Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 832 [Never lost sleep because of a game]

Luo Sheng, Gao Hua, and Xu Mai have already entered "Hundred Schools of Masters" and entered the game world from the perspective of God. They are all developers, so they are not bound by the algorithm rules of the game world. .

It can be easily understood that the three of them are now plug-ins.

"As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. The details of a game work determine the player's sense of substitution." Xu Mai introduced with a smile, but immediately added: "Mr. Luo, let's take a look from the perspective of a player inside? "

Seeing Luo Sheng nodded in agreement, Xu Mai enabled the developer permission and randomly selected a player in the game world of "Hundred Schools of Masters" to follow.

At present, the game is in the latest round of internal testing of file deletion. Several rounds of file deletion testing have been carried out. This is the sixth internal file deletion test. Every time the test project team has invited some hardcore players to experience it in order to obtain Data feedback and improvement optimization.

These players are all real and can be invited to participate in the internal test. They are all carefully selected and signed a non-disclosure agreement, not some big V bloggers in the game circle and so on.


From the perspective of the following player, this player has participated in two rounds of internal testing, and this is the third time, at the same time, there is another player who has been invited to experience the virtual game internal testing for the first time.

The location where the two of them were located was a mountain forest with immortal style, and there were pavilions hidden in some mountain peaks, like a fairyland.

These two players did not know that at the moment several "hanging ratios" were secretly observing them from the perspective of God. In this internal test, these two players joined the Taoist camp. The game "Hundred Schools of Masters" is currently There are more than a dozen factions and camps such as Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Military Family, Zongheng Family, Yin-Yang Family, etc. When players first establish a character, they can choose any one of them to start the game, or they can start the game as a ranger without any faction. Very high degree of freedom.

"My God, it's so real, so real that you can't believe it all. If it wasn't for the subjective awareness that this was a virtual game world, I really thought I had passed through." The player who participated in the test for the first time stroked the With a three-foot long sword, he flicked his finger, and the long sword reflected his shocked and excited face.

The crisp sound and the strong touch of the fingertips collide, the trees and plants in the surrounding environment are indistinguishable, and the wind blowing from the top of the cliff is also obvious.

"My heartbeat is accelerating now. This game console and this game are truly trans-generational. I have never had insomnia and dreams because of a game. Only now... virtual games, I dream. I never thought I would play such an immersive virtual game in my lifetime!"

Another old player who was with him was much calmer, but when he participated in the test for the first time, he was even more excited, shocked and incredible.

"I'm thinking that this scene is so refined, and I'm very curious about the capacity of "Hundred Schools of Masters"."

"I know this. I heard from the production and development team that it is about 229TB now, and the final official version should be about 300TB."

"300...TB? That's more than 300,000 GB?"


"I'm sorry!!"

"Storage technology is developing, and traditional hard drives with such a large capacity will definitely not be able to fit in, but fortunately, the Cote d'Azur has DNA storage technology, and the technology can keep up."

"How the wallet can't keep up, I'm afraid I have to sell a house and a car before I can afford this virtual brain machine."

"We'll know when we wait for the official quotation. It shouldn't sell for sky-high prices, right? If everyone can't afford it, the Cote d'Azur will have to lose money to grandma's house. Only in the year of the monkey can the cost be recovered? After all, there are only a few rich people. You can only use one host, right?"

"Hopefully it's not too expensive."

"Now that cloud computing is so developed, you don't actually need to buy a lot of hardware, you just need to buy services directly from the cloud.

Virtual brain machines are definitely not cheap, but I don’t think they are too expensive to be unattainable. Maybe there will be similar Internet cafes re-emerging, and there may be channels for experience. "

Just as the two players were chatting, an NPC character suddenly appeared, walking lightly, fell behind the two of them and bowed their hands: "Two brothers, the head has summoned the two, please hurry to the hall."

This NPC is a Taoist disciple, and he left the place after he came to report.

"Let's go, brother, let's experience the game first."

"Huh? The head? I heard that the head of Taoism is now a little girl, what is her name, Xiaomeng, she is a beauty, brother, I suddenly have a bold idea..."

"Brother, let me tell you, these NPCs are highly intelligent and hard to mess with. Although they are fake and virtual, the pain is very real. I was in the Mojia camp during the last internal test, and then I molested me. Snow girl, guess what?"

"tell me the story."

"Made, the labor and capital were expelled from the Mo family and then chased by the Mo family's disciples all the way from Jicheng, all the way from the state of Yan to the state of Zhao, then to the state of Chu, to the state of Qin, and finally defected to Luo Wang and Zhao Gao. I saved my life, Mag's egg, the last time the labor and capital were basically running for their lives, they just played the PUBG Mobile mode."

"Hafnium? Hahaha~~ No way? Is it true? But, old iron, isn't your entry too deep?"

"You can try it if you don't believe me, but to be fair, this game is really fun to play."

"Hey hey, after hearing you say this, I really want to try it. Anyway, I want to delete the file, and it won't really hang. Just try it."

"Haha, when you're going to die, brother, as a core disciple of Taoism, I was ordered to clean up the door by molesting the head, so don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

"Okay haha."

"But then again, brother, you are a novice now. In this game world, Xiaomeng's force is a bit terrifying, and her temperament is cold. I am very worried that you will give her a second. I almost died last time. I was given a second on the spot, I doubt you can walk out of the hall."

"I admit that I have the element of gambling, but death is the fun of the game. Can't you play a little more exciting if you can restart it?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go LSP, I'd love to hear it."


The two of them didn't know that they were being secretly observed at the moment, and Xu Mai and Gao Hua were dumbfounded when they heard the exchange between the two players.

You never know what kind of magic the player will come up with in the game.

The three did not follow the perspective of the two players, but ended there and left the game world of "Hundreds of Masters".

Returning to the console interface, Luo Sheng asked, "How is the feedback from the players who participated in the internal test?"

"How do you say this..." Xu Mai thought for a while, then looked at Luo Sheng and smiled: "To be frank, Mr. Luo, whether it's "Three Kingdoms" or "Hundred Schools of Masters", although these two projects are trans-epochs, but After all, it is in the midst of the times, and the feedback from players is all perfect with zero negative comments. The truly immersive virtual game experience is enough to cover up any shortcomings on it, so that even if there are big shortcomings, players will greatly appreciate it. Fang Fang’s acceptance and forgiveness, so players’ feedback is essential, but we believe that the reference is limited. The development team’s current goal is very clear, and it will be perfect on the basis of the existing one. It is a little bit to improve every day before the release period. It must be It deserves the historic opportunity of these two projects.”

In the end, Luo Sheng didn't answer his words, just nodded with a smile, because this kind of attitude is the most reasonable and appropriate way to respond, and it's not beautiful to say it.

Of course, this is only limited to exchanges between Chinese people, and everything is silent.

What Xu Mai said was just right.

After all, if you can get into the position of president, although you are the president of a subsidiary company, you can only sit firmly if you have your IQ and EQ.

First of all, the silent explosion of a wave of virtual brain machines is the biggest credit. Gao Hua, who is next to him, is of course happy when he hears it. He is responsible for this project, which is to raise his boss.

Secondly, it also shows that the two projects will be successful. This is the hero of the times, and doing it well is also the icing on the cake. Whoever handles these two projects will definitely succeed as long as they complete the tasks without fault. Humility does not take credit, the credit belongs to the boss.

In the end, it is also indicated that the development team will continue to explode, and will not be lazy to deal with things just because of the icing on the cake. We are doing things seriously, so that the boss can rest assured and sleep at ease.

For this reason, Luo Sheng has nothing to say. If he directly praised the final project, he would not be slapped in the face. The bones, I have already gone in and looked at them, and I can't find any faults.

The best way is to wait for the result, then the initiative will be in your own hands.

There are a group of people under their hands. Every action and decision is watched by countless pairs of eyes. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They will also observe the situation and adapt to the situation. How to deal with it is really not a big boss. So good.

A few minutes later, the three of them went offline from the virtual world, the hatch of the virtual brain machine automatically opened upwards, and Luo Sheng also returned to the real world and got out of the virtual brain machine.

Gao Hua, who was also offline, also walked towards Luo Sheng. The latter saw him and asked, "Has the cost been diluted? How much can it be reduced?"

After the experience just now, Luo Sheng has determined that there is no problem technically, and now there is only one problem left before the public sale - cost.

If the cost cannot be suppressed, it is a niche product that most people cannot afford. At that time, productivity will begin to be released, robots will enter all walks of life, and more and more people will lose their jobs. They cannot afford virtual brain machines and have nothing to do. It is sure to cause trouble for you. The biggest significance of the virtual brain machine is to bring these people into the virtual world to indulge in it, to find a place for spiritual sustenance, and not to cause trouble for you.

The links between strategy and strategy are interlocked, and the whole body is affected by one stroke.

Therefore, if the cost cannot be reduced, it cannot be released, and it will be difficult for robots to promote the industrial revolution. It is necessary to continue to reduce the cost until a relative cost that most people can afford can be discussed.


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