Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 836 [Shock and attention from the outside world]

In the evening, the computer monitors and other hardware equipment of the Internet cafe "E-wang Wuji" were all emptied and transported away by several trucks, and several network managers were also tired and hopeless.

After the door of the Internet cafe was closed, several network managers, cashiers, foreman and others came to the office on the second floor.

Manager Lin Tongfang was sitting on a chair, sorting out the contract documents that he had just printed out, and seeing that everyone had arrived, he said, "From today onwards, our Internet cafe will be officially renamed 'Xingyu Internet Cafe 100709', with the mantissa. It means that we are the 709th, and you have probably already known some of the situations, so I won’t say much. This time, we have changed to a new owner with strong capital. Xingyu Internet Cafe is a newly established national chain brand. The goal is to listed."

A network manager present said curiously, "Brother Lin, what is the origin of our new owner?"

Lin Tongfang said: "You just need to know that you are a good master."

In fact, he didn't know who the bosses were. Lin Tongfang was just a part-timer. Although he was called a manager, he was only a manager who managed the normal operation of an Internet cafe. His level was far from that level.

At the end, Lin Tongfang took out more than a dozen ID cards from the drawer and returned them to everyone, saying, "Everyone keep your own ID cards, and now they will be returned to you, so they won't be overwhelmed by Internet cafes. Besides, this is Let’s take a look at the official employment contract of the coffee, if you want to continue working here, you can sign it, and if you don’t want to do it, you can settle your wages today.”

After speaking, a copy was distributed to everyone. In fact, the contract was not too thick, no more than three or five pages. Everyone was curious to take a look.

You know, before that, they never signed a formal labor contract at all, just withholding an ID card. They also know that there is no guarantee at all. If something really happens, they can only admit that they are unlucky, but there is no way. , it is good to be able to eat a meal, but it is impossible to work in a factory.

One of the network managers present was surprised when he saw this content: "Brother Lin? Is it true? And social security?"

Lin Tongfang smiled and said: "Of course it's true, Lao Wang was a self-employed industrial and commercial household, but he was actually tax evasion. Now the new owner is that the company's operations are all standardized, not only social security, but also look at the contract agreement that follows. , a series of welfare upgrades have been carried out.”

As they looked back, the network administrators present were all surprised and showed surprised faces.

The first is the improvement of accommodation treatment. From ordinary rental buildings, simple single rooms are replaced by rental apartments, and it is two bedrooms and one living room, with a total of about 60 square meters. The two bedrooms will be changed to four, and the number of people looking for decoration companies will increase. On one floor, each person has an independent single room. Four people share common spaces such as living room and bathroom. Basic home appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines are available.

This is quite different from the previous six or seven people huddled in a large single room living in bunks and bunks without any home appliances.

It is impossible to resign just by seeing this treatment.

Everyone did not hesitate to tick the option of housing. The dormitory that does not live in the company will only be subsidized by 300 yuan. This 300 yuan will definitely not be able to rent a house with such conditions. Only a fool wants that 300 yuan subsidy.

I also choose to use the meals provided by the company, without food subsidies. These are young people, especially a few network managers, who cannot cook and eat by themselves. After asking for a food subsidy, they end up either ordering takeaways or eating fast food at restaurants outside.

After about a few minutes, everyone signed the new formal labor contract, and several network managers were thankful that they did not leave their jobs.

The new labor contract has been confirmed in terms of treatment, and all of them will increase their monthly salary by 30% at the level of the original treatment.

Before, they were all paid dead wages, but now they are divided into basic salary, attendance, bonus, housing allowance, meal allowance, social security, etc. There is no subsidy for meal allowance and housing allowance if you choose to include room and board, and attendance is a full attendance bonus, monthly If you are late for three times within the month, there will be no full attendance bonus.

The salary of the network administrator is a fixed salary of 2,200 yuan per month. The current basic salary has risen to 2,340 yuan, and the attendance bonus is 200 yuan. The monthly bonus is divided into five stars. From one star to five stars, they correspond to 180 yuan, 280 yuan and 380 yuan respectively , 580 yuan, 1180 yuan.

In fact, no matter how it is designed and how it is divided, the general ledger of the financial department of Xingyu company is very clear, and the total income paid to the network management is about 3500~4000 yuan on average.

The design of these five stars can realize the reduction of employees' salary expenditure, and at the same time give the Internet cafe manager a certain authority, because the rating is based on the performance of the employees.

In theory, everyone can get the five-star bonus, but in fact, only the manager knows that there are unspoken rules, and it also restricts the manager's power, that is, only one person can get the five-star bonus every month, and the same person can get the five-star bonus. It is only taken three times a year at most. This is to restrict the manager and someone below to make a joint to divide the bonus.

Otherwise, it is possible to keep giving the bonus to the same person.

New employees have no bonus for the first three months. After three months, as long as they don’t make any big mistakes, they can get a minimum bonus of 180 yuan in principle. After three months, they can get a bonus of 280 yuan in principle, and after three months, they can get a bonus of 480 yuan. The bonus is basically 680 yuan every month after one year.

Internet cafe managers can't arbitrarily decide the amount of bonuses to be given to employees. This is not clearly written into the labor contract. It is an unspoken rule.

It can be seen that the salary of an ordinary network administrator after one year of service is 3,120 yuan per month.

After a gimmicky operation, the monthly salary is still 3,000 yuan. The current network manager is actually a waiter. At most, he knows a little about computer assembly. If a customer encounters a problem, he will restart Dafa.

The treatment in this third-tier city is worth two or three thousand yuan a month. Relatively speaking, Xingyu Internet Cafe has increased its salary and added other benefits to kill its peers. You must know that the average waiter in this city is average. The salary is around 2,200 yuan, which is much higher than the average salary standard in the city.

If this salary is thrown away, a large number of people will come to apply for jobs. Even if the salary is reduced to 2,500, they are not afraid that they will not be recruited. The most important thing in the country is this kind of low-end labor resources, not to mention the great robot industry revolution. coming.

In addition, the network administrators of the Internet cafes will give a bonus of network fees every month, and the amount is linked to the star rating. For example, if you get a bonus of 380 yuan from Samsung in the month, you can get 380 yuan of network fees.

When the network administrators are young people, they all need to access the Internet, but the bonus network fee benefits are prohibited from reselling. If it is found that the monthly bonus and network fee benefits will be cancelled.

The basic salary of the cashier is 150 yuan more than that of the ordinary network manager, and the salary of the foreman is 700 yuan more than that of the ordinary network manager. Of course, the highest salary is the manager of the Internet cafe, with a total monthly income of 12,700 yuan and an independent set of about 75 square meters. Finely decorated housing in the community, as well as meal allowance of 2,000 yuan, etc.

In terms of year-end bonuses, cashiers, cleaning aunts, cooking aunts, network administrators, and foreman are all paid on an average monthly salary, which is equivalent to an extra month's salary.

The manager's year-end bonus is equal to three months' salary.

After signing the contract, everyone left work contentedly, and they were glad that they did not quit their jobs, because they stayed as old employees, and there was no claim that there was no bonus for the first three months, and the bonuses actually paid to these employees were based on one year of service. A monthly bonus of 580 yuan is issued.

This is not Lin Tongfang's decision, but the regulations of the headquarters of Xingyu Company. The purpose is to create poor treatment, which is beneficial to the management of new employees who are recruited later. Seeing that the treatment of colleagues is also more motivated, it is a little more. urge.

The treatment of employees of major Xingyu Internet cafes nationwide is uniformly implemented according to this system, but the specific salary amount fluctuates according to the economic and consumption level of the city where they are located. In the metropolis, if the basic salary is 2,200 yuan, it is definitely unreasonable.


With the passage of time, Xingyu Internet Cafe has integrated the Internet cafe industry on a large scale nationwide, and the movement is not small.

Some media organizations learned about their shareholders and employers through the Tianyancha APP, and they were finally exposed by the media. Internet cafes, an industry that has almost been ignored by the mainstream, has become a hot news and has attracted more and more attention.

The outside world is shocked that the registered capital of Xingyu Internet Cafe has reached an exaggerated 2 billion yuan. It is just a chain of Internet cafes...

What is even more surprising is the astronomical figure of 318.5 billion yuan written on the list of its total assets.

And I saw the names of the venture capital funds, Hillhouse Capital and other institutions that are very popular in the investment world. They all appeared on the list of shareholders of Xingyu Internet Cafe, and even saw the name of the social security fund. This is a state-owned asset... His jaw dropped in shock, and the 24K titanium alloy dog's eyes were blinded.

Obviously, with the continuous exposure, Xingyu Internet Cafe has become the focus of attention. At this time, everyone has a question in their hearts: What is the sacredness of this sudden Xingyu Internet Cafe? It will lead to the fanatical pursuit of so many top capital and smart funds, and even the social security fund has followed suit.

The people who eat melons know that something big must have happened behind this, but it has not surfaced yet, but it is a big thing, just wait for the melons to be eaten.


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