Hearing Gao Hua's curious expression, Luo Sheng thought to himself: I can't tell you that I've played before...

Not too much trouble on this issue.

It is worth mentioning that although in this virtual world, it is possible to achieve a god-level display such as "shape moves at will, and forms are born from the heart", but in fact these "shapes" are all models designed in advance.

Luo Sheng's operation just now was just to call them out. Now all the displays in this desktop system are not the form he temporarily constructed, but a real-time calculation after the virtual model is built.

Just show the things you imagined exactly the same way. The current technology and hardware can't do it to this extent, and the required computing resources are also limited. First of all, a quantum computer is required on a piece of hardware to achieve it.

Gao Hua came to sit next to him, and a single sofa appeared under his butt to catch him.

Luo Sheng, who was beside him, was quite comfortable tapping Erlang's leg. The two began to communicate. Luo Sheng looked at each other and said, "The virtual world is also a large world, we can call it the second world, which is no smaller than the real world. To a certain extent, the virtual world is as big as the heart is, and when it is promoted to all human beings, the first problem encountered is the same as that of traditional Internet products... the construction of users and ecosystems!"

Whether the virtual world can be active or not depends of course on how many users there are. Only when hundreds of millions of users are accumulated can the ecosystem be established.

Luo Sheng said in a deep voice: "The ecology of the virtual world is still the same. We have a closed ecology, not an open one, which means that there must be a limited connection for interaction with the traditional Internet."

Hearing this, Gao Hua couldn't help but nodded. He heard Luo Sheng's meaning. This is to allow traditional Internet users to move to the virtual world as much as possible. The interaction between the two is too close, which is not very helpful for user conversion. Sample.

The biggest purpose of establishing a connection with the traditional Internet is actually to "seduce" those users to the virtual world, otherwise what will be the connection?

What you can't get is always in turmoil...

Luo Sheng added: "In the early stage, it is still necessary to use games as the main focus to attract the first batch of users to settle in and form a community. Games are the things that can most attract users and can release the charm of the virtual world to the extreme. How are you preparing for this? ?"

Gao Hua immediately reported: "In the game area, several developers are advancing at the same time, including Ubisoft, Rockstar, Blizzard, and the newly established domestic game developer Tianji Digital. This is my personal experience. The investment spent a lot of money to allow Tianji Digital to promote two projects, which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cote d'Azur. The specific projects include "Assassin's Creed", "Red Dead Redemption 2", "World of Warcraft", "Three Kingdoms" and "Zhu Kingdom" Several major projects such as Zibaijia”.”

Luo Sheng opened a holographic panel to call up a general overview of the company's internal planning materials, and when he made a decision, he said, "The first two game projects, "Three Kingdoms" and "Hundred Schools of Masters", will focus on the project "Three Kingdoms". As for the well-known game IP projects of foreign companies, we will make corresponding adjustments depending on the promotion of virtual brain machines in the international market."

The two projects of Tianji Digital are the two brand-new game projects "Three Kingdoms" and "Hundred Schools of Zhuzi".

Compared with those well-known game IPs in the world, there is no foundation for any previous games, but Luo Sheng still wants to push these two major projects. The first reason is to consider the issue of cultural output. Games are definitely an extremely important carrier of cultural output. It is second only to the cultural output capability of film and television content.

It is absolutely impossible to vigorously promote your "Red Dead Redemption 2" in the domestic market. Even if it is successful in business, the cultural export has been a complete failure, and it has been reversed to export the old American culture.

The second is the issue of market size. Whether virtual brain functions can open up the international market and enter the European and American markets, Luo Sheng also has a question mark about their hostility and fear of the Côte d'Azur.

If not,

Continuing to focus on promoting the IPs of foreign third-party game developers such as R-Star and Ubisoft will be very passive. The international market cannot be opened or unsatisfactory, and these big IP works, such as the "GTA" series, cannot be released in the mainland. Some It can be sold, but it is contrary to the strategy of cultural export.

The result is that cultural export has not made a name for itself, and it has failed in business, and it is a lose-lose.

There is no doubt that the initial focus of the virtual brain computer release is still on the domestic market and the Asia-Pacific market, that is, the same Confucian cultural circle.

It is because of the results of these comprehensive considerations that the theme of "Three Kingdoms" stands out and has been developed with emphasis. First, the theme itself is a well-known IP, and secondly, in Japan and South Korea, the Three Kingdoms is also a very popular piece of Chinese history. , is also the most well-known history, especially in Japan and South Korea.

In order to contribute to cultural export and achieve commercial success, the theme of the Three Kingdoms is undoubtedly the easiest to open up.

First open up the situation in the domestic market, and secondly achieve success in the Asia-Pacific market. Only after a firm foothold can we develop our strength in the global market. This is a step-by-step process that must be done step by step.

Luo Sheng looked at Gao Hua and asked, "Can the people in charge of the two projects, "Three Kingdoms" and "Hundred Schools of Masters" be connected to the virtual world?"

Gao Hua: "Of course!"

After speaking, he directly opened a call to communicate with the staff outside the virtual world. After about a few minutes, Luo Sheng's virtual world desktop system came from the assistant's voice synthesis voice:

[Xu Mai requests to access your host interface, do you accept it? 】

"Let him come here!"

After a while, the two looked in the same direction, only to see a special effect of an arbitrary door appeared out of thin air in the desktop space, and a middle-aged man stepped over the arbitrary door and entered Luo Sheng's host.

"General Manager Luo, General Manager Gao!" The other party greeted him with a smile, and Gao Hua immediately introduced: "This is Xu Mai, the president of Tianji Digital, and he is responsible for both projects."

Luo Sheng stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down and talk about these two game projects."

Although in the virtual world, everything is illusory, but this kind of "spiritual communication" cannot be faked. In a sense, it is just a projection of real communication in the virtual world.

Luo Sheng's aura was just right. It was the first time Xu Mai saw this super boss, and he was still quite cautious. The aura was not clear, but it did exist.

Xu Mai has organized his words and said: "The project "Three Kingdoms" belongs to the action-adventure and open world type, and the background world structure is based on the Three Kingdoms period in history; the project "Hundred Schools of Masters" belongs to the type of online games, the background The world structure is based on the history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a martial arts online game in the Qin Dynasty based on the series of novels written by Wen Shiren.

For these two projects, "Three Kingdoms" is the main focus of the Asia-Pacific market, while "Hundreds of Masters" as an online game type is undoubtedly the main focus of the domestic market. As for the popular foreign games such as "Assassin's Creed" and "Red Dead Redemption 2" The degree of attention to IP projects depends on the speed at which virtual brain machines are advancing in the international market, but it is undoubtedly the last one.

In order to stabilize the fundamentals and cultural output first, of course, we should focus on the domestic market and the Asia-Pacific market. This is nothing to discuss. The CEO of R star personally came to fight for "Red Dead Redemption 2" as the first launch of the virtual brain machine. Useless, impossible, pressing.

Since 2012, Cote d'Azur has prepared these two major projects internally. For the smooth progress of the project "Hundreds of Masters", the animation production company Xuanji Technology was wholly-owned and acquired, and it did not spend a lot of money. A premium of 40% only cost 120 million yuan, which is really a small amount of money for the Cote d'Azur.

After the merger, the reorganization was completed and "Tianji Digital" was established and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Côte d'Azur, but Xuanji Technology did not delist and still maintained independent operations. .

After the completion of the merger, the IP series "Qin Shi Ming Yue" began to be suspended, because it involved the project development of "Zhu Zi Bai Jia" exceeding 10 billion yuan, and it also involved the cultural export and the grand strategy of the virtual brain computer project.

The process also experienced conflicts and bargaining between the executive team airborne from the parent company and the founding team of Xuanji Technology, until the two sides finally reached a consensus in the middle and late 2017.

The fifth episode of the "Qin Shi Mingyue" series of animations has been completed and the follow-up development of this project will be stopped. The founding team has won the production rights of the companion episode, namely "Nine Songs in the Sky", and also negotiated from the parent company. A sum of money to develop other IP animations, the initial asking price was 50 million, and the final consensus was 20 million. The parent company threw the money to the founding team and let them develop other projects to continue their domestic animation dream, whatever Just toss.

The right is to support the dream.

This has also led to the continuous urging of animation fans of "Qin Shimingyue". The mystery is bitter, and there is no bitterness to say. The commercial confidentiality agreement is there, but I don't want to announce that this project has been suspended, and the main creative team is all I have lost the right to develop this IP, or else the fans' basic disk will be turned upside down, and they can only be vague and confused day by day.

Tianji Digital has settled the potential legal disputes of "Zhuzi Hundred Masters" and began to fully promote the production speed of this project. The parent company is even more willing to spend. , which is not even the final budgeted cost.

There is no doubt that this is obviously the most ambitious work of the next-generation game, and it is necessary to push everything to the extreme in this project.

In order to achieve this vision and meet the standards of the parent company, not only has it been eight years since the project was drafted in 2012, but also began to integrate the development team to develop the project as a strong whole.

At present, most of the top 3A masterpiece development teams in the industry range in size from 500 to 1,000 people, and the development team of Rockstar has reached a team size of more than 2,000 people, which is already a very exaggerated number.

However, compared with the team development lineup of the two projects of "Hundred Schools of Masters" and "Three Kingdoms", they are still insignificant.

The development team of "Hundred Schools of Masters" has reached about 5,000 people, and the project "Three Kingdoms" has exceeded the production and development team of 8,000 people.

The top game development practitioners in China have basically gathered in Tianji Digital. In recent years, the new works of domestic games have been crooked and cracked. It is not unreasonable. The best human resources in the industry are taken away, and of course no good works can be produced. Fortunately, people do not have high expectations for domestic games, and they will not be too disappointed.

Without expectations, of course there is no disappointment.

However, it is obvious that domestic practitioners cannot satisfy the ambitions of Tianji Digital and the Cote d'Azur. The two projects have also recruited many international first-line technology leaders. Their joining cannot lead the development of the project. There is no overall planning. The right to decide must be made by the national innovation team.

They are poached at high prices to use their industry technology, not to let them bring in private goods from the West.

To put it bluntly, it is the tool people who are invited. I invite them to do this. You use your professional skills to help me realize it, not you to teach me how to do it.

Suggestions can be made, but the final decision is made by the Guochuang team whether to adopt or not.

At the beginning, those foreign leaders learned that they had no right to speak and refused, but the employers gave too much and could not refuse at all.


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