Hua just walked out of the crack, the crack disappeared, and the desktop space returned to its original state.

"Mr. Luo, how are you? Welcome to the second world!"

Seeing this, Luo Sheng smiled and said, "The special effects of the access connection are well done, but on the desktop system, it is a waste of computing power and resources. It is better to be simple, and the traffic is very expensive."

Gao Hua: "Uh..."

Seeing that the big boss was so calm and complained a little, Gao Hua said in surprise: "Mr. Luo, this...Are you being too calm? Aren't you shocked by what happened in front of you?"

Gao Hua found out that the big boss did not follow his script. He knew very well that when he first connected to the virtual world, he was really shocked, shocked, incredible, and astonished when he opened the door to a new world...


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