Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 835 [The layout in full swing]

A week later, the Science and Technology Complex Building.

An Qingxue came to Luo Sheng's office with a document and said, "Liu Wen came to the company headquarters today, and the financing has been done."

"Is it done so soon?"

Luo Sheng glanced at An Qingxue in surprise, and immediately took the material in his hand and opened it at a glance.

An Qingxue smiled and said, "Your name is investment protection. In their eyes, the goal of this kind of investment is to make a steady profit without losing money. Of course, they are rushing to invest money."

Luo Sheng was also noncommittal about this, and continued to browse the data report.

Liu Wen really cares about doing things. After all, he can't care about making a lot of money. This time, he invited some friends to have a meal in just three days through his influence and connections in the investment circle. The meal settled the financing.

There are more than 30 participating institutions, of which a venture capital fund, a VC institution, invested 98 billion yuan, accounting for nearly one-third of the financing scale, followed by investment institutions such as Hillhouse Capital and IDG. .

In addition, Liu Wen also brought in the social security fund, and invested a huge sum of 32 billion state-owned assets.

The total financing scale of more than 30 institutions is 312 billion yuan, which can be solved in one meal.

At the dinner table, when everyone heard Liu Wen say that Luo Sheng came to him for this project, and heard the name "Luo Sheng" without saying a word, they closed their eyes and gave the money.

Luo Sheng closed the documents and said, "Well, give them the company's planning and layout, and let them do it according to the plan."

But it is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng is of course not idle, kind-hearted, and leads them to make a lot of money together. The virtual brain machine is about to be released. Although the development team has tried to reduce costs as much as possible, the threshold is still very high. Many people even connect an Azure - 5X smartphones require months of wages to be affordable, let alone virtual brain machines.

But this is not inexplicable. In the early years of the new century, the price of computers at that time was also an expensive product that most people could not afford at that time. The problems between humans and virtual brain machines are similar.

However, the Internet cafes that have sprung up like mushrooms are still accelerating the vigorous development of the Internet. The release of the virtual brain computer faces the same problem. Obviously, the Internet cafes have pointed out the way forward for early development, and there are successful experiences ahead. can learn from.

The general public cannot afford virtual brain computers, but if there are businesses that provide rental services with a business model similar to Internet cafes, there is no doubt that the threshold for the general public to enter the virtual world can be greatly reduced, or even no threshold.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars can't be taken out, and dozens of dollars are always fine, right?

The purpose of this financing is to create a new type of Internet cafe chain brand composed of virtual brain computers nationwide, bringing more people into the virtual world.

In the following days, with the arrival of consultants from the headquarters of the Cote d'Azur, Liu Wen and other capital institutions quickly established a brand-new company, Xingyu Internet Cafe, through their personal connections.

A large-scale super Internet cafe enterprise was born.


In a third-tier city in China, it is almost dusk now. A large number of workers are streaming out of the gates of several large electronics factories in the city, and it is already off-duty time.

Among the people who got off work, a few young people walked towards the city after having a quick meal after get off work. The destination they went to was a local Internet cafe called "Ewang Wuji".

"What the hell? This..." When one of the young men came to the Internet cafe, he found that several renovation workers were dismantling the signs and decorations of the Internet cafe.

"Isn't this Nima's? I only charged a hundred dollars yesterday..." The young man glanced around for a while, and saw the familiar network manager doing his work, he went over and asked, "Dude, what's the situation? Now Can you get online?"

The network management replied: "I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time, it's being renovated and upgraded.


"Renovation? It's dishonest, buddy, but I remember chatting with you one day that the owner of the Internet cafe upgraded the equipment last time because of the fire of the chicken-eating game. As a result, the game is now half cold, and the loss went to grandma's house. Still spending money to upgrade? Don't tease me." The young man obviously didn't believe it. Even an ordinary netizen knew that Internet cafes had already become a sunset industry and were no longer making money. Who would foolishly invest in higher cost upgrades?

Not long after he finished speaking, he saw several network administrators and some strangers in the Internet cafe came downstairs with computer hosts and monitors, and sent them to a truck.

Apparently going to be towed away.

When the young man saw it, he turned his head and said to the network manager, "Brother, you are lying to us. What kind of upgrade is this? It's clearly running away, and the money we charged will be refunded to us."

Seeing the dissatisfied expressions of several old customers, the network manager sighed helplessly, and had to explain: "It's like this, the owner of this Internet cafe has changed, and the original owner has been sold. If it closes, we'll still be here. Flying, we will dry the wool without paying wages."

"real or fake?"

"It's true, buddy, if you have a balance and want to refund it, just go to the cashier upstairs, you can refund it, but the amount sent is not refundable, and the account points will be eliminated after the refund. "The network manager explained patiently, this is not the first batch of customers he explained today.

"Okay, how long will it take to renovate?"

"I heard it's going to be a few months."

"I'll go, after so long, then refund the money."

Watching these customers headed upstairs to the Internet cafe, the network manager didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't care, and continued to work on his own.


At the same time, in a working room inside the Internet cafe, the original boss was sitting with several other men in suits and ties. The two parties quickly signed and signed a document and exchanged contracts.

"No problem, all the assets of this Internet cafe are yours." The former Internet cafe owner smiled, shook hands with the other party, and after signing the transfer contract, he was inexplicably relieved.

"If Mr. Wang wants to engage in this industry again in the future, he can join our Xingyu Internet Cafe chain brand. This is my business card and the contact information is on it."

"Hahaha, okay, no problem, I'll definitely call you when I get a chance." Boss Wang said with a laugh, but he secretly said in his heart: It's hard to get rid of it, and the fool only jumped into the pit for the second time.

He took over this Internet cafe from the previous boss for more than three years. He thought that the fire of chicken-eating games would give the Internet cafe industry new firepower, so he invested a lot of money to upgrade the Internet cafe.

In the end, I was not happy that the popularity of the chicken-eating game was not as good as day by day, which led to the loss of all the money invested. After three years, not only did I not make any money, but I even lost 700,000 to 800,000 yuan after calculating the total account.

Now that someone has finally come to pick up the plate and can let go, only if there is a hole in the brain will he jump in again, and leave here after a few greetings.


With the passage of time, the computer mainframes, monitors, servers, seats and other facilities in the Internet cafes have all been removed one after another. lock up.

"The headquarters has allocated 3.72 million as the decoration fee. The overall style and planned decoration should be implemented by the construction party according to this manuscript. Remember not to modify it without authorization."

"Understood, no problem. Anyway, I will do what I want to do here."

"Well, how many employees are there now?"

"Seven network managers, two cashiers, a foreman and a cooking aunt, plus me, there are 12 people in total."

"There are 15 more network administrators, one more cashier, one foreman is not enough, and one is responsible for the night shift and the day shift, all of which will be paid by 30% according to the original salary level, including room and board, and the staff dormitory will be allocated to a room of four people. The employees in the dormitory are subsidized by 300 per person per month, and the food expenses they eat outside are subsidized by 760 per person per month. That’s about it. In addition, the hired employees must sign a formal labor contract. The ID card and the procedures are not standardized at all, and Xingyu has taken over all this with clear rules and regulations."


"The machine won't arrive for a few months, that's all, I'll leave it to you here."

The leaders from the headquarters walked around this Internet cafe for a while and then left. This city has acquired three Internet cafes. This is the last one. City.

Next, there are more than 20 cities in charge of six or seven cities waiting to process, integrate and sign transfer agreements, and the time is also very urgent.


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