Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 833 [There are N ways to pry open consumers' wallets]

The two came to an office in the R\u0026D laboratory for further conversation, Gao Hua looked at Luo Sheng and replied: "The current manufacturing cost has been reduced to 40,000 yuan, basically we have put the energy into the cloud. The modules are all put up."

"The manufacturing cost of 40,000 yuan..." Luo Sheng muttered and fell into deep thought.

In terms of cost reduction, the cloud computing of the brother company Bluestar Technology Group provides a complete set of the most advanced cloud service support for virtual brain machines.

Don't look at the huge matrix of the virtual brain machine, but there are no hardware modules such as CPU, memory, and hard disk inside the host. These hardware are the latest generation of semiconductor technology, using 5nm-level process technology, DNA storage technology, etc.

One word is expensive, and the general public simply cannot afford it.

Fortunately, the cloud computing service of Bluestar Technology is powerful enough to gather all these hardwares in the cloud, so the virtual brain machine is only used as a client interface, and the user connects to the cloud-based super central computer through the host.

In this way, the purchase threshold for users can be lowered, so that more people can afford this product. Users only need to access the virtual world through the terminal virtual brain machine to access personal desktop systems, data and various applications. Serve.

All this is actually not much different from using a traditional personal computer.

It seems that the cost of this aspect has been passed on to the Côte d'Azur, but cloud computing solutions are a complete set of service solutions, including cloud resources, transmission protocols and cloud terminals, to achieve on-demand services for desktops, applications, hardware, computing power and other resources , The service mode of flexible allocation is provided to users.

Due to the concentration of on-demand services and elastic allocation in a pool, the resource utilization efficiency is improved through the elastic increase or decrease of demand at the bottom and peak of the valley.

Like traditional personal computers, if the user is sleeping and resting, the device will be turned off and not used. This window period cannot be effectively utilized, which is regarded as a waste of vacant resources and unnecessary sunk costs.

It can be used perfectly through the cloud. When a user here goes offline, the resources allocated to him are returned to the resource pool and then allocated to the next user who sends an access request.

Similarly, the advantages of cloud computing will also be shown together. For example, upgrading systems and patching loopholes are centralized in the cloud without personal operations. On the cloud, there is no attachment to viruses, and personal data is stored in the cloud. Mechanism for backup, personal data will not be lost, all applications, data, and various interfaces can be managed and controlled in a unified manner, thus ensuring that enterprise-level data will not be lost, and many other advantages.

Luo Sheng finished thinking and said: "The cost of 40,000 yuan for a terminal is not cheap, but it is not expensive. It is at a price that ordinary consumers can afford. The key is whether the dilution of the entire operating costs can meet the company's expectations."

Gao Hua said with a smile: "We obviously don't do a one-shot deal. I believe that in the eyes of most people, such a high-end technology product has to start at a price of several hundred thousand sets. It is expected that it will be there. We can justify it. To receive value-added services, each user spends tens of thousands of yuan to buy a brain-computer host, but to access the virtual world, you have to purchase cloud computing resources, and introduce various charging models such as monthly, quarterly, and annual fees.”

"Desktop systems also have to be bought. For users to buy brain-computer hosts, we provide a basic free desktop system that can support most functions, but more advanced functions have to be unlocked by paying. First, use free Dafa to lure people in, from time to time. You can create a high-level application to experience irregular activities for a week for free, and defeat the user's wallet defense line by layer..."

If you are not afraid of users coming, you are afraid not to come. If you come, as long as you get in the car, there are N ways to pry open the user's wallet.

This is actually the housekeeping skills of Cote d'Azur and Bluestar Technology. The construction of ecosystems in the fields of social networks and smartphones has long accumulated rich experience and routines, which can be completely replicated in the ecosystem of the virtual world.

It’s just that it has been changed to a more compelling place, but the taste is still the same, the recipe is still the original recipe, and even the users are basically the original users.

At the end, Luo Sheng made a final decision and said, "You discuss a final pricing plan internally and report it to me, and the summer conference will be officially launched."

Gao Hua's spirit was greatly lifted, and he nodded again and again: "No problem!"

Luo Sheng stayed in the virtual brain computer project department building for a few minutes before returning to his CEO's office. He went to the desk to turn on the work computer, and called up the virtual brain computer upstream and downstream supply chain.

The first generation of virtual brain machines has been finalized, and the next step is the issue of mass production. The production capacity of Xiongxin Electronics has also caught up now. Suppliers in other links have received advance payment from the father of Party A in Cote d'Azur early. , no problem keeping up with the rhythm.

Follow the daddy of the Côte d'Azur, and eat spicy food. Dad's business is always the first priority. If the order of the father is delayed, the supply chain system will be eliminated. This is big meat, and other customer orders are relatively only Just mosquito legs.

After having a general understanding of the supply chain links and confirming that there is no problem, Luo Sheng opened the deployment of Bluestar Technology's Nebula Star-Cloud. Bluestar Technology Group has completed the upgrade of the third-generation Nebula system in China. The center has been upgraded to DNA storage technology.

In the past year, about half of its data centers have been closed, and the remaining half have been replaced by DNA storage data centers, but the storage capacity has increased by 1 billion times, which is equivalent to the original base. The storage capacity has been increased by ten orders of magnitude, which is an epoch-making storage technology with an eye toward the future.

The latest generation of data centers uses DNA storage technology, which means that data can be stored for more than 5,000 years. Unlike traditional storage media such as hard disks and tapes, DNA storage does not require frequent maintenance, and the storage capacity is expanded. Ten orders of magnitude, but the overall operating cost not only did not increase, but because of the closure of a large number of previous-generation data centers, the overall operating cost was reduced by about 28%, and the expenditure was reduced by nearly one-third.

Many foreign media and the industry do not understand Luo Sheng's decision, because no matter how you look at it, the data generated by all human beings currently occupies less than 1% of the storage ratio, which is a complete waste of resources.

They have no idea of ​​the birth of virtual brain machines and virtual worlds. The amount of data generated every day will soar exponentially, and the demand for storage will also multiply exponentially.

This kind of crazy expansion is obviously to welcome the arrival of the virtual world, but also to welcome the arrival of the fourth scientific and technological revolution of mankind. At that time, the demand for data storage will only increase further.


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