Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 837 [Price Confirmation]

With the exposure of Xingyu Internet Cafe, more and more people and media organizations are eager to know what has happened in the Internet cafe industry. The headquarters of Xingyu Internet Cafe was completed in the office building of the central building in Shencheng, and the incident was exposed. After that, he was surrounded by media reporters.

The bigwigs of the top capital institutions in the industry, such as venture capital funds and Hillhouse Capital, were also asked about this by reporters who were interviewed in some public occasions, but the mouths of the bigwigs were very strict, and there was nothing valuable at all. 's breaking news.

In fact, even if they wanted to break the news, they didn't have much information to expose, because they knew very little, and the biggest source was to say Luo Sheng's name.

The more it is like this, the more it makes people scratch like a cat, and the more they feel that there is definitely a big surprise in it.

As a result, many media organizations went directly to chain Internet cafes to collect information, but the information obtained was of little value, either in renovations or upgrades, and consulting those Internet cafe managers did not get any useful value, because they did not know, then Not to mention ordinary network administrators.

To say that the people who are most concerned about this matter are the owners of Internet cafes across the country, large and small. their lingering words.

As practitioners in this industry, these Internet cafe owners, if they think about it a little more, will realize that the entire industry is about to usher in an inflection point when they see Xingyu Company that was born out of nowhere.

It is anxious and confusing for them.

On the one hand, with great anticipation, on the other hand, with anxiety, Xingyu Internet Cafe's "10,000-store chain" grand strategy is in full swing, and the rapid expansion is progressing.

This gives two directions for today's big and small Internet cafe owners. On the one hand, they can sell the hot potato in their hands. Now Xingyu Company is taking over large-scale mergers and acquisitions, which is a good opportunity to sell, and may miss this opportunity later. It's even harder.

You must know that the life of Internet cafes nowadays is more difficult than most people imagine. Many Internet cafe owners are losing money. Some Internet celebrity Internet cafes opened by Internet anchors were initially popular, but they quickly declined and continued to make profits. Ability is worrying.

Big data will not deceive people. Taking this year's data as an example, more than 1,200 Internet cafe-related enterprises nationwide have newly registered, but more than 7,000 have been revoked or cancelled in the same period. In many cases, the industry as a whole has shown an obvious negative growth trend.

But on the other hand, I am afraid that it will be sold and fly away. If the Internet cafe industry takes off because of this inflection point, I will not regret the rhythm of slapping my thighs if I die before dawn.

Obviously, this is a dilemma, but in the end it is a choice.

As a result, some Internet cafe owners chose to take this opportunity to transfer and cash out, and some Internet cafe owners chose to join Xingyu Company's "10,000-store chain" strategy and become a minority shareholder without real power in Xingyu Company based on the asset price.

These franchised bosses bet that Xingyu Company will be successfully listed in the future. The shares in their hands after the consideration are the original shares. Once the listing is successful, the shares in their hands are the shares in the primary market. After the issuance and circulation in the secondary market, the value must be A few times the premium.

Moreover, as minority shareholders, they do not have a restricted sale period. They can cash out through secondary market transactions on the day of listing, or they can continue to hold them for an increase. At their own discretion, they will also receive dividends if they hold them. Of course, the premise is that Xingyu Company is willing to Unwilling to share profits with dividends.

Those who are willing to join, although there is also a gambling element, it is not without logic. The biggest logic is to see that the major shareholders of Xingyu Company are all top capital institutions such as venture capital funds, Hillhouse Capital and so on.

In fact, with a little brainstorming and a little quicker, I know that Xingyu Company is going to be listed 100%, and even the social security fund is in it. Is it possible not to go public?

As long as the listing is successful, you can make a lot of money, because the price in hand is the original stock,

It is a stock in the primary market. Even if it falls below the issue price, as long as it is sold on the opening day, it is a steady profit.


In the following days, Xingyu Internet Cafe was expanding frantically, and the owners of more than 200,000 Internet cafes realized that this was a take-off.

As a result, the phone of Xingyu Company was blown up, and they all begged and cried and shouted to join. After a long time, the content of the interpretation became more and more clear, and even fools knew that this could make a lot of money and make a fortune.

Joining the Xingyu Internet Cafe Chain is equivalent to the shareholders of Big A subscribe for stocks, and those who are successfully approved are equivalent to those who have won the lottery. In Big A, as long as the new shares are signed, it often means a 100% steady profit.

The outbreak of hot spots in the physical industry also brought emotions to the stock market, and the cloud gaming sector inexplicably rose for two days.

As time passed, Internet cafes announced their closure and upgrading. The Internet cafes in the first-, second-, and third-tier cities were basically integrated by Xingyu.

These bosses basically don't have to do anything after joining, just waiting for Xingyu's IPO to make money.

It seems that these bosses found a huge bargain, but in fact, of course, they also contributed capital and took certain risks. This is the second large-scale financing. You must know that purchasing a virtual brain machine later is an astronomical expense. .

There is a large-scale expansion here, and the virtual brain-computer equipment will be shipped after the renovation and upgrade. However, so far, Internet cafe managers, including capital institutions such as Hillhouse Capital and Venture Capital Fund, do not know about it.

Now, I completely blindly trust Luo Sheng and continue to advance the project. I have to say that this is the most illogical but also the most logical investment reason.

On the other hand, the upstream and downstream supply chains of virtual brain machines are also fully producing and supplying them in large quantities, and then delivered to the Cote d'Azur, where final assembly is completed at the company's headquarters, and virtual brain machines go out of the production line and enter the inventory.

At the same time, preparations for the launch of the virtual brain machine are also in full swing.


Time comes to May, the video conference of the core decision-making level of the Cote d'Azur.

At this moment, Luo Sheng is in his home with Gao Hua, Yao Jianhong and others on a video call. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that Gao Hua has participated in a meeting of the core decision-making level.

Everyone knows in their hearts that Gao Hua has actually entered the core decision-making level of this super giant on the Cote d'Azur, and now there is only one name left.

Yao Jianhong said: "The press conference of the virtual brain machine has been prepared, and it has been announced to the public. It will be held as scheduled in a week."

Gao Hua then said: "As for the pricing and sales of the brain computer, we have reached a consensus. Mr. Luo, if you nod your head, it will be accepted."

Luo Sheng replied: "Tell me about it."

Gao Hua nodded and responded: "We have prepared two versions, one is the deluxe version to meet the needs of some rich and niche people, that is, memory, hard drives, processors and other hardware are all available, not cloud rental services, pricing 1.22 million per unit."

A single DNA storage disk costs more than 100,000 yuan. Where ordinary people can afford it, choosing to buy a version that supports cloud services is not enough.

However, there are always some local tyrants who are not bad. If you have money, you are a fool. If you can make one, you are one.

Gao Hua continued: "The other is the regular version. The official guide price is 49,999 yuan. Although the price is twice as expensive as the Azure-5X, the profit may be about 1,000 yuan less."

Luo Sheng said nonchalantly: "This is not a big problem. Expanding users and increasing the denominator will definitely exceed the total profit of mobile phones. Besides, there are many smartphone brands, but there is only one virtual brain computer in the world with no branches. We monopolize all profits alone. With the corpse of Intel x86, the corpse of all game consoles, and the corpse of all VR devices crowned and crowned, as long as the Internet does not disappear from now on, this will be an eternal cash cow, and the strong will become stronger.”

Whether it's the Riviera's own console, Sony's PS console, Microsoft's Xbox console, or Nintendo's Switch console, VR devices will become history.

These terminal devices are all vulnerable to the epoch-making high-tech products such as virtual brain machines.

Luo Sheng decided without thinking, "Okay, I agree with this price."


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