Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters [licking everything series]

Shencheng, the headquarters of venture capital funds.

Today's venture capital funds are also well-known in the investment world. Liu Wen, who is in charge of the venture capital fund, is also regarded as a capital boss in the industry. The capital he is most capable of in the circle is the early investment in Luo Sheng, investment blue Star Technology, got on the car of Shengfeng Capital.

In just 17 years from 2003 to the present, the asset scale of venture capital funds has expanded from more than 40 billion yuan 17 years ago to more than 600 billion yuan today, an increase of 15 times.

Among them, the investment in Bluestar Technology has brought it seven or eight thousand times the profits. When Bluestar Technology IPO was listed, the venture capital fund still held 5.18% of the shares and was the fifth largest shareholder.

After the major shareholder's stock ban was lifted, the venture capital fund has reduced its holdings three times. The first time was when Bluestar Technology broke through 1 trillion US dollars and reduced its holdings by 0.45%, cashing out 4.88 billion US dollars; the second time was when the market value was 1.89 trillion US dollars. At that time, it reduced its holdings by 0.22% again, and cashed out US$4.09 billion; the third time was when the market value exceeded US$3 trillion and reduced its holdings by 1.05%, cashing out US$32.8 billion.

A total of 1.72% was reduced three times, and the accumulated cash-out profit was 41.7 billion US dollars. In the past few years of Bluestar Technology, the venture capital fund participated in two dips in the gold pits, including the most recent one was Sequoia University. Popular smashed gold pit.

At present, the venture capital fund still holds 4.01% of the shares of Bluestar Technology, which is still the seventh largest shareholder among the top ten shareholders.

It is no exaggeration to say that the achievements of Liu Wenhe Venture Capital Fund today actually depended on his key shot betting on Luo Sheng, but this one shot surpassed all his records, nothing more than this. Excellent investment, and thus achieved a venture capital fund with an asset scale of more than 600 billion yuan, killing a lot of peers in seconds.

At this moment, in a reception room in the headquarters of the venture capital fund, Liu Wen is discussing with the senior management of a large domestic company. This company is listed on the big A and has a market value of more than 300 billion yuan. Trouble, exports accounted for more than half of the company's revenue, and its performance fell far short of expectations due to the Sequoia pandemic. The venture capital fund holds 10.02% of the company's shares and is the third-largest shareholder.

Apparently seeking financing.

At this moment, Liu Wen's secretary entered the reception room for the first time and interrupted the conversation between the two parties. Liu Wen couldn't help frowning.

"Mr. Liu, you have a phone number..."

Liu Wen interrupted the secretary with displeasure: "Didn't you see that I was communicating with President Lu? No matter who's phone is, let him call back later."

Mr. Lu, who was sitting opposite, lowered his head and took a sip of tea as if nothing had happened. He behaved quite calmly, as if waiting for Liu Wen to reprimand his subordinates before continuing the conversation.

The secretary hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Mr. Liu, this call is from Mr. Luo Sheng."

"I didn't say let him call again later... uh..." Liu Wen was stunned as he spoke, and immediately turned his head to look at the secretary and quickly said, "What did you say? The call from Mr. Luo ?"

The secretary nodded.

Liu Wen: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


President Lu: "..."

Liu Wen turned to look at Mr. Lu and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I'll talk about this for another day, sorry!"

President Lu: "..."

Seeing Liu Wen walking quickly and quickly disappearing from sight, this Mr. Lu was very speechless, and just felt that his weight was very heavy to Liu Wen.

I didn't expect to be slapped in the face in an instant. It would be a lie to say that it doesn't matter if I was neglected like this, but I could only give up with a wry smile. Thinking of the name of the big guy mentioned by Liu Wen, President Lu asked himself if Luo Sheng personally Calling him, no matter what, you must answer it immediately, not to mention Liu Wen, who took off by investing in Luo Sheng.

Although he understands it well, Liu Wen's utilitarian dog-licking behavior still makes President Lu feel unhappy.

I just heard that Liu Wen's mouth is full of love,

Now that it's business from start to finish, Mr. Lu seems to have imagined the scene of Liu Wen talking to Luo Sheng with a licking face in his office, and he couldn't help shaking his wit, with a look of contempt and disgust.

"Let's go, let's talk about it another day!" Mr. Lu got up and didn't stay any longer. While he was contemptuous, he thought that in a few days, he would still have to come and beg others, not to lick them. Thinking about it, he was inexplicably annoyed.

Mr. Lu left the venture capital fund headquarters with mixed feelings.


On the other side, in Liu Wen's office, the first time he answered the phone after he came in, he apologized with laughter and laughter: "Mr. Luo, I was neglected just now. I'm really sorry for making you wait for a long time."

Actually it didn't take long.

But Liu Wen didn't dare to neglect him at all. He was regarded as a noble person by him. Most importantly, he clearly remembered that this was the first time Luo Sheng had called him in seven or eight years.

At this moment, Luo Sheng is sitting on the boss's chair in his private office, holding a landline phone and leaning back on the chair with a smile: "I should be the one to say sorry. It's rather abrupt to take the liberty to interrupt, and I hope it doesn't cause you trouble."

Liu Wen smiled and hurriedly said: "Where, no matter how urgent things are, you can't be as anxious as Mr. Luo. I don't know what is the important thing for Mr. Luo this time? Venture capital funds can help you and do your best. ."

Just lick it up and you're done, lick it all the way to the end.

The so-called Three Treasures Palace, for the existence of such a big boss like Luo Sheng, Liu Wen wished that he would call every day, if he could ask himself a favor, he would be extremely happy. valuable.

Well, no matter what, Luo Sheng could hear between the lines and it was really comfortable to lick, and it was more likely that he would be wrong to find Liu Wen this time.

After a while, Luo Sheng responded with a smile: "Then I'll be blunt, there is a new project in the Cote d'Azur recently, and we plan to hand it over to a third-party partner to do it. If you are interested, please ask Mr. Liu to take the lead and bring in a few VCs to put on a stage to sing a good show together.”

Liu Wen was overjoyed when he heard this, and replied with a hearty smile: "Absolutely no problem, as long as it's Mr. Luo's business, there is nothing that venture capital funds are not interested in, and I am afraid that the entire investment circle is also not disinterested, you give the number. Well, how much will it cost to raise?"

What I said... can only be described in two words - blind.

After all, the word "Luo Sheng" means guarantee.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Wen's first thought was to directly say that the venture capital fund can directly contract it, but then he thought that since Luo Sheng said that, he would have to bring in a few more investment institutions. Not right.

Liu Wen still has this kind of awareness and judgment.

At this moment, Luo Sheng smiled in his heart, and immediately replied: "It should cost more than 300 billion yuan. Our plan is to bring in a few friends, Mr. Liu, and use the funds to establish a new type of Internet cafe with a national chain brand. If it goes well, two This brand can be made into a listed company within a year, and it should be able to achieve a market value of more than 500 billion."

Liu Wenyi was a little confused when he heard this: "Mr. Luo, why did you think of going to the sunset industry like Internet cafes?"

Luo Sheng smiled lightly: "That's why I didn't come. Now that I'm here, it will be Chaoyang Industry soon, and it will not be a problem to continue to be popular for fifteen or twenty years."

This loud voice is about to break the rhythm of the sky. If another person said this to Liu Wen in such a tone, he would definitely treat it as a lunatic, but the person who said this is Luo Sheng, that is another matter. .

Liu Wen couldn't help but said curiously, "Mr. Luo, what's your company's new big move?"

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Sell it out first, if President Liu can trust me..."

Liu Wen didn't think much about interrupting him directly, and said firmly: "Of course you can trust it, no problem, you don't need to say more, my venture capital fund will pay 100 billion yuan, and the remaining 200 billion yuan, Mr. Luo only needs Trust me, my venture capital fund will help you pull investors in place, and how to deploy and implement them. Your company will send someone to draw up a plan, and we will just run errands, hahaha~~”

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Mr. Liu has said this for the sake of it, so it's a pleasure to cooperate!"

After finishing the communication, Liu Wen felt very happy, although he didn't know the investment logic of Luo Sheng's sudden smashing of Internet cafes, but he couldn't figure it out anyway.

But...who cares?

As long as the name "Luo Sheng" appears, there is no fear of losing investment. It is the hardest logic for Luo Sheng to do this, and there is really no harder logic than this.

After a while, Liu Wen called his assistant to his office, and as soon as he arrived, he instructed: "Mr. Lu's business, please reply to him, the venture capital fund has new investment targets, and there is not enough liquidity. , let him find someone else."

As soon as the assistant left, Liu Wen pondered what he had just discussed with Luo Sheng, and secretly said: "Luo Sheng is not a master who lacks money, but this project does not involve funds, so what he wants to raise is not money, but To fuse something else...what does he want to fuse?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Wen probably understood Luo Sheng's purpose. Since it is not money that is financed, the answer is obvious. What is financed without money is a series of unique resources such as sophistication, relationships, and connections.

Thinking of this, Liu Wen nodded secretly and said, "Yes, it should be. This explains why he specifically mentioned that he wanted to bring in a few more investors to set up a stage and sing together."

Probably figured it out, and Liu Wen knew what to do next.


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